“ | 云想衣裳花想容,春风拂 |
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霓裳风华 Media:王者荣耀_人物播报_杨玉环.mp3
这位风华绝代的神秘美人,只需要轻轻拨动手中的琴弦便能让整个长安城为之撼动。她的琵琶像是有神奇的魔力,能让人沉醉于内心对美好事物的无限渴求。人们赞赏她,倾慕她,却并不真的了解她。 |
She wore clothes like clouds, and her face was like blooming flowers... | |
云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓。 |
Listen to your dreams, cherish your beliefs, and indulge in your passions. | |
聆听渴望的,深信珍视的,沉醉梦寐以求的。 |
Once begun, love will never end. | |
情从何起,方能一往而深? |
Nature reflects our lives, and music transports us into dreams of rivers and mountains. | |
春江花月照人生无穷,弦音流转听山河入梦。 |
Even for just a fleeting moment of happiness, fate will claim something in return. | |
纵使片刻的幸福,命运也会暗中标注价格。 |
Chang'an holds secrets that lead to ultimate power. | |
长安城隐藏着秘密,直通终极力量的秘密。 |
It's emotions, not the heart, that waver. | |
心不会动摇,动摇的是情。 |
I still look the same, yet the world has aged. | |
世事易变,容颜不老。 |
The wind's picking up. | |
起风了…… |
True beauty can upend kingdoms. | |
一顾倾城,再顾倾国。 |
My good looks were given to me. | |
天生丽质难自弃。 |
There is a price to be paid for being remembered. | |
被铭记是需要付出代价的。 |
The end of my tune, the end of your life. | |
曲终人散。 |
Sorrow everlasting... | |
此恨绵绵…… |