“ | 悲伤,逆流成河! | ” |
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洛神降临 Media:王者荣耀_人物播报_甄姬.mp3
甄姬在家族的培养下成为了绝代美女。面对翩翩才子的疯狂追求,甄姬沦陷得比自己想象的更为彻底,抛弃家族,放弃责任。只是她如愿嫁入曹家时,才发现所爱之人,爱的只是自己的力量。 |
Please, leave me to my sorrow... | |
人家抒发哀伤时,不要随便破坏氛围好吗? |
I never thought that someone would choose... me. | |
真的,会有人选择阿宓吗? |
You can't understand the pain of having no control over your life. | |
随波逐流的痛苦,你们不懂。 |
The one who falls in love first is the one who loses. | |
果然,先爱上的那个人,是输家。 |
I thought we could be together forever... | |
明明说好了,要永远在一起…… |
Leave me alone! I don't want to bring misfortune to you... | |
别靠近我!阿宓,不想带来不幸…… |
As beautiful as the moonlit clouds, as charming as snow, blown up by the wind. | |
若轻云之蔽月,若流风之回雪。 |
I'm trapped in a bubble of love. | |
沦陷在爱情的泡影中。 |
Roaring waves! | |
波涛汹涌! |
Sadness flows like a river... | |
悲伤,逆流成河。 |
We are shaped from water! | |
女人,是水做的。 |
You're just another disappointment... | |
原来是只旱鸭子。 |
Do you feel the despair? | |
绝望吗? |
Please, don't leave me... | |
请不要抛弃我。 |