*laughs* ...Excuse me.![]() |
*大笑*……抱歉。 |
Don't get me angry.![]() |
千万不要惹我生气。 |
No monkey business.![]() |
可别把我当猴子耍。 |
Get a load of this!![]() |
好好看着! |
No, I do not want a banana.![]() |
不,我不要香蕉。 |
Sorry about that.![]() |
对此我很抱歉。 |
Curious.![]() |
有意思。 |
Natural selection.![]() |
物竞天择。 |
How embarrassing.![]() |
真尴尬。 |
The power of science!![]() |
科学的力量! |
Did someone say peanut butter?![]() |
刚才有人说花生酱了? |
Houston, we have a problem.![]() |
休斯顿,我们有麻烦了。 |
What a delightful get-together.![]() |
团圆的感觉,是幸福的感觉。![]() |
That was awesome!![]() |
太棒了!![]() |
Moon, sweet home.![]() |
月亮,甜美的家。![]() |
To the moon and back!![]() |
飞向月球!![]() |
For red fireworks, use a strontium compound. Green? Try barium!![]() |
要做红色的烟花,就用锶化合物。要绿色的?那就试试钡化合物!![]() |
Have you seen my glasses?![]() |
你看见我的眼镜了吗?![]() |
Primal punch!![]() |
原始暴怒!![]() |
I have the right stuff.![]() |
我就是这么厉害。![]() |
Can't keep a good ape down!![]() |
你是关不住一只天才猩猩的!![]() |
Oh yeah!![]() |
哦耶!![]() |
It's my time to shine!![]() |
轮到我了!![]() |
I've got nothing to hide!![]() |
我没什么见不得人的东西!![]() |
Why is it so warm? Well, the earth is tilted on its axis, thanks to a planetary collision five billion years ago.![]() |
为什么夏天会热?这个啊,是因为地球的自转轴,在五十亿年前一次行星碰撞时倾斜了……![]() |
Oh, it's on.![]() |
哦,开始了。![]() |
Playtime's over.![]() |
游戏时间结束了。![]() |
Ooh, scary.![]() |
哦,好吓人。![]() |
This is not a costume.![]() |
我这不是道具服。![]() |
A full moon? Stay away from me!![]() |
满月了?快离我远点!![]() |
Boo!![]() |
Boo!![]() |
Mountain gorillas thrive in colder climates. As a Moon Gorilla... I could use a jacket.![]() |
山地大猩猩喜欢寒冷的气候。可我是月球来的猩猩……还是穿厚点吧。![]() |
I, uh... got you something.![]() |
我……呃,有东西要给你。![]() |
Party mode engaged!![]() |
派对模式启动!![]() |
I'm a party animal!![]() |
我喜欢派对!![]() |
Who’d have thought that strontium and barium, properly oxidized, could make the night sky so beautiful? |
谁能想到,一点点锶和钡(哦,要经过适当的氧化),居然能让夜空变得这么好看。![]() |
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A better world begins with each and every one of us. |
让世界更加美好需要我们每个人共同努力。 |