Phew! Threat neutralized! |
呼!威胁消除了! |
Consider yourself cratered! |
就当是被陨石撞了吧! |
Every star burns out. |
星星都有熄灭的时候。 |
(gasp) Did I do that? |
(惊)是我干的吗? |
I promise that was not personal! |
我发誓不是针对你! |
Enemy down. |
干掉敌人了。 |
Well done, Juno! |
干得好,朱诺! |
Yes, I got one! |
好诶,我干掉一个! |
Right on target! |
正中目标! |
(nervous laugh) I hope that does not scar. |
噢(紧张地笑)但愿不会留疤。 |
Sorry, just doing my job! |
抱歉,这只是我的本职工作。 |
Return to stardust! |
回归星尘吧! |
- 重装英雄
I have destroyed asteroids larger than you! |
比你块头还大的小行星我照样摧毁过! |
You done bit the dust, pardner. |
乖乖吃土吧,伙计。 |
(sigh) I miss when sunsets were blue. |
哎,真怀念蓝色的落日。 |
Why would you wish to be queen of junk? |
你怎么会愿意给废渣当女王的? |
I win this time, Auntie! |
这次是我赢了,阿姨! |
(gasp) Sorry, Auntie! |
啊,对不起,阿姨! |
What a waste of fuel. |
这也太浪费燃料了…… |
The Kuiper Belt is comparatively more dangerous. |
比起来,还是柯伊伯带更吓人。 |
Spiders should not exist on any planet! |
任何一颗星球上都不该有蜘蛛! |
Winston, we have a problem. |
温斯顿,我们有麻烦了。 |
Sorry! I mistook you for space debris. |
抱歉!我把你当成太空垃圾了。 |
Keep your black holes away from me! |
把你的黑洞拿远一点! |
- 击败空中的狂鼠
Oh! A Terran comet! |
哦!是地球来的彗星! |
- 击败使用
Oh moons! I ruined a botanical experiment! |
双月啊!我居然毁掉了一项植物学实验! |
Such a quick descent! |
好快的速降! |
Oh, gravity! So reliable. |
噢,是重力!多么可靠。 |
May you reach terminal velocity! |
祝你达到终端速度! |
Please follow crash landing protocol. |
请遵守迫降规范。 |
That is not an optimal freefall scenario. |
这可不是理想的自由落体方案…… |
What enters orbit stays in orbit! |
进入我的轨道就别想逃! |
Did you think I would forget you? |
以为我会忘记你吗? |
That is how to overcome a challenger! |
对付挑战者,就该这么办! |
- 空中击杀
Apologies! You were in my flightpath. |
不好意思!你挡我的航线了。 |
- 击败空中目标
Brace for impact! |
要硬着陆喽! |
- 击败使用位移技能的目标
No maneuvering out of this! |
机动操作也躲不过这招! |
A cosmic phenomenon! |
简直是宇宙奇观! |
Like a solar harvest after a dust storm! |
就像沙尘暴结束后收集太阳能一样! |
I am getting better at this! |
我真的越来越厉害了! |
Dusted! |
都成灰啦! |
Multiple foreign bodies neutralized! |
已消灭多个外来物! |
Oh! Like a meteor shower! |
喔!就像下流星雨一样! |
Oh moons! Did I overdo that? |
双月啊!我是不是用力过猛了? |
Get blasted! |
轰成碎片! |
Cluster down! |
清理掉好几个! |
Leave my vicinity! |
别离我这么近! |
Keep your distance! |
和我保持距离! |
You are too close! |
你离得太近了! |
Personal space! |
我需要私人空间! |