{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill39|Script = Honestly, a bow and two boys? What was your plan, Varus?|Translation=说真的,一把弓和两个小伙子,你打算做什么?韦鲁斯(韦鲁斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill39|Script = Honestly, a bow and two boys? What was your plan, Varus?|Translation=说真的,一把弓和两个小伙子,你打算做什么?韦鲁斯(韦鲁斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill40|Script = How I loathe your freedom, trickster! I will take this vengeance upon you, until the end of times!|Translation=我憎恨你的自由,欺诈者,我对你的复仇将持续到时间尽头(佐伊)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.kill40|Script = How I loathe your freedom, trickster! I will take this vengeance upon you, until the end of times!|Translation=我憎恨你的自由,欺诈者,我对你的复仇将持续到时间尽头(佐伊)}}
=== 攻击特定英雄 ===
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack22|Script = I come for you, Pantheon.|Translation=我来找你了,潘森(潘森)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack23|Script = The power of an aspect, wasted on a fool!|Translation=星灵的力量,浪费在蠢货身上(潘森)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack24|Script = I killed your tribe. Now, join them!|Translation=我屠光了你的部族,现在,去找他们吧(泰达米尔)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack25|Script = Tryndamere! This is your destiny!|Translation=泰达米尔,这是你的宿命(泰达米尔)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack26|Script = I will gut you, and tear you from existence, trickster!|Translation=我要掏出你的肠子,把你撕成碎片,欺诈者(佐伊)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.attack27|Script = Aspect of change! Now you die!|Translation=暮光星灵,你该死啊(佐伊)}}