“ | 秘密的密,探案的探! | ” |
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王都密探 Media:王者荣耀_人物播报_李元芳.mp3
没有什么秘密逃得过元芳那双毛茸茸的大耳朵,身手敏捷的密探总能带着各路八卦消息,在长安城各个角落来去自如。面对治安官的责问怪罪,古灵精怪的小家伙利用窥探到的、刻于令牌后的秘密保住了性命。 |
The great detective, at your service! | |
秘密的密,探案的探! |
Criminals be warned: You're going to face the music! | |
做坏蛋,要有结局会杯具的觉悟。 |
Boss, cut me some slack on my monthly eval this time, please? | |
狄大人,下月的工资评定,请对我温柔点! |
Discretion is a detective's best friend. | |
暗夜才是密探的主场。 |
I'm watching you. | |
在看你,一直在看着你。 |
I'm here to bring outlaws to justice! | |
给予破坏者正确的绝望。 |
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you! | |
你有权保持沉默,但所说的都将成为呈堂证供! |
Ah... I have a notebook full of secrets- their lives are so complicated! | |
唉……小本本上八卦羞哒哒,人生太复杂! |
- 一技能
My daggers never miss. | |
小李飞刀,例不虚发。 |
Flying daggers! | |
飞刀,又见飞刀! |
Lethal, extremely lethal. | |
刀刀致命! |
- 三技能
Searching for evidence! | |
证据搜查! |
Don't fight back. I know your every move! | |
反抗,就爆你料! |
You can't get away from me. | |
想逃不等于能逃。 |
A trained detective can read you like an open book! | |
密探眼中的你,永远都在裸奔。 |
Hmph, that's for calling me a paparazzo! | |
略略略~叫我狗仔队的下场。 |
Easy as pie. | |
路过,顺手咯~ |
You'll go to jail for this. | |
暂时潜伏。 |