“ | 吾持剑锋,以筑长城。 | ” |
谋世之战 Media:王者荣耀_人物播报_李信.mp3
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李信所守护的是长城,却也不是长城。他是废太子之子,如今丧城丧国的、孤独落魄的王族后裔。长安城已经不是他的长安城,家亦非家。亲情,友情,理想,这些在他看来不过是一些冠冕堂皇的表象。 |
I followed the call to build the Great Wall! | |
吾持剑锋,以筑长城。 |
I took an oath and I'll see it through. | |
背负守护的誓言,必以信成。 |
The city of Chang'an shall never forget me. | |
不会让长安城,将我遗忘。 |
- 光信
The million stars above the Great Wall are its permanent watch-keepers. | |
长城之上是千亿的星空,星空之上是不灭的守望。 |
The winds of war have enveloped our world... Where are all the kings and lords? | |
侯非侯,王非王,千乘万骑走北芒。 |
I am the lord of Chang'an, and its rebuilder, should it fall. | |
随它陨落,随它沉沦,引它重返千年之盛。 |
The hardship of these times will lead us to greatness! | |
这是最好的时代,这是最坏的时代,我们一无所有,我们巍然矗立。 |
The route from Chang'an to the Great Wall... That is where my soul dwells... | |
长城和长安之间,是无尽的彷徨。 |
- 暗信
I hate to see them go. Is it because they're my allies? | |
讨厌看到他们离我而去,因为是战友吗? |
I've been burned once. That was enough. | |
血肉之躯,燃烧一次足矣。 |
Solitude sharpens my blade... | |
孤独是双刃的锋芒! |
Only the bonfires burning by the Great Wall can calm my yearning! | |
唯有燃烧在长城的篝火,让我放下野望。 |
The young demon slayers wound up becoming demons. And the last demon became a savior. | |
屠魔的少年终究成魔,存活最后的魔做了救世主。 |
- 光信
I command here! | |
这里是,为我所统率的战场! |
I do not bow to the Will of Heaven! | |
听天,不会由命。 |
- 暗信
Forgo my ambitions! | |
这里是,让我忘却野心的战场! |
I wield the sword so that I may live. | |
单纯为不想死而挥剑。 |
- 光信
Your cluelessness would be entertaining... if it wasn't so pitiful. | |
无知,无用,无能,无脑,无聊加起来就是对面的无人队。 |
- 暗信
The enemy won't know what hit them! | |
失败之前,对面不会有想太多的时间。 |
- 光信
What a spectacle! | |
人生仅有一次的绝景。 |
- 暗信
死亡是当英雄的前提。 |
- 光信
Where do I belong...? | |
何处是吾乡…… |
- 暗信
This world does not deserve my love. | |
人间不值得。 |