Oh, are you done? |
哦,这就不行了? |
Heh, softie. |
呵,软蛋。 |
(Laugh) And stay down! |
(大笑)乖乖躺好! |
Give up! |
给我死! |
You're embarrassing yourself! |
真够丢人现眼的! |
As the Queen decrees. |
这是女王的旨意。 |
Kneel before your queen! |
快给本女王跪下! |
Come on. Fight back! |
这就倒了?还手啊! |
Aw, your blood's all gone! |
噢,你的血流光了! |
- 刽子手
Executed! |
处决! |
(Laughs) That's some back-breaking work. |
(笑)这可是个体力活,腰都断了。 |
Off with your head! |
脑袋搬家! |
Your crime was crossing me. |
你犯的罪惹到我了。 |
Punished with a capital P! |
今天就让你掉脑袋! |
Your sentence? death! |
判你死刑! |
Left you hangin'! |
你就在这儿吊着吧! |
(Laughs) Cutthroat! |
哈哈哈!割喉咙了! |
(Laughs) Another trophy for my collection. |
(笑)又多了一件纪念品。 |
I thought you had guts. Guess not. |
我还以为你挺有种的,是我想多了。 |
(Laughs) Your neck is made for choppin'! |
(大笑)不来一斧子都对不起你这好脖子! |
G'day from the land of thunder. |
雷电之地向你问好。 |
Shocking, eh? |
够刺激吗? |
- 美杜莎黑百合
Gor-gone! (Laughs). |
“嗝”耳工,嗝屁的嗝!(大笑) |
Just keeping my sister busy. |
这下我姐姐又有得忙了。 |
- 波塞冬拉玛刹
Not this time, brother. |
这次可没门,哥哥。 |
Sky beats ocean, brother! |
天空战胜了海洋,哥哥! |
- 哈迪斯法老之鹰
Not this time, sister. |
这次可没门,姐姐。 |
Back to your dank little underworld, sister! |
回你那小小的冥界待着去吧,姐姐! |
Aww... Go cry to Persephone. |
找珀耳塞福涅哭鼻子去吧。 |
- 独眼巨人路霸
See you later, cyclops! |
回头见,独眼巨人! |
Thanks again for the thunderbolt. |
再次感谢你做的雷电。 |
- 弥诺陶洛斯莱因哈特
Wait. You're just a bloke with a bull for a head! |
等等,你除了长着个牛头,也没什么了不起的! |
Another bull sacrificed to me. |
又一头献祭给我的公牛。 |
- 宙斯渣客女王
(Laughs) There can only be one God of Thunder. |
(大笑)雷电之神只能有一个。 |
Always wanted one of you in my collection! |
你这种铁罐头,我早就想收藏一个了! |
I warned you boys. Should have listened. |
早就警告过你俩了。不听活该。 |
Down you go, big man. |
躺好吧你,大块头。 |
Quit hiding behind your shield, big girl! |
大妹子,躲在盾后面算什么本事! |
Aw, champ. You've gone soft! |
嗷,冠军!你怎么变菜了? |
Summer shack? avenged. |
避暑窝棚的帐算清了。 |
Ya look better than ya fight. Shame. |
你的拳头可趁不上这张脸啊。 |
Hang with ratbags, die like ratbags. |
跟死耗子混,就会变成“死”耗子。 |
- 击杀使用
Don't get clever with your queen. |
哎!别想跟本女王耍花招。 |
- 击杀使用
No time for dramatic showdowns. We're scrapping here! |
哪有空让你摆造型,这儿正打架呢! |
- 击杀使用
Aah. Put your little sword away. |
啊,别拿你的小刀在那儿瞎比划。 |
- 击杀使用
Not gonna let a bloke in a spooky mask take me down. |
哈哈,就你那戴面具的鬼样还想打倒我? |
- 击杀使用
(Laugh) Nice lift, big girl. |
(大笑)很有劲嘛,大妹子。 |
And you're dead. Next! |
你嗝屁了。下一个! |
Can't fly, can ya? |
不会飞是吧? |
And down ya go. |
下去吧你。 |
Nobody beats gravity, mate. |
重力可不是闹着玩的,伙计。 |
(Laugh) You should've finished the job, mate. |
(大笑)谁叫你当时下手不利索呢,伙计。 |
I always come back. |
记住,我总会回来的。 |
- 宙斯
God of lightning… and vengeance! |
我掌管雷电……和复仇! |
Heavenly retribution. |
这是天神的惩戒。 |
- 超远距离击杀
- 击杀空中目标
Ooh, it's like bashing watermelons on a rope! |
哈哈,就像砸烂绑在绳子上的西瓜一样! |
- 击杀使用位移技能的目标
Like a bug on a windscreen! |
像个扒在风挡上的臭虫! |
- 击杀被安娜
Did you think you had an edge? How embarrassing. |
你以为自己很强?太能吹了吧。 |
Aw, someone shot ya! |
噢,有人轰了你一脸! |
Harden up, it's only buckshot! |
给我硬气点儿,不就是发铅弹吗! |
Got too close, didn't ya? |
你是不是离得太近了? |
You're scattered, mate. |
你被轰成渣了,伙计。 |
I'm the whole firing squad. |
我一个人就能枪决你。 |
Put a dent in your armor there. |
你的护甲上要留坑了。 |
Ha! Axe wins. You lose. |
哈!斧头赢了,你输了。 |
Ya don't play with Carnage! |
“血斩”可不是好惹的! |
Did that hurt? Good. |
疼吗?哈哈,疼就对了。 |
Sharp enough for ya? |
斧子快不快呀? |
How's that edge treating ya? |
这一斧子爽不爽? |
- 单次
Plenty of Carnage. What a wonderful day. |
这么多血。今天砍了个痛快。 |
Reckoning's done. I win again. |
清算结束。我又赢了。 |
(Laugh) Loot 'em and let's go! |
(大笑)东西抢光,我们走! |
No champions here. |
一个能打的都没有。 |
Nothing left but scrap. |
只剩下一地的废料。 |
Should have got out the way! |
谁叫你挡我道的! |
You know you're allowed to fight back, yeah? |
挨了打可以还手,你们不知道吗? |
I've taken naps harder than you. |
打瞌睡都比打你们有意思。 |
Weak. You're all weak! |
弱鸡。一群弱鸡! |
And I'm just getting started. |
我的战斗,才刚刚开始! |
You're allowed to hit back! |
你们倒是还手啊! |
One by one by one! Come on! Come on! |
一个一个又一个!再来!再来! |
Are any of ya even trying? |
你们都没吃饭吗? |
(Laughs) You're making this too easy! |
(大笑)你们也太弱了吧! |
You lot just lost. |
你们输大发了。 |
How many of you drongos are there? |
这儿的呆头鸟可真够多的! |
Thanks for bunching up. (laugh). |
居然杵在一块儿?谢了。(大笑) |
Pathetic! |
可怜虫! |
Lie down! |
都给我趴下! |
- 刽子手
Purgin' time! |
净化时间到! |
Busy day on the chopping block! |
今天掉脑袋的也太多了! |
(Laughs) Gallows are full! |
(大笑)绞架上都吊不下了! |
- 宙斯
How electrifying! |
电闪雷鸣! |
I'm the Platonic form of butt-kicking. |
我揍人的水平堪称柏拉图式的完美。 |
The poets are gonna love this! |
诗人们会爱上我的功绩! |
She strikes again, and again, and again! |
我的闪电能击中一次、一次,又一次! |
That's why I rule Olympus. |
知道奥林匹斯为什么由我管了吧? |
An ungodly rampage! |
逆天狂怒! |
(Sigh) C'mon mate, try to keep up. |
(叹气)就这点儿本事?再加把油。 |
Oh, should've ducked. |
哦,你应该能躲开的。 |
Ha! Call that a fight? |
哈!你这也算是战斗? |
Ooh. Down goes another one. |
喔。又干掉一个。 |
Down goes another pretender. |
又干掉一个不自量力的。 |
- 刽子手
Hang off this. |
把这家伙吊起来。 |
- 宙斯
An electric uppercut! |
雷电上勾拳! |
Judgement? passed. |
这就是给你的审判。 |