- 我方抢占机器人
We have the robot. Get over here! |
机器人归我们了。都过来! |
Bot! Get pushing, or I'll take your legs off! |
推啊,机器人,快推! |
Hah! Robot's mine! |
哈哈!机器人归我了! |
- 敌方抢占机器人
They took the robot! Get it back! |
他们拐走了机器人!把它抢回来! |
Took my robot, did they_ Bad move. |
敢抢我的机器人?路走窄了。 |
I want that robot back! Let's go! |
把那个机器人给我抢回来!赶紧动手! |
- 我方机器人
Look at that pushbot go! |
盯好那个推进机器人! |
Stick with the robot! |
给我跟紧机器人! |
We're moving! |
我们上路了! |
- 敌方机器人
They're moving the barricade! Stop 'em! |
敌人正在推进挡板!拦住他们! |
Stop them pushing, and do it now! |
赶紧动手,别让他们推了! |
They're pushing ahead! |
敌人正在推进! |
- 我方机器人
Keep pushing or get shoved! |
继续往前推,不然我削你了! |
We're moving it! Don't let up! |
我们已经让这家伙动起来了!别停下! |
Don't stop pushing now! |
继续推,别停! |
- 敌方机器人
They have the lead. Take it back! |
能让他们领先了?把优势抢回来! |
We need to catch up! |
我们得追回来! |
You lot are making me fall behind! |
你们这些家伙害我落后了! |
- 想要继续推进机器人
Move the robot! Now! |
给我推机器人!快! |
Push the robot! |
来推机器人! |
Robot needs shoving! |
这个机器人欠推了! |
- 想要阻止敌方继续推进机器人
They are pushing my robot! |
他们在推我的机器人! |
Stop the robot! |
拦住机器人! |
- 我方机动推进
We're catching up! |
我们要追回来了! |
Yes! We're gonna take the lead! |
哈哈,很好!我们马上就领先了! |
We can take the lead if ya don't screw up. |
只要你们别掉链子,我们就能领先。 |
- 敌方机动推进
Don't let them take the lead! |
别叫他们领先了! |
They take our lead, I'm taking heads. |
敢抢我们的风头,看我要了他们的脑袋! |
They're catching up! |
他们要追上来了! |
- 机动推进
Don't leave the robot, and we win! |
别丢下机器人不管,咱们赢定了! |
Stay with the robot, and we got this! |
盯紧机器人,咱们稳得很! |
Don't scamper off now! Stay with the robot! |
都不许瞎蹦跶!看好机器人! |
- 机动推进
We got one shot at stopping 'em, and this is it! |
想阻止他们,就趁现在! |
Take 'em down, and it's over! |
干掉他们,比赛就结束了! |
Stop 'em and we win! |
拦住他们,咱们就赢了! |
- 想要占领目标点
I want that objective! |
我想要那个目标点! |
Take the objective! |
占领目标点! |
To the objective! |
快去目标点! |
- 我方正在占领目标点
Fight here and fight hard! |
在这儿打,狠狠地打! |
Claiming the objective. Get over here! |
在抢占目标点呢。赶紧给我过来! |
Stop lagging about and get over here! |
少给我磨磨唧唧的,快过来! |
- 敌方正在占领目标点
They're in our territory! Drive them back! |
竟敢来我们的地盘撒野!赶走他们! |
They're taking our point! Get 'em! |
敌人在抢我们的目标点!灭了他们! |
Don't let them take what's ours! |
不能让他们抢了咱们的地盘! |
- 我方正在防守目标点
Defend the objective! |
守住目标点! |
Hold the objective! |
把目标点守好了! |
Stay on the objective or I'll tan your hide. |
给我死守目标点,不然小心我揍你。 |
Where you think you're going? Stay on the objective! |
你想往哪儿跑?给我死守目标点! |
- 呼叫队友推进
Do I need to chain ya to the payload? Get back here! |
非让我把你绑在运载目标上吗?快给我回来! |
Don't let them take my payload! |
别让他们抢了我的运载目标! |
Stay on the payload! |
跟紧运载目标! |
- 呼叫队友截停
Block the payload! |
挡住运载目标! |
Get on the payload and slow it down! |
盯死运载目标,别让它走那么快! |
Stop the payload! |
拦住运载目标! |
- 护送运载目标
I'm on the payload. Get over here! |
我到运载目标这儿了。都给我过来! |
My payload's moving. Pile on. |
我的运载目标动起来了。都过来。 |
I have the payload. Everyone relax. |
运载目标归我了。大伙松口气吧。 |
How come this payload doesn't move faster when you kick it? |
这个破运载目标,怎么踹都踹不动? |
- 我方运载目标
Oi! Get on the payload or I'll nail you to it! |
哎!看好运载目标,不然我把你钉上去! |
Oi! Hey! Stick to the payload! |
哎!哎!给我跟紧运载目标! |
Why is my payload stopped? |
我的运载目标怎么停下了? |
- 敌方运载目标
Oi! Push that payload back! |
哎!把运载目标挡回去! |
They're moving the payload. Get on them! |
敌人在转移运载目标。把他们解决掉! |
Knock them off the payload! |
把他们从运载目标上赶下去! |
- 运载目标
Move in and cut 'em down! |
冲进去砍翻他们! |
We're running out of time. Attack! |
我们要没时间了。快进攻! |
Time's up! Get in there! |
没时间了!快上! |
- 运载目标
Just a little longer! |
再撑一会儿! |
Hold them back! |
顶住他们! |
Push 'em back or answer to me! |
挡住他们,不然要你们好看! |
- 夺取敌方旗帜
Capture their little flag! |
拔了他们的小旗子! |
Take the enemy flag! |
快去拿敌人的旗帜! |
- 拿到敌方旗帜
Flag captured. Too easy. |
拿到旗帜了。简单。 |
The flag is mine. |
旗帜归我了。 |
- 保护我方旗帜
Don't let them take my flag! |
别让他们抢了我的旗帜! |
Protect my flag! |
守好我的旗帜! |
Defend our bloody flag! |
给我把旗帜守好! |
- 我方丢下旗帜
Pick up the flag! |
把旗帜捡起来! |
Dropping the flag. |
旗帜被撂下了。 |
- 敌人夺取我方旗帜
Don't let them capture our flag again. |
不能再让他们抢走旗帜了。 |
They captured our flag. My flag! |
他们抢了我们的旗帜。我的旗帜! |
- 敌人丢下我方旗帜
Get my flag off the ground! |
快把我的旗帜捡起来! |
They dropped the flag! Take it back! |
他们把旗帜扔了!快去拿回来! |
- 敌人拿到旗帜
The scavs took our flag! |
我们的旗帜被拾破烂的捡走了! |
Oi! Get my flag back! |
哎!把我的旗帜还回来! |
- 抢回我方旗帜
Get our flag back! |
把旗帜夺回来! |
Recover the damn flag! |
把那破旗子拿回来! |
They have our flag. Take it back! |
敌人抢了我们的旗帜。快抢回来! |
- 送回我方旗帜
Our flag's safe. |
我们的旗帜没事了。 |
Flag returned. You're welcome. |
旗帜送回来了。不用谢我。 |
- 捡起敌方旗帜
Haha! I have your flag! Try and stop me. |
哈哈!我拿到你们的旗帜了!有本事来抢啊。 |
Look. They gave me their flag! |
看吶,他们把旗帜送给我了! |