第3行: |
第3行: |
| ===选用=== | | ===选用=== |
| {{LOL|File =syndra Select|Script =So much untapped power!|Translation=我的能量无穷无尽}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra Select|Script =So much untapped power!|Translation=我的能量无穷无尽}} |
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| ===禁用=== | | ===禁用=== |
| {{LOL|File =syndra Ban|Script =People fear what they cannot understand.|Translation=人们总是害怕那些他们不能理解的事物}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra Ban|Script =People fear what they cannot understand.|Translation=人们总是害怕那些他们不能理解的事物}} |
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| == 移动 == | | == 移动 == |
| {{LOL|File =syndra.move1|Script = I am in control.|Translation=尽在我的掌控之中}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.move1|Script = I am in control.|Translation=尽在我的掌控之中}} |
第17行: |
第15行: |
| {{LOL|File =syndra.move8|Script = This power is mine to command.|Translation=这股能量归我支配}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.move8|Script = This power is mine to command.|Translation=这股能量归我支配}} |
| {{LOL|File =syndra.move9|Script = Easily.|Translation=放轻松}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.move9|Script = Easily.|Translation=放轻松}} |
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| == 嘲讽 == | | == 嘲讽 == |
| {{LOL|File =syndra.taunt1|Script = Immense power is fun! You should try it sometime.|Translation=无边的能量很好玩儿,你有时也应该试一试}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.taunt1|Script = Immense power is fun! You should try it sometime.|Translation=无边的能量很好玩儿,你有时也应该试一试}} |
| {{LOL|File =syndra.taunt2|Script = A legion couldn't stop me. What chance do you have?|Translation=一个军团都无法将我阻止,你又有什么机会呢?}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.taunt2|Script = A legion couldn't stop me. What chance do you have?|Translation=一个军团都无法将我阻止,你又有什么机会呢?}} |
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| == 玩笑 == | | == 玩笑 == |
| {{LOL|File =syndra.joke1|Script = And they said I lacked balance. Ha!|Translation=他们还说我欠缺平衡,呵呵}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.joke1|Script = And they said I lacked balance. Ha!|Translation=他们还说我欠缺平衡,呵呵}} |
| {{LOL|File =syndra.joke2|Script = See? Absolute control.|Translation=看到了吗?绝对的控制}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.joke2|Script = See? Absolute control.|Translation=看到了吗?绝对的控制}} |
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| == 大笑 == | | == 大笑 == |
| {{LOL|File =syndra.laugh1|Script = syndra laughs.|Translation=笑声1 }} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.laugh1|Script = syndra laughs.|Translation=笑声1 }} |
第31行: |
第26行: |
| {{LOL|File =syndra.laugh3|Script = syndra laughs.|Translation=笑声3 }} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.laugh3|Script = syndra laughs.|Translation=笑声3 }} |
| {{LOL|File =syndra.laugh4|Script = syndra laughs.|Translation=笑声4 }} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.laugh4|Script = syndra laughs.|Translation=笑声4 }} |
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| == 普通攻击 == | | == 普通攻击 == |
| {{LOL|File =syndra.attack1|Script = Imprisoned no longer.|Translation=不再被封印了}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.attack1|Script = Imprisoned no longer.|Translation=不再被封印了}} |
第40行: |
第34行: |
| {{LOL|File =syndra.attack6|Script = They are nothing to me.|Translation=对于我而言,他们什么也不是}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.attack6|Script = They are nothing to me.|Translation=对于我而言,他们什么也不是}} |
| {{LOL|File =syndra.attack7|Script = Such power!|Translation=如此强大的能量}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.attack7|Script = Such power!|Translation=如此强大的能量}} |
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| === 暴击 === | | === 暴击 === |
| {{LOL|File =syndra.attack8|Script = ha!|Translation=(语气声)}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.attack8|Script = ha!|Translation=(语气声)}} |
| {{LOL|File =syndra.attack9|Script = ha!|Translation=(语气声)}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.attack9|Script = ha!|Translation=(语气声)}} |
| {{LOL|File =syndra.attack10|Script = ha!|Translation=(语气声)}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.attack10|Script = ha!|Translation=(语气声)}} |
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| == 技能 == | | == 技能 == |
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| === 释放任意技能时 === | | === 释放任意技能时 === |
| {{LOL|File =syndra.skill1|Script = ha!|Translation=哈!}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.skill1|Script = ha!|Translation=哈!}} |
第57行: |
第48行: |
| {{LOL|File =syndra.skill7|Script = ha!|Translation=哈!}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.skill7|Script = ha!|Translation=哈!}} |
| {{LOL|File =syndra.skill8|Script = ha!|Translation=哈!}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.skill8|Script = ha!|Translation=哈!}} |
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| === q技能暗黑法球 === | | === q技能暗黑法球 === |
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| {{LOL|File =syndra.q1|Script = Barriers exist to be broken.|Translation=障碍存在的意义就是被打破(q等级达到5时)}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.q1|Script = Barriers exist to be broken.|Translation=障碍存在的意义就是被打破(q等级达到5时)}} |
| {{LOL|File =syndra.q2|Script = Power without limit.|Translation=没有限制的能量(q等级达到5时)}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.q2|Script = Power without limit.|Translation=没有限制的能量(q等级达到5时)}} |
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| === w技能驱使念力 === | | === w技能驱使念力 === |
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| {{LOL|File =syndra.w1|Script = I love to watch them fly.|Translation=我就爱看他们飞起来(w等级达到5时)}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.w1|Script = I love to watch them fly.|Translation=我就爱看他们飞起来(w等级达到5时)}} |
| {{LOL|File =syndra.w2|Script = I will not hold back.|Translation=我不会退缩(w等级达到5时)}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.w2|Script = I will not hold back.|Translation=我不会退缩(w等级达到5时)}} |
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| === e技能弱者退散 === | | === e技能弱者退散 === |
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| {{LOL|File =syndra.e1|Script = They won't even come close.|Translation=他们甚至近不了身(e等级达到5时)}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.e1|Script = They won't even come close.|Translation=他们甚至近不了身(e等级达到5时)}} |
| {{LOL|File =syndra.e2|Script = I am untouchable.|Translation=没人可以碰到我(e等级达到5时)}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.e2|Script = I am untouchable.|Translation=没人可以碰到我(e等级达到5时)}} |
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| === r技能能量倾泻 === | | === r技能能量倾泻 === |
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| {{LOL|File =syndra.ult1|Script = My potential is limitless!|Translation=我的潜力无可限量(r等级达到3时)}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.ult1|Script = My potential is limitless!|Translation=我的潜力无可限量(r等级达到3时)}} |
| {{LOL|File =syndra.ult2|Script = I will not be restrained.|Translation=我不会受到制约的(r等级达到3时)}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.ult2|Script = I will not be restrained.|Translation=我不会受到制约的(r等级达到3时)}} |
| {{LOL|File =syndra.ult3|Script = (laugh.)|Translation=(笑)}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.ult3|Script = (laugh.)|Translation=(笑)}} |
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| == 死亡 == | | == 死亡 == |
| {{LOL|File =syndra.death1|Script = |Translation=(叫声)}} | | {{LOL|File =syndra.death1|Script = |Translation=(叫声)}} |