{{LOL|File =Irelia.First move01|Script = Let them come! This land will be their graveyard!|Translation=让他们来吧!这片土地将是他们的坟墓!}}
{{LOL|File =Irelia.First move01|Script = Let them come! This land will be their graveyard!|Translation=让他们来吧!这片土地将是他们的坟墓!}}
{{LOL|File =Irelia.First move02|Script = We will live on... Either in victory, or in the scars we leave on them!|Translation=中文翻译}}
{{LOL|File =Irelia.First move02|Script = We will live on... Either in victory, or in the scars we leave on them!|Translation=4 : 要么凯旋而归,要么化作敌人身上的伤疤,我们终将永生}}
{{LOL|File =Irelia.First move03|Script = They await my words... what should I tell them?|Translation=他们在等我讲话……我该说些什么?}}
{{LOL|File =Irelia.First move03|Script = They await my words... what should I tell them?|Translation=他们在等我讲话……我该说些什么?}}
{{LOL|File =Irelia.First move04|Script = We stand on the bones of the ones who came before us. For them, we fight!|Translation=我们的脚下是先烈们的尸骨,不要让他们失望!}}
{{LOL|File =Irelia.First move04|Script = We stand on the bones of the ones who came before us. For them, we fight!|Translation=我们的脚下是先烈们的尸骨,不要让他们失望!}}
{{LOL|File =Irelia.First move05|Script = I have but one life to give for Ionia. I must make it count.|Translation=我只有一条性命可以献给艾欧尼亚,绝不能随意辜负}}
{{LOL|File =Irelia.First move05|Script = I have but one life to give for Ionia. I must make it count.|Translation=我只有一条性命可以献给艾欧尼亚,绝不能随意辜负}}
{{LOL|File =Irelia.First move06|Script = Ready for takeoff!|Translation=准备起飞!}}
{{LOL|File =Irelia.First move07|Script = Yup, they're ice blades. Don't stick your tongue to them.|Translation=是的,这些是冰做的刀锋。别把舌头粘到上面}}
=== 移动中 ===
=== 移动中 ===
{{LOL|File =Irelia.moving01|Script = I have walked the silver plains and fished the rivers of grass. The land knows me.|Translation=我曾在银色平原漫步,也曾在青草之河垂钓。这片土地认识我}}
{{LOL|File =Irelia.moving01|Script = I have walked the silver plains and fished the rivers of grass. The land knows me.|Translation=我曾在银色平原漫步,也曾在青草之河垂钓。这片土地认识我}}