My throne is where I say it is. |
我的王座在哪儿,我说了算。 |
- 刽子手
The punishment ends when I say so. |
惩罚什么时候到头,我说了算。 |
- 宙斯
Olympus is where I say it is. |
奥林匹斯在哪儿,我说了算。 |
I am the Junker Queen. |
我是渣客女王。 |
I am the queen. |
姐就是女王。 |
The Junker Queen stands with ya. |
渣客女王跟你一伙儿。 |
Today, you're honorary wastelanders. |
今天就让你们当一回荣誉废民吧。 |
Let's go smash some heads. |
走,去打爆他们的头。 |
Everybody holds, nobody runs. |
都给我守好,不许瞎跑。 |
Get it done. Or else. |
这场必须赢。不然就等着吧。 |
Finally, some action! |
终于能活动一下了! |
Get out of my way. |
别挡我的道。 |
The knife's called Gracie. The axe is Carnage. And me? I'm your queen. |
刀子叫格雷西。斧子叫“血斩”。至于我?我是你的女王。 |
Are you lot ready for some bloodshed? |
准备好见血了吗? |
Is this one a scrap or a heist? I wasn't listening. |
咱们这是去打架还是抢劫?我刚才没听。 |
Think you can keep up? |
你们跟得上吗? |
Before we go out there, I gotta warn you? I'm gonna yell at ya a lot. Not because I don't like ya, or because I c. |
我先把丑话说在前头:待会我会一直冲你吼。不是说我不喜欢你,也不是因为我真的在乎你。而是因为我的嗓门本来就大。 |
So, here's the plan? do what I do, listen to what I say, and don't screw this up. |
听好,计划是这样的:听我指挥,跟着我打,还有别拖后腿。 |
- 队内全为女性英雄
Alright, ladies. Let's teach these boys a lesson. |
来吧,姑娘们。咱们教训教训那帮臭小子。 |
- 队内多个智械英雄
Three bots, huh? You sure you even need any humans? |
哈?三坨机器?那还要人干什么? |
Ugh, both brothers on the same team? Better make up before I smash your heads together. |
呃,你们兄弟俩站一队了?少给我闹别扭,不然小心我捶你们。 |
- 队友为狂鼠
Behave yourself, Fawkes. I can still have you executed. |
规矩点儿,法尔克斯。我有的是办法灭了你。 |
- 队友为天使
Doctor, have I really got to eat vegetables? It's like CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH, how long have I got to chew these? |
医生,我一定要吃菜叶吗?嚼起来嘎吱嘎吱的响,到底得嚼多久啊? |
- 队友为破坏球
Got any room in that mech, Champ? I wanna take some souvenirs. |
机甲里还有地方吗,冠军?我想带点纪念品走。 |
Let's see. We've got a bot, an angel, and the stupidest man alive. Does that put us ahead or behind? |
我看看嗷,队里有个机器人,有个天使,还有个天下第一大白痴。那我们算强还是算弱啊? |
- 刽子手
Time for some punishing! |
是时候来点惩罚了! |
Let's break out the guillotine! |
断头台要开工了! |
Nice day... for an execution. |
天气不错……适合处决。 |
- 上一轮赢了
They don't stand a chance. |
他们想赢?门都没有。 |
I think I'm getting another trophy for me throne room. |
看来我的王座室又要添一座奖杯了。 |
- 上一轮输了
You wanna lose this? To them? |
你们不会想输给那群白痴吧? |
I don't like losing. You won't like it either. |
我不喜欢吃败仗。你们肯定也不会喜欢。 |
- 平局后的最后一轮
This is the one that counts. |
现在到了最关键的时候。 |
Last chance to kick their teeth in! |
再不锤爆他们就没机会了! |
Ya only lose if ya stay down. |
趴在地上不起来就等着输吧。 |
Lucky shot. My turn. |
刚才算你走运。该我了。 |
Finally, a decent scrap. |
终于有个像样的垃圾了。 |
I've got plenty of teeth left. |
嘿,幸好牙还在。 |
There'll be consequences for that. |
我有仇必报,你完了。 |
Beat me? Like hell you will. |
想打倒我?做梦去吧。 |
That's no way to treat your queen. |
哪有这么对女王的,不像话。 |
That is IT! |
你给我等着! |
Looks like somebody wants the death penalty. |
我看有人是活腻了。 |
I'm getting back in there. |
姐又回来了。 |
- 在渣客镇或新渣客城
This city's mine, and it's staying mine. |
这座城是我的,永远都是我的。 |
- 连续击杀后
A challenger! I like those. |
来了个挑战者!我喜欢。 |
Eh, nobody reigns forever. |
呵,王权没有永恒。 |
- 刽子手
Oi! I drop the guillotine around here! |
喂!能用断头台的只有我! |
You don't execute the executioner! |
刽子手是杀不死的! |
Gonna chain 'em to a rock and call my eagle. |
看我不把他们绑在石头上喂我的老鹰。 |
- 宙斯
Hubris, eh? Bold move, mortals! |
还挺狂的啊?算你们有种,凡人! |
I beat the Titans. This lot is nothing! |
连泰坦都打不过我。这群家伙算老几! |
That's it. Everyone's going to Hades! |
死了就得去见哈迪斯,谁也逃不了! |
That's it. Everyone's going to Tartarus! |
死了就得去塔耳塔洛斯,谁也逃不了! |
What kind of moron crosses the mother of the gods? |
敢来惹众神之母,这得有多蠢? |
You can't kill a god! |
天神是杀不死的! |
We're outnumbered! |
他们人多! |
Outnumbered? They've finally got a fair fight! |
他们人多?这才公平! |
Good stuff. |
真不错。 |
Much better. |
感觉好多了。 |
(sighs). |
(叹气) |
- 宙斯
Mmm… ambrosia. |
嗯……美味的仙肴。 |
Aw. I wanted a scar. |
噢,我还挺想留个疤的。 |
I owe you one. |
算我欠你的。 |
Thanks. |
谢了。 |
(Laugh) Let's go get 'em! |
(大笑)一起干掉他们! |
Yes! |
很好! |
All right! |
这就对了! |
You and me, yeah? |
一块儿上吧,嗯? |
I'm up. Who needs cutting? |
我回来了。谁想挨刀子? |
Your queen thanks ya. |
你的女王感谢你。 |
- 发现敌人
Think you can take me? Let's find out! |
凭你也想赢我?那就来过两招! |
Come on, then! |
放马过来吧! |
- 敌人方位
Above you! |
在你上面! |
Above us! |
在上面! |
Behind ya! |
在你背后! |
They're behind us! |
他们在我们后面! |
Down there! |
看下面! |
They're below us! |
敌人在下面! |
They're in front of us! |
他们在咱们正前方! |
They're just ahead! |
他们就在前面! |
On the left! |
左边有敌人! |
On your left! |
左边! |
On your right! |
在你右边! |
On the right! |
右边有敌人! |
- 敌人在集合
Take 'em! |
干掉他们! |
There they are. |
他们在那儿。 |
- 敌人在队友身后
Behind ya! |
看你背后! |
- 发现狙击手
Gutless sniper ahead! |
前面有个拿狙的怂货! |
Get the sniper! |
看到狙击手了! |
- 敌人被复活
They brought one back! |
他们把人拉起来了! |
They revived the ratbag! |
他们拉起来一只死耗子! |
Find their teleporter! |
快去找他们的传送面板! |
- 寻找敌人
They've got a teleporter. Find it! |
敌人弄了块传送面板。快去找! |
- 发现敌人
There's the teleporter! |
那边有传送面板! |
- 摧毁敌人
Teleporter's down and dusted. |
传送面板已经被拆成渣了。 |
They got a shield generator. Bloody cheats. |
他们居然弄了台护盾发生器。玩阴的是吧。 |
- 发现敌人护盾发生器
Shield generator, there! |
护盾发生器在那边! |
- 摧毁敌人护盾发生器
Their shield generator's in pieces. |
敌人的护盾发生器渣都不剩了。 |
- 发现
They built a turret! |
他们搞了个炮台! |
Enemy turret. Scrap it! |
是敌人的炮台。把它废了! |
Turret up ahead! |
前头有座炮台! |
- 摧毁
Turret destroyed. |
干掉炮台了。 |
Turret crushed. |
炮台被拆了个稀巴烂。 |
Oh, mate, here it comes! |
哦,伙计,好戏来了! |
You're in for it now. |
你们等着挨揍吧。 |
(Laugh) Who wants their guts handed to 'em? |
(大笑)谁想看看自己肚子里装的什么货? |
None of ya can stop me! |
谁也别想阻止我! |
(Laughs) Now that's lethal! |
(大笑)这才叫致命! |
- 宙斯
Face the might of Zeus! |
面对宙斯的神威! |
You dare oppose Olympus? |
你们胆敢违逆奥林匹斯? |
- 状态不好
I feel like hot trash. |
感觉提不起劲儿来。 |
Something's wrong. |
有点儿不对劲。 |
(Grunt) Don't feel right. |
(咕哝)不对劲。 |
- 受到 禅雅塔
乱 的效果
Bloody hell! |
去你的吧! |
Damn it! |
该死! |
All hail the Queen! |
给女王跪下! |
No one can stop me! |
谁敢挡我? |
- 刽子手
(Laughs) I've got their heads rolling! |
(大笑)我拿他们的脑袋当球踢! |
- 宙斯
Eat your liver out, Prometheus! |
看我吃了你的肝,普罗米修斯! |
Look out, Ares. There's a new god of war! |
看好了阿瑞斯,我是新的战神! |
And that's how you bring fire to the mortals. |
火种就该这样带给凡人。 |
That's it for them. Anyone want to arm wrestle? |
敌人全完了。来掰个腕子吧? |
All dead? Hah, you call that a fight? |
这就全挂了?哈,我还没出力呢! |
- 队友倒下
Hey! No dying until I say so! |
嘿!我没让你死就不准死! |
Hey! If they die, I've got dibs on the carcass! |
哎哎,她们要是挂了,尸体得归我! |
- 队友击杀敌人
Save some for the rest of us! |
给我们留点儿乐子! |
Nice one. |
漂亮。 |
That's the way. |
这才对味儿。 |
Not sure even I could've done better. |
就算让我来,大概也就这样了。 |
Good one, Mako! |
不赖啊,马可! |
Show 'em what's what, Champ! |
叫他们好看,冠军! |
(Laugh) Would you look at that. Ratjunk got a kill. |
(大笑)瞧瞧,那个“怂鼠”支棱起来了? |
- 宙斯
Ha! Your prowess pleases the gods. |
哈,众神欣赏你的本领。 |
- 给队友报位置
Here! |
这里! |
Over here! |
过来! |
- 拯救队友
Nearly had ya, didn't they? |
差点就叫他们干掉了,嗯? |
Saved ya. Thank me later. |
救了你的小命。回头再谢我吧。 |
You owe me one, yeah? |
你欠我条命,记住了吗? |
Don't know why I saved you. |
我也不知道救你干吗? |
- 复活队友
Someone revive that lazy ratbag! |
谁去把那个懒骨头拉起来! |
No dying until we win. |
我们还没赢呢,不准死。 |
Up ya get. |
赶紧起来。 |
Hey! Hey, hey, hey. If you die, it'll be by my axe. Got it? |
嗨嗨嗨,你要死,也只能死在我的斧子下面。懂吗? |
Eh, your guts wouldn't fetch me a half-bit. Get up! |
哎,你肚子里那点货我可瞧不上。快起来! |
- 灵利女巫雾子
Ha! Did you foresee me saving your hide? |
哈!你能预见到是我救了你的小命吗? |
- 恶魔之心艾什
This is why you stick to souls, not bodies! |
所以说保住灵魂就行了,身体无所谓! |
- 赛博侦探索杰恩
Hang on, hang on... Who's supposed to solve your murder if you die? |
撑住撑住,要是你死了,你的谋杀案可没人给你破。 |
- 投票史诗
You know it, I know it. |
姐的实力,大家都清楚。 |
I'm just that good. |
姐就是这么强。 |
That's right. |
这就对了。 |
Bow down. |
给我跪下。 |
- 投票传奇
Call me Junker Goddess. |
叫我渣客女神。 |
Damn right, I'm the champion. |
没错,我才是冠军。 |
I am your queen. |
我是你们的女王。 |