I always get my prey.![]() |
我的猎物是逃不掉的。 |
That's how it's done.![]() |
就该如此。 |
Kill confirmed.![]() |
确认击杀。 |
Justice served. |
正义已得伸张。 |
Terminated. |
干掉了。 |
(Laugh) Got one. |
(笑)干掉一个。 |
Well-deserved. |
这是你自找的。 |
Taken down. |
目标已击毙。 |
Splash. |
咔嚓。 |
Blown away. |
飞雪漫天。 |
Maximum impact. |
冲击伤害最大化。 |
Over and out. |
通话结束。 |
Scootin' and shootin'. |
先转移,再开炮。 |
Talk about danger close. |
这就叫危险迫近。 |
Ah, that just feels so good. |
啊,这感觉可太爽了! |
Notched another. |
再下一城。 |
Duck, dodge, and dunk. |
闪转腾挪再灌篮。 |
Where do you think you're going? |
你以为你能去哪? |
You weren't watching the skies? |
你不看天上吗? |
- 伊纳瑞斯
Hopeless. |
无可救药。 |
Lay down your banner, pretender. |
你的旗帜倒了,冒牌货。 |
Punished. |
神罚已至。 |
You stood in the way of the savior. |
你挡了救世主的路。 |
Ungrateful spawn. |
不知好歹的邪物。 |
Your foul mark is cleansed. |
你的邪恶标记已被净化。 |
Your soul was weak. |
软弱的灵魂。 |
I don't fall for your tricks anymore. |
我不会再上当了。 |
Two hearts, pierced. |
这一击,碎了两颗心。 |
Another demon slain. |
又除掉一个恶魔。 |
Evil? Vanquished. |
邪魔?被终结了。 |
Embrace deliverance. |
拥抱救赎吧。 |
Insolent son. |
无礼的逆子。 |
Another angel finds glory. |
又一个天使找到了荣光。 |
This audience is concluded. |
会面到此结束。 |
Go swim in the Styx. |
到冥河里游泳去吧。 |
What's a god to the god of death? |
在冥界之神面前,别的神不值一提。 |
- 独眼巨人路霸
I don't think you'll fit in Charon's boat. |
我觉得你上不了卡戎的船…… |
- 美杜莎黑百合
Good hustle, snakes-for-brains. |
脑子不好,去玩蛇。 |
You've sent a lot of people my way. Guess it was your turn. |
你给我送来不少人,这回轮到你了。 |
- 波塞冬拉玛刹
Nice ocean powers, nerd. |
海洋的力量你把握不住。 |
I thought you'd be immune to splash damage. |
我还以为你能免疫溅射伤害呢。 |
- 赫尔墨斯卢西奥
You should have stayed my errand-boy, Hermes. |
你该替我跑腿的,赫尔墨斯。 |
- 弥诺陶洛斯莱因哈特
Where do we keep dead minotaurs, anyway? Elysium? |
话说弥诺陶洛斯死后会去哪?极乐世界? |
- 宙斯渣客女王
Everybody dies, sister. Even you. |
谁都难逃一死,妹妹,你也一样。 |
Let Persephone know if you and Hera can make it to dinner next week. |
珀耳塞福涅想知道你跟赫拉下周会不会赴约。 |
You think you're death? Ha! |
你也敢叫死神?哈! |
Don't mess with my family.![]() |
休想伤害我的家人。 |
Guess you won't be sending a letter this time. |
这次你大概不会再写信给我了。 |
I'm taking this round, Brigitte.![]() |
这次是我赢了,布丽吉塔。 |
Sorry, monk. |
抱歉了,和尚。 |
Outfoxed. |
狐死鹰笑。 |
Just cutting down on the glare. |
这下没那么刺眼了。 |
Too bad those bubbles don't last forever. |
可惜你的泡泡都是泡影。 |
You made a tactical error.![]() |
你犯了个战术错误。 |
Got you this time, Cole. |
这次你逃不掉了,科尔。 |
R-7000 down. |
已消灭R-7000。 |
Laugh that off! |
让你再笑! |
Still having fun over there? |
现在还觉得好玩吗? |
Big targets! So satisfying. |
大目标才有大满足! |
Common criminal. |
小毛贼。 |
Crime doesn't pay. |
你罪有应得。 |
Outlawed. |
就地正法。 |
What happened to your shield? |
你的盾呢? |
What direction were you aiming? |
你在瞄哪儿呢? |
- 击杀使用
You dashed right into that one, Genji. |
这可是你自己往炮口上撞的,源氏。 |
Oh, sorry, Reinhardt!![]() |
抱歉,莱因哈特! |
- 击杀使用
You can't fly, Reinhardt! |
你可不会飞,莱因哈特! |
Too bad Talon never taught you discipline. |
可惜“黑爪”没教会你要守纪律。 |
- 击杀使用
Rockets don't care if you're invisible. |
隐身算什么,炮弹可不长眼。 |
Only room for one raptor in these skies. |
一空不容二鹰。 |
- 击杀使用
That's not justice. |
那可不是正义。 |
You can steal a suit, but you can't steal skill. |
你偷得了作战服,偷不了我的本事。 |
(laughs).![]() |
(大笑) |
Touch the sky. |
触摸天空。 |
Look out for that first step. |
下楼请小心。 |
Mind the gap. |
小心站台缝隙。 |
Going down. |
已击落。 |
Forgot your parachute? |
忘带降落伞了? |
Where's your jetpack? |
你不会没有喷气背包吧? |
Get off my map. |
我的地图上没有你的位置。 |
- 击杀使用终极技能的英雄
The ultimate shutdown. |
终极技能已被终结。 |
- 击杀使用
You still spinning around down there? Maybe not. |
你掉下去之后还会转吗?大概不会了吧。 |
- 哈迪斯
You're going down. Way down. |
你给我下去,到冥界去。 |
Direct route to the underworld. |
直接送你下冥界。 |
- 伊纳瑞斯
(chuckle) Enjoy the void. |
好好享受虚空吧。(笑) |
Hubris hastens your fall. |
狂妄会加速你的坠亡。 |
Fall into the depths. |
坠入深渊吧。 |
Sink back into the muck. |
重归泥沼吧。 |
This round goes to me. |
这次轮到我请你了。 |
Right back at you. |
原样奉还。 |
- 哈迪斯
Death wins, in the end. |
没人能逃过死亡。 |
- 伊纳瑞斯
Your crusade is done. |
你的远征结束了。 |
- 超远距离击杀
Direct hits at any range. |
再远也能直接命中。 |
Ooh! My adrenaline is pumping! |
哦!我的肾上腺素正在飙升! |
- 重伤反杀
You thought you had me. |
你以为能干掉我是吗? |
- 在伊利奥斯
Was the sun in your eyes? |
被太阳晃瞎了眼吗? |
- 击杀空中目标
Aerial superiority... maintained. |
制空权……依然属于我。 |
This airspace is closed. |
空域已关闭。 |
- 空对空击杀
Twitchy dogfight. Just how I like it. |
刺激的空中缠斗。我喜欢。 |
- 击杀使用位移技能的目标
Out-predicted and out-played. |
花里胡哨,但不出所料。 |
Right where I expected you to go. |
我就知道你会在那儿。 |
- 击杀被美
Dr. Zhou and I? We get it done. |
有我和周博士?没有搞不定的事。 |
- 击杀被查莉娅
I love working with Zaryanova. |
我就喜欢跟查莉娅诺娃合作。 |
- 被安娜
We're a good team, mother! |
我们的配合真是默契,妈妈! |
- 击杀被安娜
You think I don't know my own mother's tricks? |
你不会以为我不了解我母亲的招数吧? |
Perfect hit. |
完美命中。 |
A clean kill. |
干净利索。 |
Picked off. |
精准歼灭。 |
Swish. |
空心球。 |
Splash... damage. |
这下是……溅射击杀。 |
Messy, but we got it done. |
场面有点乱,不过还是搞定了。 |
When I'm hitting my shots, you can't touch me. |
中了我的炮弹,就别想碰到我。 |
Elimination mid-ascent. |
空中消灭成功。 |
Float like a jellyfish, sting like a jellyfish. |
像水母一样漂浮,就有水母一样的剧毒。 |
B-b-b-blasted! |
轰轰轰——轰上天! |
Ooh... that's a concussion. |
哦……这下可脑震荡了。 |
Hmm. I didn't know that was fatal. |
哈,没想到威力这么大。 |
(Chuckle) I am so good. |
(大笑)我可太厉害了。 |
Cleaning up. |
正在扫清战场。 |
They don't give these suits to just anyone. |
这身作战服可不是谁都能穿的。 |
Was there any doubt? |
谁敢质疑我的实力? |
You're outclassed. |
你们都被碾压了。 |
I'm hitting everything today. |
今天我百发百中。 |
We strike again and again. |
我们的炮火不断轰鸣。 |
Multiple targets eliminated. |
多个目标已消灭。 |
Multiple hits confirmed. |
确认命中多个目标。 |
Everyone has a plan until a rocket hits them in the face. |
每个人都说自己有计划,直到脸上挨了一发火箭。 |
- 哈迪斯
Busy day for Charon's crew. |
卡戎今天要有的忙了。 |
Room for plenty more. |
我的冥界还挺大的。 |
Persephone was right. I needed to unwind. |
珀耳塞福涅说得对,我需要放松一下。 |
That's a lot of new chew toys for Cerberus. |
刻耳柏洛斯又有好多磨牙棒了…… |
What's got two thumbs and is the god of death? |
知道大名鼎鼎的冥界之神是谁了吗? |
- 伊纳瑞斯
Wiped clean. |
统统抹除。 |
Hard contact. |
这拳够狠。 |
That had to hurt. |
那一定很疼。 |
Clocked. |
放倒。 |
My fists don't miss, either. |
我的拳头也不会落空。 |
- 使用位移技能时击杀
Here's a tip. Don't jump into the metal glove. |
提醒一下,起跳时要小心我的铁手。 |
- 空对空
Get out of my airspace! |
滚出我的空域! |
- 使用
Ooh, what an uppercut. |
呼,好一记上勾拳。 |
- 使用
Pow! Right out of nowhere, huh? (Laughs). |
砰!这拳没想到吧?(笑) |
I bring the fist to you! |
我送你一拳! |
- 哈迪斯
A Hades haymaker. |
冥界波动拳。 |