- 我方抢占机器人
We have the robot. |
机器人归我们了。 |
Come with us. |
跟我们走。 |
The robot is ours. |
机器人是我们的了。 |
- 敌方抢占机器人
Take back the robot! |
把机器人夺回来! |
We cannot allow them to keep the robot! |
不能让他们掌控机器人! |
The enemy has the robot! |
敌人控制了机器人! |
- 我方机器人
Proceed with me. |
跟我一起上。 |
Forging a path. |
道路开启。 |
Let's move forward. |
该出发了。 |
- 敌方机器人
Let's put a stop to that. |
去给他们画上句号。 |
We must stop the enemy, now! |
必须赶紧阻止敌人! |
The enemy is pushing their barricade! |
敌人正在推进挡板! |
- 我方机器人
Let's keep it up. |
保持这股势头。 |
Leading by example. |
强者就是典范。 |
The lead is ours. |
优势属于我们。 |
- 敌方机器人
We cannot allow them to proceed! |
不能再放任他们推进了! |
We need to take back the lead! |
我们得夺回优势! |
They pushed past us! |
敌人超过我们了! |
- 想要继续推进机器人
Advance the robot. |
推动机器人。 |
Move the robot. |
让机器人动起来。 |
- 想要阻止敌方继续推进机器人
Stop the robot. |
拦住机器人。 |
We must stop that robot. |
必须拦住机器人。 |
- 我方机动推进
We're almost there. Take the lead! |
就要领先了。拿下优势! |
The gap narrows. |
差距缩小了。 |
The lead is almost ours. |
优势马上就是我们的了。 |
- 敌方机动推进
They're pushing ahead! Stop them! |
敌人正在推进!阻止他们! |
We're about to lose the lead! |
我们就要失去优势了! |
Don't let them take the lead! |
别让他们领先了! |
- 机动推进
This is our last chance. Get that robot! |
最后的机会了。夺回机器人! |
We need to drive them away from the robot! |
把他们从机器人身边赶走! |
Victory is in sight. Stay with the robot! |
胜利就在眼前。跟紧机器人! |
- 机动推进
Last stretch. We can win if we capture the robot! |
最后一战。拿下机器人,我们就能赢! |
Show them our strength. Take the robot! |
给他们点颜色看看。夺回机器人! |
We're so close; keep the robot and we'll win! |
只差一点儿了,守住机器人,我们就能赢! |
- 想要占领目标点
Attack the objective!![]() |
攻击目标点! |
- 我方正在占领目标点
Attaining the objective! |
正在抢占目标点! |
I am on the objective. Report here now. |
我在目标点。快过来。 |
Seizing the objective. Rally here! |
正在夺取目标点。这里集合! |
- 敌方正在占领目标点
Remove them from the objective! |
把他们赶出目标点! |
We are losing the objective! Push them out! |
目标点就要丢掉了!干掉他们! |
They are stealing the objective! |
他们正在窃取目标点! |
- 我方正在防守目标点
Defend the objective!![]() |
守住目标点! |
- 呼叫队友推进
Let's get the payload moving.![]() |
让运载目标前进吧。 |
- 呼叫队友截停
Stop the payload!![]() |
阻止运载目标! |
- 护送运载目标
Winners stay on the payload.![]() |
只有强者才能得到运载目标。 |
The payload is advancing, as it should. |
运载目标正按计划前进。 |
Driving the payload forward. |
让运载目标向前推进。 |
The payload is progressing nicely. |
运载目标的进展很顺利。 |
- 我方运载目标
The payload has stopped. Why? |
运载目标不走了。给我个理由。 |
Get the payload moving now. |
快让运载目标动起来。 |
The payload is idle. Push it forward! |
别让运载目标停下来。快推! |
- 敌方运载目标
Delay the payload's advancement! |
拖住运载目标! |
Stall that payload or else! |
拦住运载目标,不然给我等着! |
Cut off the payload! |
挡住运载目标! |
- 运载目标
There is no more time. Seize victory, now! |
没时间了,快去夺取胜利! |
Time draws short. Prevail, or die. |
抓紧时间,非胜即死。 |
Time is running out! Charge! |
时间不多了!给我冲! |
- 运载目标
They're getting desperate. Hold your ground. |
他们没戏了,给我守住。 |
We've almost won. Stand strong a little longer. |
胜利近在咫尺,再坚持一会儿。 |
Hold up the defense until the end! |
稳住防守,血战到底! |
- 夺取敌方旗帜
Get their flag!![]() |
快把他们的旗帜夺过来! |
Capture the flag!![]() |
夺取旗帜! |
- 拿到敌方旗帜
I will lead us to victory.![]() |
我会带你们赢得胜利。 |
That's how it's done.![]() |
就该如此。 |
- 保护我方旗帜
Protect our flag!![]() |
保护我们的旗帜! |
Defend our flag!![]() |
守住我们的旗帜! |
- 我方丢下旗帜
Dropping the flag.![]() |
扔下旗帜了。 |
Giving up the flag.![]() |
我放下旗帜了。 |
- 敌人夺取我方旗帜
Let's not let that happen again.![]() |
别再让敌人得逞了。 |
That did not go as planned.![]() |
那可不在计划之内。 |
- 敌人丢下我方旗帜
Someone send our flag back to base!![]() |
快把我们的旗帜拿回基地! |
They've dropped our flag. Get it back!![]() |
他们扔下我们的旗帜了。快去拿回来! |
- 敌人拿到旗帜
They have our flag!![]() |
我们的旗帜在他们手里! |
Get our flag back!![]() |
把我们的旗帜拿回来! |
- 抢回我方旗帜
We need to get our flag back!![]() |
快把我们的旗帜拿回来! |
Get our flag back!![]() |
把我们的旗帜拿回来! |
- 送回我方旗帜
Not this time.![]() |
这次可不行。 |
Returning the flag to base.![]() |
正在归还旗帜。 |
- 捡起敌方旗帜
I have the flag.![]() |
我拿到旗帜了。 |
Taking the flag.![]() |
正在夺取旗帜。 |
I am capturing the flag.![]() |
我正在夺取旗帜。 |