A gun in each hand and a smile on my face! |
双枪在手,越笑越有! |
Mauga's here. Lucky you. |
毛加大爷来了。算你们走运,哈哈哈。 |
Everybody stay where I can see you! |
大伙都待在我的视线里! |
We're gonna have a hell of a time. |
有乐子在等着我们呢! |
You'll be safer if you stick with me. |
跟紧我会更安全。 |
Let's play this smart. |
这活得动动脑子。 |
- 队友为巴蒂斯特
You and me, Baptiste. You and me. |
咱们两个,巴蒂斯特,你懂的。 |
- 上一轮赢了
Only winners allowed on this team. |
能进这支队伍的只有赢家。 |
(Laughs) That was pretty good. Let's do it again. |
哈哈!刚才打得很爽,咱们再来一次。 |
Let's make them regret challenging us. |
让他们后悔敢来挑战我们。 |
- 上一轮输了
It's okay. We'll just wipe them out this time! |
没事,只要这次把他们都干掉就行了。 |
That was embarrassing. Let's make sure they don't live to tell anyone. |
太丢人了。不能让他们有机会告诉任何人。 |
No one saw that, right? Good. Let's do better this time. |
刚刚没人看到吧?很好,这次得干得漂亮点儿。 |
- 平局后的最后一轮
Final round. You ready? |
最后一回合,都准备好了吗? |
Last chance to give 'em everything we got! |
最后的机会了,把本事都拿出来! |
Last round. Make it count! |
最后一回合,打得像样点儿! |
Finally, things are getting interesting! |
终于要好玩起来了! |
Not bad. Not bad at all. |
不错,真是不错。 |
That was embarrassing. |
真够丢人的。 |
Still not dead. |
我还没死。 |
Okay. Let's take things up a notch. |
既然这样,我的火力也该升级了。 |
Time to get... serious. |
这下我要……认真了。 |
Again! 'Til I say it's over. |
再来!我不说停就别想结束。 |
Let's do that again! |
我要再来一次! |
- 连续击杀后被杀
Party pooper! |
坏了我的好事! |
Aw, fun's over. |
啊,快乐消失了。 |
We're outnumbered. It's getting crazy here! |
我们的人手不够,这情况太刺激了! |
They got us outnumbered. |
他们的人手更多。 |
- 就剩自己了
Where my buddies at? |
小伙伴们都在哪儿? |
For once, I'm early to the party. |
这一次我居然来早了。 |
Where is everyone? I'm waiting! |
人都上哪儿去了?我等累了! |
Phew. |
呼。 |
That's better. |
舒服多了。 |
Just a little pick-me-up. |
给我提提神。 |
That's nice. |
干得好。 |
Thanks for patching me up. |
谢谢你的包扎。 |
Hey, I'm feeling better already. |
嘿,我已经感觉好多了。 |
Just like old times. |
让我想起了从前。 |
Now we're talking! |
这才像话! |
Ready for some carnage? |
准备见见血了吗? |
Hah! Appreciate it! |
哈,多谢了! |
I owe you! And I always pay my debts. |
我欠你一个人情!放心,有借有还。 |
Thanks. |
谢了。 |
- 发现敌人
The fight's coming to us! |
有人要找我们打架! |
Let's go get 'em! |
拿下他们! |
Let's show 'em what we got! |
让他们尝尝我们的厉害! |
- 敌人在集合
Well, well, well, there's a bunch of enemies over there. |
好家伙,那边来了一大群敌人! |
Enemies spotted! There's a lot of 'em. |
有敌人!看上去人数不少啊。 |
There they are! Waiting for us. |
他们在那里!等着被我们收拾呢。 |
- 敌人在队友身后
Behind you! |
当心身后! |
- 发现狙击手
Careful, there's a sniper! |
当心,有狙击手! |
- 敌人被复活
Enemy's getting back up. |
敌人又爬起来了。 |
Enemy's being revived. Guess we got to kill them again. |
敌人又复活了。看来还得让那家伙再死一次。 |
Find that teleporter! |
快去找传送面板! |
- 寻找敌人
They got a teleporter. |
他们有块传送面板。 |
- 发现敌人
Found the teleporter. |
找到传送面板了。 |
- 摧毁敌人
Teleporter totaled. |
摧毁传送面板了。 |
They got a shield generator. |
他们有护盾发生器。 |
- 发现敌人护盾发生器
Found their shield generator. |
找到他们的护盾发生器了。 |
- 摧毁敌人护盾发生器
Shield generator busted! |
护盾发生器报废了! |
- 发现
They've got a turret! |
他们部署了炮台! |
Aw, look at this little turret. |
哦,这是谁家的小炮台呀。 |
- 摧毁
Turret's taken care of. You're welcome. |
我把炮台拆了,不用谢。 |
That's it for their turret. |
他们的炮台报废了。 |
Turret's smashed. |
炮台被轰成了渣滓。 |
(Laughs) Try and stop me. |
(笑)有本事来拦我啊。 |
Come get some of this! |
都给我尝尝这个! |
Whoo! Now we're talking! |
喔——哈!这才像话! |
- 受伤呼唤
Get me back in the fight! |
我要回去战斗! |
Revive me! |
复活我! |
Over here, revive me! |
快过来,复活我! |
Someone give me a hand or something. |
谁来帮个忙什么的。 |
- 状态不好
The strain is real. |
好像真的拉伤了。 |
I don't feel too good. |
我有点不舒服…… |
- 受到 禅雅塔
乱 的效果
Dammit! |
该死! |
Ugh, for real? |
呃,开什么玩笑? |
Fired up like a volcano! |
火山都没我燃! |
Both hearts pumping! |
两颗心都在狂飙! |
Woohoo! |
喔吼! |
They're all done. |
都得死。 |
Don't tell me that's it! |
你们就这点儿能耐啊! |
That's embarrassing for them. |
真替他们丢人。 |
That's the island welcome! |
嗷哇!这就是岛上的欢迎仪式! |
- 队友倒下
Teammate down! |
队友倒了! |
We lost one! |
我们的人倒了! |
Buddy, that was just careless. |
兄弟,怎么不小心点儿。 |
- 队友击杀敌人
Nice one. |
干得好。 |
(Laughs) Honestly? I'm impressed. |
(笑)说实话我有点儿佩服。 |
Whoa! Leave some for me, will you? |
哇哦!给我留口汤吧,行吗? |
Nice flex, buddy! |
太秀了吧,伙计! |
- 给队友报位置
I'm over here! |
我在这里! |
Right here, buddy! |
在这儿呢,伙计! |
- 拯救队友
You sure you got this? |
行不行啊你? |
Pull your own weight next time! |
下次能不能尽点力! |
Careful, buddy! |
小心点儿,伙计! |
- 复活队友
On your feet! |
快站起来! |
Up and at 'em! |
起来对付他们! |
I got you. |
我来帮你。 |
- 投票史诗
My pleasure. |
乐意效劳。 |
(Laughs) Who, me? |
(笑)选了我吗?哈哈哈哈。 |
Of course. |
还能有谁? |
- 投票传奇
You know what? I'll take it. |
到这个份上,我就不客气了。 |
It feels good to be appreciated. |
被表扬的感觉真不错。 |
It's a calling. |
众望所归。 |