(Japanese) Peace returns to those who wish for it. |
(日语)求和平者,和平自会降临。 |
- 赛博恶灵
(Japanese) Death comes to those who wish for it. |
(日语)求死亡者,死亡自会降临。 |
Genji is with you.![]() |
源氏在此。 |
- 战队超人
Genji is here. Ready to transform!![]() |
源氏在此,变身! |
(Japanese) The battle commences!![]() |
(日语)战斗开始! |
(Japanese) Let's go!![]() |
(日语)上吧! |
Let's finish this quickly.![]() |
让我们尽快结束这一切吧。 |
The battle commences!![]() |
战斗开始了! |
(Japanese) Your hard heart can find no penance, save that which you taught me to endure.![]() |
神前背誓获罪多。 |
(Japanese) My mind is concentrated upon battle.![]() |
(日语)我心,明镜止水。 |
Empty your mind. Focus on the task at hand.![]() |
放空思想,专注在手头的任务上。 |
I still have much to learn.![]() |
我还有许多东西要学。 |
(Japanese?) May all those who preside over warriors be my vanguard!![]() |
(日语)临兵斗者皆阵列在前! |
(Japanese) From one thing, know ten thousand things.![]() |
一朝闻道,通晓万物。 |
(Japanese) Death watches over the battlefield. I am ready.![]() |
死神注视着战场,我已经准备好了。 |
I will strike our enemies where they do not expect.![]() |
我会奇袭敌人。 |
I still have much to learn.![]() |
我还有许多东西要学。 |
(Japanese) Real things in the darkness seem no realer than dreams.![]() |
是梦是真分辨不清。 |
Let us proceed with haste.![]() |
加快速度,继续前进。 |
We should begin.![]() |
该开始了。 |
I know what it is to leave behind a past you are not proud of.![]() |
把不愿面对的过去抛在身后,我知道这是什么感觉。 |
(Japanese) My blade is sharpened, and my will is pure. |
我的剑刃锋锐,我的意志纯粹。 |
We will be the lightning that rides the storm. |
让我们成为驾驭风暴的闪电吧。 |
Mental bearing, not skill, is the sign of a matured warrior. |
成熟的武士不在于技巧,而在乎心志。 |
- 在花村
I passed many an hour of my misspent youth here.![]() |
我年轻时在这里虚度了许多时光。 |
- 在新年期间
Happy New Year.![]() |
よいお年を |
Happy New Year.![]() |
明けましておめでとうございます |
- 剑道选手
(Japanese) Attention!![]() |
做好准备! |
(Japanese) Start!![]() |
(日语)开始! |
- 赛博恶灵
Fall upon them like lightning. |
像落雷一般轰击他们。 |
Strike with the fury of another world. |
异界的怒火,化作出击的利刃。 |
My soul is caged in a demon's form. |
我的灵魂被禁锢在恶灵的躯壳里。 |
There are many wrongs my shining blade must yet avenge. |
还有很多冤屈等着这把耀眼的刀刃为它们复仇。 |
My body is gone, but my will remains. |
我的身躯虽灭,但我的意志永存。 |
- 上一轮赢了
Our enemies are weak. This is our chance!![]() |
敌人被削弱了,我们的机会来了! |
We must press our advantage and seize victory!![]() |
我们必须抓住机会赢得胜利! |
- 上一轮输了
Our enemies have the upper hand, for now. Let us turn the tables!![]() |
敌人暂时获得了优势,让我们力挽狂澜吧! |
There is no time to dwell on the past. Now, we fight!![]() |
没时间纠结过去,现在让我们一起战斗! |
- 平局后的最后一轮
It comes to this. Do not falter.![]() |
既然到了这一步,就不要退缩。 |
After this, there will be only one victor.![]() |
此战过后,只能有一个胜者。 |
(Japanese) I will persevere through defeat. |
(日语)我会越挫越勇。 |
(Japanese) The path of the dragon awaits. |
神龙之道就在前方。 |
(Japanese) This is not the end! |
(日语)还没到结束的时候! |
Each journey has its trials. |
每一场修行都有考验。 |
Finally, a real challenge. |
总算有点挑战了。 |
I continue on this path. |
我会继续前行。 |
Mistakes will always precede victory. |
成功之前总有挫折。 |
My duty calls! |
职责所在! |
- 剑道选手
(Japanese) Foul!![]() |
犯规! |
- 赛博恶灵
Reassembled and ready. |
重组完成,准备出战。 |
I will be the light that blinds them. |
我将化身为夺目的光芒。 |
I shall take whatever form I must. |
我会采取一切必要的形态。 |
You can no more kill me than the lightning that fills the sky. |
划破长空的落雷杀不死我,你更不可能。 |
The pain subsides, and I am born again. |
苦痛消散,宛若新生。 |
Life and death are both beyond my reach. |
无论生死,对我而言都遥不可及。 |
The enemy outnumbers us! |
敌方人数占优! |
We are outnumbered! |
我们寡不敌众! |
I am healed.![]() |
我痊愈了。 |
(sighs) Much better.![]() |
呼,好多了。 |
I am repaired.![]() |
我被修好了。 |
(Japanese) Thank you.![]() |
谢谢你。 |
I am restored.![]() |
我恢复了。 |
I am healed.![]() |
我恢复了。 |
(Japanese) I have the heart of the dragon!![]() |
我即是天龙! |
The advantage is mine.![]() |
我无人能及。 |
(Japanese) My spirit grows strong!![]() |
(日语)精神统一! |
My spirit grows strong!![]() |
我的意志更加强大! |
- 战队超人
(Japanese) Heart-pounding delight!![]() |
(日语)兴奋愉快! |
(Japanese) Ready to transform!![]() |
(日语)变身! |
Unbreakable body!![]() |
不破钢体! |
- 白虎
(Japanese) I have the heart of the white tiger!![]() |
我即是白虎! |
- 邪鬼
(Japanese) I have the heart of the demon!![]() |
我即是恶鬼! |
- 赛博恶灵
My augmentations mount! |
机体强化增幅! |
(Japanese) Thank you.![]() |
谢谢你。 |
Just like old times. |
就跟从前一样。 |
- 发现敌人
I see the enemy! |
发现一个敌人! |
The enemy is here! |
敌人在这里! |
- 敌人方位
Enemy on the right!![]() |
敌人在右边! |
Watch the left side!![]() |
小心左边! |
On the right!![]() |
右边有敌人! |
On your left!![]() |
左边! |
They're meeting us head on!![]() |
准备正面应敌! |
Here they come!![]() |
他们来了! |
They're coming from below.![]() |
他们从下面打过来了。 |
Below us!![]() |
在我们下面! |
They're attacking from behind!![]() |
他们从后面打过来了! |
They're above us!![]() |
他们在我们上面! |
Watch above you!![]() |
小心头上! |
- 敌人在集合
Stand together, die together.![]() |
聚在一起,那就死在一起吧。 |
The enemy gathers here.![]() |
敌人在这里集结。 |
- 敌人在队友身后
Behind you!![]() |
后面! |
- 发现狙击手
Sniper! Be wary.![]() |
有狙击手!小心。 |
- 敌人被复活
Her work is efficient, as always. |
她还是这么厉害。 |
Our enemy craves another defeat. |
敌人又来寻死了。 |
The enemy has been revived! |
敌人复活了。 |
The enemy returns! (Japanese) We meet again, brother. |
敌人回来了!(日语)又见面了,哥哥。 |
Find the teleporter!![]() |
快去找传送器! |
- 寻找敌人
Enemy teleporter detected.![]() |
发现敌人的传送器。 |
Our enemies possess a teleporter.![]() |
敌人部署了传送器。 |
- 发现敌人
(laughs) I've found the teleporter.![]() |
(笑)我找到传送器了。 |
- 摧毁敌人
Yes! Enemy teleporter destroyed.![]() |
よし! 摧毁敌人的传送器了。 |
The enemy teleporter is no longer our concern.![]() |
不用再担心敌人的传送器了。 |
Our enemies have deployed a shield generator.![]() |
敌人部署了护盾发生器。 |
- 发现敌人护盾发生器
I have found the shield generator.![]() |
我找到护盾发生器了。 |
- 摧毁敌人护盾发生器
Their shield generator is no more.![]() |
摧毁他们的护盾发生器了。 |
Yes! Enemy shield generator destroyed.![]() |
よし! 敌方护盾发生器被摧毁了。 |
- 发现
Enemy turret ahead!![]() |
敌人的炮台在前面! |
- 摧毁
Yeah! Enemy turret destroyed.![]() |
よし! 干掉炮台了。 |
(Japanese) My power rises!![]() |
(日语)我的力量喷薄而出! |
I am unstoppable!![]() |
没人能够阻止我! |
(Japanese) I am unstoppable! |
(日语)我无人可挡! |
Power courses through me! |
力量在我的体内涌动! |
You've already lost! |
你们已经输了! |
- 赛博恶灵
Light courses through my veins! |
我的身体里流淌着光! |
(relieved chuckle).![]() |
(如释重负地笑) |
(relieved sigh) Fate smiles upon me.![]() |
(松了口气)命运眷顾于我。 |
- 状态不好
My body is compromised.![]() |
我的身体很虚弱。 |
My power is drained.![]() |
我的力量流失了。 |
- 受到 禅雅塔
乱 的效果
(Japanese) Damn!![]() |
(日语)可恶! |
Damn!![]() |
该死! |
(Japanese) Damn!![]() |
(日语)可恶! |
Something for my trouble.![]() |
努力的结果。 |
I will make use of this.![]() |
我会好好用的。 |
Just my style.![]() |
正合我意。 |
A worthy reward!![]() |
不错的奖励! |
What treasure is this?![]() |
这是什么奖励? |
I'm on fire!![]() |
我火力全开! |
I burn like the dawn! |
我如破晓黎明! |
I leave flames in my wake! |
我脚踏烈焰! |
My soul is alight! |
我的灵魂已经点燃! |
My spirit blazes! |
燃烧吧斗魂! |
- 赛博恶灵
I burn with purpose! |
信念燃烧着我! |
Our enemy has been swept away. |
我们的敌人被击溃了。 |
The forest has been cut down. |
森林也敌不过呼啸的狂风。 |
- 赛博恶灵
We glow brighter as our foes dim. |
敌人的黯淡,让我们更加耀眼。 |
- 队友倒下
Taking casualties!![]() |
有人受伤! |
We lost one!![]() |
我们失去一位队友了! |
Moira's down!![]() |
莫伊拉倒下了! |
- 队友击杀敌人
(Japanese) Superb!![]() |
(日语)漂亮! |
(Japanese) Well done!![]() |
(日语)不错嘛! |
A worthy strike!![]() |
漂亮的攻击! |
A worthy strike! |
漂亮的一击! |
Admirable! |
令人敬佩! |
Expert work. |
高手出招。 |
Masterful. |
技艺精湛。 |
Teach me that one, master. |
我想学那招,师父。 |
A fine shot, brother! |
精准的一箭,哥哥! |
Kiriko, you make everything look easy. |
雾子,你让战斗轻松了不少嘛。 |
Hey, that's my technique! |
嘿,那是我的招式! |
Side by side again, cowboy. |
又能并肩作战了,牛仔。 |
- 给队友报位置
Reporting in.![]() |
汇报位置。 |
I'm over here.![]() |
我在这里。 |
- 拯救队友
Be careful! |
要小心! |
(Japanese) How uncharacteristic, Kiriko. |
(日语)有失水准啊,雾子。 |
Stay sharp, brother. |
敏锐点儿,兄长。 |
This is no time to doubt yourself! |
现在不是自我怀疑的时候! |
- 复活队友
Come on!![]() |
放马过来! |
It's not your day to die.![]() |
你的大限未到。 |
You're okay. Get back in the fight.![]() |
你没事了,快回去战斗。 |
- 升级
(satisfied sound).![]() |
(satisfied sound) |
My skills improve.![]() |
我的技巧长进了。 |
- 投票史诗
Most enjoyable.![]() |
真是过瘾。 |
(Japanese) Alright!![]() |
(日语)很好! |
- 投票传奇
It was nothing.![]() |
这不算什么。 |
It is an honor.![]() |
这是我的荣幸。 |