- 我方抢占机器人
Houston, we have the robot. |
休斯顿,我们有机器人了。 |
Robot's in our possession. |
机器人归我们控制了。 |
This robot really knows how to walk! |
这个机器人走路的水平真是高! |
- 敌方抢占机器人
They took the robot! Give it back! |
他们拐走了机器人!快还回来! |
Hey! I thought that robot was on our side! |
嘿!我记得那机器人不是我们的吗! |
Why've they got the robot_ Get it back! |
机器人怎么被他们抢走了?给我还回来! |
- 我方机器人
Moving right along. |
开始前进。 |
Let our most momentous push commence! |
我们要干一番轰轰烈烈的大事业了! |
Let's get this party rolling! |
让派对热闹起来! |
Push! Puuuush! |
推进!全力推进! |
- 敌方机器人
Don't let them push it. |
别让他们推了…… |
They're moving the barricade! Stop them! |
敌人在推挡板了!拦住他们! |
It's moving the wrong way! |
它走错方向了! |
- 我方机器人
Great job. Keep pushing! |
干得漂亮。继续推进! |
All right, all right! Making progress! |
很好,很好!越来越有盼头了! |
We're in the lead! Yippee! |
我们领先了!好耶! |
- 敌方机器人
They took the lead. Let's get it back! |
他们领先了。快把优势抢回来! |
Come on, we've got to push it farther than that! |
怎么回事,我们要比他们推得更远! |
Ugh, we lost the lead. Come on, let's get it back! |
呃,我们落后了。加油,把优势拿回来! |
- 想要继续推进机器人
Shove the bot! |
猛推机器人! |
Let's move that robot! |
快推机器人! |
Let's all push together now. |
让我们一起推…… |
- 想要阻止敌方继续推进机器人
Their push! Stop it! |
拦住!别让他们推! |
Please, stop the robot! |
拜托,拦住机器人! |
We must halt the robot! |
得让机器人停下来! |
- 我方机动推进
Oh, we're so close! I can smell it! |
哦,只差一点儿了!我都能闻到了! |
Just a little more. Just a little more! |
再往前一点儿,一点儿就好! |
Just shove him a bit. We've almost got the lead! |
把他再往前推一点儿。我们就要领先啦! |
- 敌方机动推进
They're catching up. *Frustrated noise* We've got to stop them. |
敌人要扳回来了。*沮丧的声音*咱们得拦住他们。 |
It's time . . . to stop the enemy. |
是时候……阻止敌人了。 |
They're taking a swing! Let's push em back. |
敌人要得逞了!快把他们赶回去。 |
- 机动推进
Stop them now and we win! |
拦住他们,咱们就赢了! |
It's their last chance. Let's stop 'em dead! |
他们只有最后一次机会了。让他们死了这条心! |
They think they still have a chance. Ha! |
他们还觉得自己有戏呢。哈! |
- 机动推进
Stick by the robot and he won't let us down! |
跟紧机器人,他不会让我们失望的! |
Last chance, amigos. Make it memorable! |
最后的机会了,朋友们。别留遗憾! |
Steady. Last chance, let's make it count! |
别慌,最后的机会了,要好好把握! |
- 想要占领目标点
Attack the objective!![]() |
攻击目标点! |
- 我方正在占领目标点
Mine mine mine! This is my point!![]() |
我的我的我的!这里是我的了! |
I'm taking the objective. Anyone else want some?![]() |
我正在占领目标。有人想来吗? |
The point is mine! And you can't have it!![]() |
这里归我了!你们休想占领这里! |
- 敌方正在占领目标点
They're taking the point! Time to blow it--them--up! I meant, them.![]() |
他们正在占领目标点!该把那地方——他们——炸平啦!我是说他们! |
That point belongs to us! Defend it!![]() |
那里现在归我们了!快守好! |
The point's under attack! Let's give them something to think about.![]() |
目标点遭到攻击了!快给他们点颜色看看。 |
- 我方正在防守目标点
Defend the objective!![]() |
守住目标点! |
We have to protect the objective!![]() |
我们得保护目标! |
Defend the objective!![]() |
守住目标! |
- 呼叫队友推进
Push the payload!![]() |
推进运载目标! |
- 呼叫队友截停
Stop the payload!![]() |
阻止运载目标! |
- 护送运载目标
Moving the payload. Clear a path!![]() |
运载目标过来了,别挡道! |
Payload's moving out! All aboard!![]() |
运载目标出发了!全体上车! |
Let's keep this payload rolling!![]() |
别让运载目标停下! |
Payload's moving! Ooh, the Queen's going to love this! *Laughs*. |
运载目标动啦!啊,女王绝对喜欢这个大宝贝!哈哈哈哈! |
- 占领运载目标
The objective is mine! All mine!![]() |
目标是我的!全都是我的! |
I'm taking the objective. Anyone else want some?![]() |
我正在占领目标。有人想来吗? |
- 我方运载目标
We don't have all day. Move the payload!![]() |
我们可没功夫瞎耽误。快让运载目标动起来! |
Why's the payload stopped_ Clock's ticking?![]() |
运载目标为什么停下了?不知道时间不等人吗? |
No no no! The payload's stopped! Argh!![]() |
不不不!运载目标停下了!啊! |
- 敌方运载目标
No no no! They're moving the payload! Stop them!![]() |
不不不!他们正在转移运载目标!快阻止他们! |
We need to pump the brakes on the payload!![]() |
我们得给运载目标装个刹车! |
Everyone stop the payload!![]() |
都给我上去拦住运载目标! |
- 运载目标
Clock's ticking! Attack attack!![]() |
时间不等人哦!快上! |
Tick tock tick tock tick tock! Attack attack attack!![]() |
嘀嗒嘀嗒嘀嗒!快上上上! |
Time is money, friends! And we're almost flat broke. Attack!![]() |
时间就是金钱,我的朋友!而我们快破产啦,进攻! |
- 运载目标
We got this! Just hold on a little longer!![]() |
我们快赢了!再坚持一会! |
Start the victory timer, it won't be long now!![]() |
开始胜利倒计时,不会很久的! |
Tick tock tick tock. We're gonna win!![]() |
嘀嗒嘀嗒嘀嗒。我们要赢啦! |
- 夺取敌方旗帜
Someone grab the flag! It's just sitting there.![]() |
快去把旗帜抢过来!它就在那儿呢! |
Someone take that flag!![]() |
快去个人拿旗帜! |
Let's take the flag!![]() |
我们去拿旗帜吧! |
- 拿到敌方旗帜
Dun duh duh dun!![]() |
Dun duh duh dun! |
Set off those fireworks, I've captured the flag!![]() |
快放烟花,我抢走旗帜啦! |
- 保护我方旗帜
Don't let them get our flag!![]() |
别让他们夺走我们的旗帜! |
We need to protect our flag!![]() |
我们要保护旗帜! |
- 我方丢下旗帜
I'm ditching the flag. Someone else can take it from here!![]() |
我扔下旗帜了,快来人拿走! |
Dropped the flag. ...My arms were getting tired!![]() |
旗帜扔下来了……我的手好酸! |
- 敌人夺取我方旗帜
What an unpleasant development.![]() |
这下可就尴尬了。 |
No way! How'd they do that?![]() |
不可能!他们是怎么做到的? |
- 敌人丢下我方旗帜
Enemy dropped our flag!![]() |
敌人扔下我们的旗帜啦! |
Hm, guess they didn't want it that much.![]() |
恩,大概他们不是很想要旗帜吧。 |
- 敌人拿到旗帜
Enemy's got the flag! Let's... blow it up!![]() |
敌人拿走旗帜了!快……把他们轰上天! |
They've got our flag! After them!![]() |
敌人拿走我们的旗帜了!快追! |
- 抢回我方旗帜
They've got our flag! After them!![]() |
我们得夺回旗帜! |
*growls* Get our flag back!![]() |
*低吼*快夺回我们的旗帜! |
- 送回我方旗帜
Flag's going back to base!![]() |
旗帜回到老家啦! |
Now, what's that doing sitting around?![]() |
然后该干嘛? |
- 捡起敌方旗帜
I have the flag! I have the flag!![]() |
旗帜在我手上!在我手上! |
I've got the flag! ...Now what?![]() |
我拿到旗帜啦!……然后干嘛? |
- 想要摧毁目标
Let's scrap the objective!![]() |
把目标炸烂吧! |
Destroy the objective!![]() |
快摧毁目标! |
- 敌方目标受损
Keep at it, we're wearing down the objective!![]() |
继续加油,我们就要干掉目标了! |
Looks like we're making progress!![]() |
看样子咱们干得还不错! |
- 我方目标受损
Objective's taking damage!![]() |
目标遭到攻击! |
Ouch. Objective's not looking so good.![]() |
哎呀,目标看上去很糟糕。 |
- 敌方目标受损严重
Objective's gonna blow up sooner or later! Come on!![]() |
目标很快就会爆炸啦!继续继续! |
Almost there, just keep at it!![]() |
就要成功了,加油! |
- 清除目标
Objective's dead! Hardly broke a sweat.![]() |
目标被干掉了!我连汗都没出。 |
Well, that's that.![]() |
好,搞定了。 |
- 到目标那
Get to the objective!![]() |
快去目标那儿! |
- 指示攻击目标
Oh you're not getting away!![]() |
哦你可逃不掉了! |