、 2021年7月14日 (三) 00:39
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_appoint.mp3|Script = You've invited me… You must not be looking for a tactician.|Translation = 你这里并不需要战术人员......我知道了,你是请我来聊天的。}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_talk1.mp3|Script = I love my country, for better or for worse.|Translation = 我热爱我的国家,以及它所给我带来的一切——无论那是好是坏。}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_talk2.mp3|Script = Have you met my sister? She's the one in a white coat in the photo, and those are her children.|Translation = 你还没见过我妹妹吧,看,照片上穿白大褂的就是她,旁边是她家的孩子。}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_talk3.mp3|Script = Survive, be a leader. You don't want your loved ones crying over your grave, do you?|Translation = 好好活着,这样你才能当大家的领袖,千万别让爱你的人只能去墓地见你一面,明白吗?}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_protalk1.mp3|Script = I don't want my kids to follow of my footsteps. Being a soldier is too dangerous.|Translation = 我不希望我的孩子追随我的脚步,成为军人要吃的苦不是他们能够接受的。(提升至精英阶段1以查看)}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_protalk2.mp3|Script = In my country, focusing firepower on a target is considered the simple and effective way to achieve victory.|Translation = 倾泻火力简单而又有效,我们国家的人就喜欢这种方法。(提升至精英阶段2以查看)}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_trutalk1.mp3|Script = I like the way you think.|Translation = 我喜欢你的思考模式。(提升信赖至40%以查看)}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_trutalk2.mp3|Script =
Personally, I prefer the enemies to come to us in search of death. How about you?|Translation = 我个人比较喜欢敌人自己冲过来找死,你呢?(提升信赖至100%以查看)}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_trutalk3.mp3|Script = Relax малышка. When this is all over, I'll buy you some vodka.|Translation = 放松点亲爱的,等完事了我请你喝伏特加。(提升信赖至200%以查看)}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_idle.mp3|Script = Are you bored? Why not clean your weapon?|Translation = 你很无聊吗,为什么不保养你的武器?}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_onboard.mp3|Script = Rainbow Operator, codename Tachanka. I'm ready, where do you want me?|Translation = 彩虹小队成员,代号战车。我准备好了,你将把我派去何方?}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_watch.mp3|Script = First we learn about them, then we'll smart them.|Translation = 我们先是从中学习,再来就可以智胜他们。}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_promote1.mp3|Script = Good.|Translation = 很好。(提升至精英阶段1以查看)}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_promote2.mp3|Script =
They told me I'd died. They were wrong. I was reborn.|Translation = 他们当时说我要死了,他们错了,我重生了。(提升至精英阶段2以查看)}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_squad.mp3|Script = Yes, yes, I know.|Translation = 对,对,我懂的。}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_leader.mp3|Script = Just don't play hero. It never works.|Translation = 千万别逞英雄,不会有用的。}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_depart.mp3|Script = Stay with me!|Translation = 跟着我就对了!}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_begin.mp3|Script = Hostiles in sight.|Translation = 发现敌方。}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_select1.mp3|Script = Oh yes, малыш.|Translation = 太好了,宝贝。}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_select2.mp3|Script = Let's get to work.|Translation = 让我们直接开工吧。}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_deploy1.mp3|Script = Guys, you are all lucky I was there.|Translation = 各位,有我在你们真是太幸运了。}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_deploy2.mp3|Script = Don't worry. Tachanka is here.|Translation = 别担心!有战车在呢!}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_battle1.mp3|Script = Come to Tachanka, малыш.|Translation = 快来找战车吧,宝贝。}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_battle2.mp3|Script = Time to get serious!|Translation = 可以大开杀戒了。}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_battle3.mp3|Script = Killing zone deployed.|Translation = 部署好火力区域了。}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_battle4.mp3|Script = Let them come!|Translation = 让他们自投罗网吧!}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_4star.mp3|Script = That was unexpected.|Translation = 还真是没预料到。}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_3star.mp3|Script = I have seen it all.|Translation = 我什么场面没见过。}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_badstar.mp3|Script = We are not out of the woods брата.|Translation = 朋友,我们还没脱离险境呢。}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_fail.mp3|Script = Protect the Doctor!|Translation = 保护博士!}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_facility.mp3|Script = Not a problem.|Translation = 我没意见。}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_tap.mp3|Script = OK.|Translation = 当心点,同志。}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_trust.mp3|Script = Call me for support, if you need it.|Translation = 如果你有需要,就叫我来帮忙。}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_title.mp3|Script = Arknights.|Translation = 明日方舟。}}
{{Arknights|File = Tachanka_greet.mp3|Script = Excuse me?|Translation = 有事?}}
{{Arknights Navigation}}
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