{{OW2Audio|File=00000005B94F.0B2|E|en=*Speaking* No, I mean, I don’t sing. Can I dance instead_ *Sounding it out* Bah BA BA BA ba ba BAH, bah BA BA BA.|zh=不,我是说,我不会唱歌。能让我跳个舞吗?叭叭叭叭叭叭叭……我有点感觉了,再等一下……}}
{{OW2Audio|File=00000005B94F.0B2|E|en=*Speaking* No, I mean, I don’t sing. Can I dance instead_ *Sounding it out* Bah BA BA BA ba ba BAH, bah BA BA BA.|zh=不,我是说,我不会唱歌。能让我跳个舞吗?叭叭叭叭叭叭叭……我有点感觉了,再等一下……}}
{{OW2Audio|File=00000005B950.0B2|E|en=*Singing* If you need heals there’s no help stauncher _ Than a blast from my biotic launcher _ If they’re firing.|zh=如果你在战场上受了伤,我的榴弹枪就会帮忙,敌人的火力实在太强,我马上扔出维生力场。妈呀,我快喘不上气了,呼!}}
{{OW2Audio|File=00000005B950.0B2|E|en=*Singing* If you need heals there’s no help stauncher _ Than a blast from my biotic launcher _ If they’re firing.|zh=如果你在战场上受了伤,我的榴弹枪就会帮忙,敌人的火力实在太强,我马上扔出维生力场。妈呀,我快喘不上气了,呼!}}
== 在南极半岛或尼泊尔 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=000000063A91.0B2|en=Why would you live someplace with snow year-round?.|zh=谁会想住在一个常年下雪的地方啊?}}
== 在斗兽场 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=000000063A90.0B2|en=Let's visit the Sistine Chapel after this. I want to get a closer look at that ceiling.|zh=结束后一起去西斯廷教堂吧。我想仔细看看那里的天花板。}}
== 在努巴尼 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=000000063A42.0B2|en=So this is where Doomfist is from. I hope he's not in town.|zh=这儿就是末日铁拳的家乡啊。希望他不在家。}}
== 在渣客镇 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=000000061A5A.0B2|en=Got dust stuck in my teeth.|zh=我的牙缝里塞得都是土。}}