(Japanese) Cut like the gale!![]() |
势如利刃! |
(Japanese) Easy.![]() |
(日语)不过如此。 |
(Japanese) Swift as the wind!![]() |
(日语)动如疾风! |
I turn your momentum against you. |
你的动势就是我的优势。 |
(Japanese) A half-hearted effort. |
(日语)半吊子的家伙。 |
(Japanese) Become the wind! |
(日语)变成疾风吧! |
(Japanese) Choose your enemies more wisely. |
(日语)别惹不该惹的人。 |
(Japanese) Follow the wind's path! |
(日语)遵循疾风之道! |
(Japanese) How's that? |
(日语)这招厉害吧? |
(Japanese) Like a dragon. |
(日语)如龙一般。 |
(Japanese) You shouldn't underestimate me. |
你太小看我了。 |
(Japanese) That was no big deal for me. |
(日语)没什么大不了的嘛。 |
(Japanese) Water under the bridge. |
(日语)覆水难收。 |
A simple victory. |
轻松取胜。 |
A strong wind can fell any tree. |
参天大树,不敌疾风。 |
Forever hold your peace. |
永远地安息吧。 |
Guided by the wind. |
跟随风的指引。 |
I cherish every victory. |
珍惜每一场胜利。 |
My aim is true. |
招招致命。 |
Not everyone escapes their fate. |
不是每个人都能逃脱命运。 |
Quite the battle. |
精彩的战斗。 |
The wind blows in my favor. |
风随我动。 |
This is the end for you. |
你的死期到了。 |
Until next time. |
后会有期。 |
What's your next move? |
接下来你会怎么做? |
You will not find the answer you seek. |
你想要的答案不在这儿。 |
Your choices lead to your fate. |
你选择了自己的命运。 |
That was almost a challenge. |
还算有点挑战。 |
- 战队超人
Fantastic technique!![]() |
梦幻绝技! |
Break the limit!![]() |
铁之斗魂! |
- 剑道选手
(Japanese) Master, I'm sorry.![]() |
抱歉,老师。 |
- 赛博恶灵
Cybernetic annihilation. |
机体毁灭。 |
How was that, punk? |
滋味如何啊,废物? |
Illuminating accuracy. |
光之所向。 |
These streets are mine. |
这条街是我的地盘。 |
Deleted. |
数据删除。 |
(Japanese) Become the light! |
(日语)变成光吧! |
The cyber demon claims another! |
赛博恶灵再下一城! |
Nothing is faster than light. |
再快也比不过光。 |
Sent to a neon scrapyard. |
霓虹废料场才是你的归宿。 |
Your modifications were primitive. |
你的改装太原始了。 |
You claim to have mastered light? (scoff). |
就你还自称掌握了光?(嘲笑) |
I am victorious this time, brother.![]() |
这次是我赢了,哥哥。 |
Your actions continue to haunt you. |
你的所作所为会将你反噬。 |
(Japanese) Sparrows do not stop singing. |
麻雀从不停止歌唱。 |
No hint of a breeze. |
风平浪静。 |
Fallen snow. |
如雪花般飘零。 |
No need to check on me, Doctor. |
不用检查我,医生。 |
(Japanese) Even monkeys fall from trees. |
猴子也有从树上掉下来的时候。 |
No need to go easy on me, master. |
不用对我手下留情,师父。 |
Your focus lacks focus, master. |
你心怀慈悲,下手太软,师父。 |
My deadliest enemy, defeated. |
我的死敌已被击破。 |
- 击杀使用
Your swordwork needs work. |
你的剑法有待提高。 |
You fought well, swordsman. Just not well enough. |
厉害的剑法,剑客,但还远远不够。 |
- 击杀使用
Early blossoms fall from the tree. |
还未绽放就凋谢了。 |
A sunset is fleeting. |
A sunset is fleeting |
Farewell. |
一路顺风。 |
For a moment, you are weightless. |
退一步海阔天空。 |
(Japanese) If you wish ill upon someone, it will fall upon you.![]() |
己所不欲勿施于人。 |
No deed is forgotten. |
我可没忘了你做过的好事。 |
- 暴击击杀
Precision is the way of the effective warrior. |
精准方能制敌于刹那。 |
- 击杀被安娜
Amari chose poorly. |
艾玛莉眼光真差。 |
You had the advantage, but I had the edge. |
你有强化在身,而我有斩铁利刃。 |
- 击杀被查莉娅
Thank you, Zaryanova! |
谢谢你,查莉娅诺娃! |
(Japanese) Even tofu is harder to slice. |
豆腐切起来比你有劲多了。 |
(Japanese) Over here! |
(日语)我在这儿呢! |
(Japanese) Remnants of a breeze. |
(日语)如疾风般灵动。 |
(Japanese) Stay on your toes, now. |
(日语)下回留点心吧。 |
(Japanese) With the wind! |
(日语)御风而行! |
Don't blink next time. |
下次可别眨眼。 |
Faster than lightning. |
迅疾如闪电一般。 |
I part the sea. |
抽刀断水。 |
Like slicing through paper. |
就像切纸片一样。 |
Slower than a tortoise. |
动作比乌龟还慢。 |
Split like bamboo. |
势如破竹。 |
- 赛博恶灵
My blade flashes. |
剑闪雷鸣。 |
Come into the light. |
在光中消散。 |
My aim is unerring.![]() |
精准无比。 |
(Japanese) Step by step, walk the thousand mile road.![]() |
不积跬步无以至千里。 |
(Japanese) I am superhuman. |
(日语)我可是超人类。 |
(Japanese) Who's next? |
(日语)谁是下一个? |
Fear the focused warrior. |
武士凝神,最为致命。 |
The winds of death are strong.![]() |
凋零之风势不可挡。 |
(Japanese) Nothing is impossible.![]() |
(日语)精神一到! |
(Japanese) Strategy is the craft of the warrior.![]() |
兵者,诡道也。 |
My enemies topple. |
秋风扫落叶。 |
- 赛博恶灵
Do you fear me yet? |
现在怕我了吗? |
My soul burns ever brighter. |
斗魂燃烧得更加炽烈。 |
Now you have seen behind the mask. |
现在看到我的真面目了吧。 |
(Japanese) Idiot.![]() |
(日语)傻瓜。 |
(Japanese) Yes!![]() |
(日语)很好! |
I learned that from my brother.![]() |
这是我从哥哥那里学到的。 |
(Laughs) That was bold of you. |
你还挺有种。 |
After you. |
你先请。 |
How foolish. |
真够蠢的。 |
Your reflexes are slow. |
你的反应太慢了。 |
Your hand-to-hand needs work. |
你的格斗技术还得再练练。 |
- 赛博恶灵
Am I fearsome up close? |
近距离看我可怕吗? |
You wanted to see my tattoos? |
想看我的刺青吗? |
An incandescent strike. |
炽烈的一击。 |