I win this time.![]() |
这次是我赢了。 |
I can read your every move.![]() |
我能看清你的每个动作。 |
Not strong enough.![]() |
太弱了。 |
Your time's run out.![]() |
你们的时代已经过去了。 |
Knock, knock.![]() |
还有谁? |
You were weak. |
你真弱。 |
At least try. |
至少挣扎一下吧。 |
Haven't lost my touch. |
我的身手还不赖。 |
Exterminated. |
灭了你。 |
You failed. |
你失败了。 |
What a shame. |
丢人现眼。 |
Selected against. |
物竞天择。 |
What was your plan? |
你本来是想干什么来着? |
The future has no place for you. |
你看不到未来了。 |
Weakness punished. |
弱是原罪。 |
Insignificant! |
不值一提! |
No match. |
不堪一击。 |
(Long chuckle). |
(长笑) |
You are a disgrace. |
你真丢人。 |
A fatal flaw. |
致命的缺陷。 |
Pathetic. |
真可悲。 |
You were vulnerable. |
脆弱不堪。 |
This is the consequence of your cowardice. |
这就是懦夫的下场。 |
- 待分类
I read the pattern in the raindrops. |
我看清了雨中的波纹。 |
- 战地指挥官
Your cruelty ends now. |
你的残暴到此为止了。 |
Justice never forgets. |
正义永不遗忘。 |
May you rest in peace. |
愿你得到安息。 |
Your crimes will not be missed. |
你的罪行逃不过制裁。 |
Goodness always has the last word. |
善良总能笑到最后。 |
The future belongs to the just! |
未来属于正义的一方! |
The oppressor learns the hard way. |
只有拳头才能让压迫者学到教训。 |
Only the good triumph. |
邪不胜正。 |
A shame. You could have saved the world. |
可悲,你本来可以拯救这个世界的。 |
No longer will your hammer punish the weak. |
你的重锤休想再压迫弱者了。 |
- 碎骨者
The galaxy belongs to no one! |
银河不属于任何人! |
It's not too late to join the resistance. |
现在加入我们的反抗还来得及。 |
I will end the reign of the Infinite! |
我会终结无限军团的统治! |
Stop believing in that fool of an emperor. |
别再信那个蠢货帝皇的话了。 |
You're little more than a pawn to the Emperor. |
在帝皇眼里,你不过就是枚棋子。 |
Back to your Kuiper Belt! |
滚回你的柯伊伯带去! |
Your reign ends today, emperor. |
你的统治到此为止了,帝皇。 |
- 黑爪成员
Your services are no longer required. |
“黑爪”已经用不上你了。 |
Remember your place.![]() |
别忘了自己的身份。 |
I expected more from you.![]() |
我原本很看好你。 |
Betrayal has a price. |
背叛是要付出代价的。 |
I'm the strongest version of myself. |
我才是最强的“末日铁拳”。 |
You look like me, but you don't move like me. |
你长得像我,但一点都不如我。 |
Eclipsed. |
日食了。 |
No brains nor brawn. |
头脑简单,四肢贫弱。 |
Aesthetics are a distraction. |
所谓的美学都是虚的。 |
Numbani deserves better. |
你配不上努巴尼。 |
Rage is your weakness. |
愤怒是你的弱点。 |
All brawn, no brain. |
四肢发达,头脑简单。 |
You still refuse footwear? |
你还是不愿意穿鞋吗? |
Remember? you demanded this challenge. |
记住,这场挑战是你自找的。 |
Try three hearts next time. |
下次装三颗心脏再来试试。 |
Don't ask for a rematch. |
你就别想再跟我比了。 |
And that's why I'm the boss. |
这下知道为什么我能当老大了吧。 |
We trained you better than this. |
受了我们的训练,不该是这种水平。 |
- 击杀使用
Like a snowball down a hill. |
(笑)跟个滚下山的雪球一样。 |
- 击杀使用
I instructed you to be more careful, Reyes. |
我不是告诉过你要小心吗,莱耶斯。 |
- 击杀使用
Your rage is pointless. |
你的怒火毫无意义。 |
You should never let down your guard. Never! |
记住,永远不要放松警惕! |
Two Amaris foiled at once. |
两个艾玛莉加在一起也赢不了我。 |
- 击杀使用
Do not make promises you cannot keep. |
话不要说得太早。 |
Try to land on your feet. (Laugh). |
记住脚先着地。(大笑) |
Cause and effect. |
百因必有果。 |
Foolishness has consequences. |
愚蠢的代价。 |
Death awaits. |
死亡在等待。 |
If you can't fly, fall. |
要么会飞,要么等死。 |
Doom awaits you below. |
下面只有末日。 |
I didn't forget about you.![]() |
我可不会忘了你。 |
I always have the last word.![]() |
我总能笑到最后。 |
I thought you were a challenger. |
我还以为你有两下子…… |
In the end, I was better. |
事实证明,我更强。 |
- 低生命击杀
You thought me vulnerable. (snort). |
你是不是以为我快不行了。(哼) |
- 击杀使用位移技能的目标
Test my reflexes? Ha! |
想试试我的反应?哈! |
I was faster. |
没我快。 |
- 背后击杀
Never turn your back on a threat. |
记住,不要背对威胁。 |
- 击杀被困的目标(存疑)
An immobilized target is an unsatisfying kill. |
啊,不能动的靶子打起来没什么意思。 |
- 1v1击杀
Caught in a stampede. |
逃不出我的连打。 |
You left an opening. |
你露出破绽了。 |
A deadly rhythm. |
致命的节奏。 |
Cross me and die. |
叛我者死。 |
Now do you understand? |
现在明白了吗? |
This duel is finished. |
胜负已分。 |
You put up a poor fight. |
真是自不量力。 |
Do I make myself clear? |
不用我多说什么了吧? |
The main event is over. |
都结束了。 |
A unanimous victory. |
大获全胜。 |
The underdog falls. |
以弱胜强?做梦。 |
The earth trembles. |
灭地铁拳。 |
The ground trembles! |
大地在震颤! |
Tracked down. |
逮到你了。 |
Pursued and brought down. |
别想从我手里逃走。 |
Your fate was sealed. |
这是你逃不脱的命运。 |
Why run? |
跑什么呢? |
Be glad it wasn't a meteor shower. |
你就庆幸我灭的是地不是宇宙吧。 |
Intercepted. |
空中拦截。 |
Pulverized. |
粉身碎骨。 |
(dismissive chuckle). |
(轻蔑的笑) |
Lights out. |
安息吧。 |
To dust. |
吃土去吧。 |
Down and out. |
抬走,下一个。 |
Knocked out. |
一拳放倒。 |
Crushed! |
碾碎你! |
A lethal blow. |
致命一击。 |
Disqualified. |
你被淘汰了。 |
Feast upon that knuckle sandwich. |
这一拳你喜欢吗? |
Blasted! |
轰成碎粉! |
Too slow. |
太慢了。 |
To stardust. |
归于星尘。 |
Will anyone challenge me? |
谁敢与我一战? |
All according to plan. |
一切都在计划之中。 |
You still underestimate me? |
你还敢低估我? |
Send me someone who can fight back! |
找一个能打的过来! |
Who is the next fool to defy me? |
还有哪个蠢货敢反抗我? |
Strength is more than numbers! |
谁说双拳难敌四手! |
Each blow purposeful. Each kill, earned. |
拳拳到肉,招招致命。 |
Pure carnage. |
大杀四方。 |
A masterful slaughter. |
大师级的表演。 |
And they all fall. |
都是手下败将。 |
Moira, we must replicate this ?Nano Boost.? |
莫伊拉,这个“纳米激素”我们也得有。 |