- 我方抢占机器人
Come on, robot. |
来吧,机器人。 |
We have the robot. |
机器人归我们了。 |
We have the robot. |
机器人归我们了。 |
- 敌方抢占机器人
We cannot let them take the robot! |
绝不能让他们抢走机器人! |
Do not leave the robot! |
不要丢下机器人! |
Protect the robot! |
保护机器人! |
- 我方机器人
Now we push. Do not falter. |
无须畏惧,向前推进。 |
The barricade must stay in motion. |
挡板必须一路向前。 |
Let us move the barricade. |
一起让挡板动起来。 |
- 敌方机器人
Strike quickly and halt their movement! |
迅速出击,阻断敌方行动! |
The enemy moves. We must stop them! |
敌人行动了。必须阻止他们! |
The enemy is pushing their barricade! |
敌人正在推进挡板! |
- 我方机器人
The lead has been taken. |
优势属于我们。 |
The lead is ours. |
我们领先了。 |
Pushing ahead! |
继续推进! |
- 敌方机器人
They have pushed ahead of us! |
敌人超过我们了! |
We fall behind! |
我们落后了! |
The enemy has the lead! |
敌人领先了! |
- 想要继续推进机器人
Push the robot! |
快推机器人! |
The robot must move. |
机器人必须动起来。 |
- 想要阻止敌方继续推进机器人
End their advance! |
终结他们的推进! |
Stop the robot! |
拦住机器人! |
- 我方机动推进
Let us move with certainty. |
心境明澈,奋勇当先。 |
Push ahead! |
向前推进! |
Take the lead! |
夺取优势! |
- 敌方机动推进
We're about to lose the lead! |
我们要落后了! |
They must not outpace us! |
不能让敌人超过! |
How did they catch up? |
他们是怎么追上来的? |
- 机动推进
This is our last chance to take the robot! |
夺回机器人,这是最后的机会! |
Final push! Keep the robot close! |
最后的推进!跟紧机器人! |
We must defend the robot! |
务必看好机器人! |
Last chance! Protect the robot! |
这是最后的机会!保护机器人! |
- 机动推进
Hurry! We must take the robot! |
行动!夺回机器人! |
Final push! Capture the robot! |
最后的推进!夺回机器人! |
- 想要占领目标点
Attack the objective!![]() |
攻击目标点! |
- 我方正在占领目标点
Claiming the objective! |
正在占领目标点! |
Join me on the objective. |
来目标点与我会合。 |
The objective is in my hands. |
目标点在我手里。 |
- 敌方正在占领目标点
The objective is under attack. Cut them down! |
目标点正遭到攻击。斩断他们! |
They're attacking the objective. Let us show them a real fight. |
敌人正在攻击目标点,给他们送上一场真正的战斗吧。 |
We have unwelcome company on the objective. |
目标点里来了不速之客。 |
- 我方正在防守目标点
Defend the objective!![]() |
守住目标点! |
Concentrate our defenses at the objective.![]() |
在目标位置集中防御。 |
Defend the objective!![]() |
守住目标! |
- 呼叫队友推进
Push the payload!![]() |
推进运载目标! |
Move the payload! |
移动运载目标! |
- 呼叫队友截停
Stop the payload.![]() |
阻止运载目标 |
- 护送运载目标
Clear the payload's path! |
为运载目标扫清障碍! |
The payload is moving. |
运载目标正在移动。 |
The payload progresses. |
运载目标前进了。 |
- 我方运载目标
Get the payload moving again! |
继续转移运载目标! |
Move the payload. Let's go! |
必须转移运载目标,快来! |
Why has the payload stopped_ We must move! |
运载目标为什么停住了?快动起来! |
- 敌方运载目标
Drive them off the payload! |
把他们从运载目标旁赶走! |
We must stop the payload's progress. |
必须拦住运载目标。 |
We need to stand in the payload's way! |
我们不能让运载目标前进半步! |
- 运载目标
There's no time to lose. Attack! |
快没时间了,进攻! |
Time is running out. Strike them now! |
时间不多了,干掉他们! |
- 运载目标
The fight is almost over. Keep defending! |
战斗临近尾声了,守住防线! |
Time works against them. Don't lose focus! |
他们的时间不多了,集中精神! |
Victory approaches. We must see it through! |
胜利就在眼前,一定要坚持到底! |
- 夺取敌方旗帜
Capture the enemy flag!![]() |
让我们夺取旗帜! |
We must attack the enemy flag!![]() |
夺取敌人的旗帜。 |
- 拿到敌方旗帜
A score for our team!![]() |
我方得分! |
I have claimed the flag!![]() |
我拿到旗帜了! |
- 保护我方旗帜
Defend our flag!![]() |
防守我们的旗帜! |
We must defend our flag!![]() |
必须保护我们的旗帜。 |
- 我方丢下旗帜
Giving up the flag.![]() |
放下旗帜了。 |
Dropping the flag.![]() |
扔下旗帜了。 |
- 敌人夺取我方旗帜
Bolster our defenses, protect our flag from further incursions!![]() |
强化防御,不能再让敌人夺走旗帜了! |
We must not let that happen again.![]() |
这种情况不能再发生了。 |
- 敌人丢下我方旗帜
They have dropped our flag!![]() |
他们扔下了我们的旗帜! |
Our flag is in the open. Get it back!![]() |
我们的旗帜在前面,快夺回来! |
- 敌人拿到旗帜
We must reclaim our flag!![]() |
我们必须夺回旗帜! |
They have our flag. After them!![]() |
敌人夺走了我们的旗帜,快追上去! |
- 抢回我方旗帜
They have our flag! After them!![]() |
他们拿走了我们的旗帜!快追! |
We must reclaim our flag!![]() |
我们必须取回我们的旗帜。 |
- 送回我方旗帜
A nice attempt, but I must return our flag now.![]() |
不错的尝试,可惜我还是得归还旗帜。 |
Returning the flag to base.![]() |
正在归还旗帜。 |
- 捡起敌方旗帜
I have the flag. Try and stop me.![]() |
我拿到旗帜了,有本事就来阻止我。 |
Taking the flag to base!![]() |
正在将旗帜带回基地! |
The flag and I are one.![]() |
旗帜与我一同行动。 |
- 想要摧毁目标
Focus our attacks upon the objective!![]() |
集中火力攻击目标! |
Destroy the objective!![]() |
摧毁目标! |
- 敌方目标受损
The objective is damaged!![]() |
目标受损! |
- 我方目标受损
The objective is damaged!![]() |
目标受损! |
- 敌方目标受损严重
Focus all our attacks upon the objective, it will soon be destroyed!![]() |
集中所有火力攻击目标,它很快就要被摧毁了! |
It cannot take much more. Attack!![]() |
目标快承受不住了,进攻! |
- 清除目标
Objective complete.![]() |
目标完成。 |
- 到目标那
To the objective!![]() |
快去目标位置! |
- 拿下目标
Take the objective!![]() |
拿下这个目标! |
Let us coordinate our attacks upon the objective.![]() |
一起攻击目标。 |
- 指示攻击目标
Take down the objective!![]() |
干掉目标! |
We need to take out the target.![]() |
我们得干掉那个目标。 |