{{LOL|File =aatrox.taunt6|Script = We all agreed on the double 'A' thing, Varus. The double 'A' thing!|Translation=我们不是都记得吗,要有亚字,韦鲁斯,要有亚字(韦鲁斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.taunt6|Script = We all agreed on the double 'A' thing, Varus. The double 'A' thing!|Translation=我们不是都记得吗,要有亚字,韦鲁斯,要有亚字(韦鲁斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.taunt7|Script = Varus, 'V' 'A' 'R' 'U' 'S', your name should have an 'A' and then another 'A', Varus. There was a memo, Varus, there was a memo!|Translation=韦鲁斯,韦~鲁~斯~,你的名字应该有个"亚"字,你怎么忘了,韦鲁斯。你怎么忘了?(韦鲁斯)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.taunt7|Script = Varus, 'V' 'A' 'R' 'U' 'S', your name should have an 'A' and then another 'A', Varus. There was a memo, Varus, there was a memo!|Translation=韦鲁斯,韦~鲁~斯~,你的名字应该有个"亚"字,你怎么忘了,韦鲁斯。你怎么忘了?(韦鲁斯)}}
==== 嘲讽巨神峰阵营英雄 ====
{{LOL|File =aatrox.taunt8|Script = I will find a way to tear down the heavens and reveal you as fiends! Not today obviously...|Translation=我将用尽浑身解数摧毁天堂,接受你们恶灵的面目。当然,还不到时候(巨神峰英雄)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.taunt8|Script = I will find a way to tear down the heavens and reveal you as fiends! Not today obviously...|Translation=我将用尽浑身解数摧毁天堂,接受你们恶灵的面目。当然,还不到时候(巨神峰英雄)}}
==== 嘲讽虚空阵营英雄 ====
{{LOL|File =aatrox.taunt9|Script = Do I resemble you, abomination? Your form isn't my destiny... is it? You don't know how to talk, do you? Shit...|Translation=我和你很像吗?丑恶的化身,你的躯壳不是我的终点。不是吧?你是不是不会说话啊?唉...(虚空英雄)}}
{{LOL|File =aatrox.taunt9|Script = Do I resemble you, abomination? Your form isn't my destiny... is it? You don't know how to talk, do you? Shit...|Translation=我和你很像吗?丑恶的化身,你的躯壳不是我的终点。不是吧?你是不是不会说话啊?唉...(虚空英雄)}}