A steady blade balances the soul.![]() |
利刃随人。 |
I am ready.![]() |
我准备好了。 |
Come on!![]() |
放马过来! |
(Japanese) Yes!![]() |
(日语)很好! |
My work here is done.![]() |
这儿的任务完成了。 |
Measure twice. Cut once.![]() |
三思而后斩。 |
You are only human.![]() |
你只不过是个人类。 |
(Japanese) Let's fight fairly.![]() |
堂堂正正地决斗吧! |
(Japanese) My soul seeks balance.![]() |
我的灵魂渴望平衡。 |
Damn!![]() |
该死! |
*chuckles* Simple.![]() |
啊,轻而易举。 |
(Japanese) Not yet!![]() |
(日语)还差得远呢! |
All bark. No bite.![]() |
咬人的狗不叫。![]() |
To know yourself is to be at peace.![]() |
寻得平静才能寻得自我。![]() |
Your eyes deceive you.![]() |
你的双眼欺骗了你。![]() |
Life and death balance on the edge of my blade.![]() |
我即是生死之刃。![]() |
(Japanese) Extra noodles!![]() |
(日语)再来碗面!![]() |
Ryu-Ichimonji strikes!![]() |
竜一文字出击!![]() |
You seem nice. I hate to kill you.![]() |
你看上去不错,我讨厌把你杀掉。![]() |
You need healing.![]() |
你需要治疗。![]() |
I'm not impressed.![]() |
面对你这样的对手,我很难进入状态啊。![]() |
My blade never dulls.![]() |
我的利刃时刻准备着。![]() |
The sword is an elegant weapon for a more civilized age.![]() |
文明的年代需要一把优雅的武器。![]() |
I was hoping for a challenge.![]() |
我更期待一场挑战。![]() |
Touche!![]() |
说得好!![]() |
(Japanese) Happy Halloween!![]() |
万圣节快乐!![]() |
My Halloween costume_ Cyborg ninja.![]() |
万圣节要演什么呢?机械忍者吧!![]() |
Trick or treat!![]() |
不给糖果就捣蛋!![]() |
I am the sword in the shadows.![]() |
我是黑暗中的利剑。![]() |
Merry Christmas!![]() |
圣诞快乐!![]() |
Count your blessings.![]() |
知足常乐。![]() |
The dragon and I are one. |
天龙与我,人龙合一。![]() |
(Japanese) Dreaming of a fond reality. |
(日语)浮生若梦。![]() |
Rust... my greatest weakness. |
生锈……是我最大的弱点。![]() |
I have accepted what I am. |
我已经接受了现在的自己。![]() |