Weak mind. Weak body.![]() |
脑子不好使,胳膊也没力气。 |
My strength is much greater than yours.![]() |
我比你们强壮多了。 |
(laughs) You could have been a contender.![]() |
(笑)我还以为你的实力跟我差不多。 |
What's your damage?![]() |
你就这点能耐? |
(Chuckle) Good try. |
(笑)你尽力了。 |
Challenge the champ, expect to lose. |
向最强者挑战,失败是必然。 |
Work harder. |
你还得努力。 |
I am powerful! |
我就是这么强! |
Easy as cake. |
易如反掌。 |
You were small and weak, and now you are dead. |
活的时候弱小,死的时候卑微。 |
Piece of pie. |
小菜一碟。 |
(Russian) Not bad. |
(俄语)还不错。 |
Your best is not enough! |
你再努力也是白费力气! |
Pah! Not a chance. |
哈,你根本没有机会。 |
When it's crunch time, I deliver. |
压力再大,我也能顶住。 |
- 智械
That is for the suffering of my people.![]() |
这是为了我的同胞所受的苦难。 |
You're made of steel! Why aren't you stronger? |
你明明是钢铁做的,怎么这么弱? |
One fewer killing machine. |
杀人害命的机器,少一个好一个。 |
Someone hasn't kept up with their training. |
某些小姑娘没有好好训练。 |
You have a mech, and I still won! |
你有一台机甲,但赢的人还是我。 |
Not as tough as you look.![]() |
你也就是看上去比较强壮。 |
Still talking? No? |
说话啊,不说了? |
You cannot imitate the best. |
你无法复制最强的人。 |
Rest easy, old friend. |
好好歇着吧,老朋友。 |
That was a foolish maneuver, Reinhardt. |
这次冲锋不太明智,莱因哈特。 |
No one escapes gravity. |
没有人能逃脱引力。 |
Pest.![]() |
害虫。 |
Mission completed.![]() |
任务已完成。 |
No comeback? (Chuckle). |
死透了么?(笑) |
You will never threaten anyone again. |
你再也不能威胁任何人了。 |
I found you again, you little hacker! |
我又找到你了,小黑客! |
You think too much. |
你思考得太多了。 |
You were strong . . . for a rodent. |
你很强,但终究是只……老鼠。 |
Ha! Strongest woman alive! |
哈!我才是世上最强壮的女人! |
You think I don't know what to do when I'm trapped in Graviton Surge? |
你以为我被困在重力喷涌里会不知所措吗? |
Is your day ruined, ninja? |
你今晚要睡不着了吧,忍者? |
Bad piggy. Go away! |
滚开,小笨猪! |
No warping reality until you put on some shoes! |
在扭曲时空之前,至少先穿上鞋子! |
(Russian) Goodbye! |
(俄语)再见了! |
Stay down there and think about your decisions. |
在下面好好反省一下自己做错了什么。 |
(Laugh) Jettisoned! |
(笑)高空坠物! |
Aha! I get the last word. |
啊哈,笑到最后的是我。 |
(Russian) That's what you get. |
这是你活该。 |
- 超远距离击杀
Ha ha! Strong at any range. |
哈哈,不管离得多远我都一样强。 |
- 击杀使用位移技能的目标
Reflexes! Poise! A champion's mindset! |
反应迅速,沉着应战!这才是强者风范! |
- 击杀被安娜
Even boosted, you are not this strong. |
就算被强化,你也强不到哪儿去。 |
That's the power of attraction!![]() |
引力的力量! |
Gravity kills.![]() |
重力消灭。 |
Feel the gravity!![]() |
感受这重力! |
Irresistible!![]() |
反抗毫无意义! |
Flattened by gravity. |
被重力压扁了。 |
Locked down. |
想往哪跑。 |
(Russian) Yes! Let's go! |
(俄语)很好,继续打! |
The best to ever do it. |
我就是擅长干这个。 |
I cannot be stopped. |
我无人可挡。 |
Give me a challenge! |
来点儿有挑战的吧! |
Like shooting a cannon into sparrows. |
就像大炮打麻雀。 |
Ha! Send more! Send everyone! |
哈,再来啊!来几个死几个! |
So many fools today! |
今天遇到的傻瓜可真多! |
- 冠军选手 & 举重冠军
A gold medal performance!![]() |
肯定能拿金牌了! |
Full range of motion. |
活动开了。 |
Sit down. |
给我躺下。 |
Smack! (Laugh). |
捶死你!(笑) |
I cannot be defeated. |
我是不可战胜的。 |
K.O. |
K.O. |
Knocked out. |
一拳放倒。 |
- 空中目标
Gravity punch! |
重力猛击! |
Boop. (Chuckle). |
Boop. (冷笑) |
Research that! |
研究我的拳头去! |
- 使用
You should have seen your face, Cassidy. |
好好看看你那张脸,卡西迪。 |
Cassidy, you can't do that when I'm right here. |
卡西迪,有我站在这儿,你不可能成功。 |