- 我方抢占机器人
We have the robot, and isn't it friendly! |
机器人在我们这边,它真友好! |
The robot could use our guidance. |
机器人需要我们的指引。 |
Get the robot to the barricade! |
把机器人送到挡板位置! |
- 敌方抢占机器人
They claimed the robot. Frankly, a little rude. |
敌人抢走了机器人。说实在的,有点粗鲁。 |
They took the robot! |
他们抢走了机器人! |
I believe the robot's better off with us, don't you? |
我觉得机器人还是跟我们走比较好,你们说呢? |
- 我方机器人
We're pushing the barricade. Come along! |
我们开始推挡板了,一起来! |
The barricade's moving. Join us! |
挡板正在推进。和我们一起! |
I love pushing this barricade. |
我喜欢推进挡板的感觉。 |
- 敌方机器人
They're pushing the barricade. |
他们在推进挡板。 |
Pry them off the robot! |
别让他们碰机器人! |
We can stop them pushing. Join us! |
我们可以阻止敌人的推进,大家一起! |
- 我方机器人
We take our place at the lead! |
我们取得领先了! |
We've pulled ahead. Think they'll notice? |
我们领先了,你说敌人能发现吗? |
The lead is ours. That merits celebration. |
优势属于我们,值得庆贺一下。 |
- 敌方机器人
They've taken the lead. Let's take it back. |
敌人领先了,一起把优势夺回来。 |
The lead is theirs, for now. |
他们领先了,暂时而已。 |
Let's not fall behind. We're a winning bunch. |
明明是我们的胜算更大,不能落后。 |
- 想要继续推进机器人
Push the robot! |
来推机器人! |
Move the robot! |
转移机器人! |
Don't leave the robot's side! |
别丢下机器人! |
- 想要阻止敌方继续推进机器人
Stop that robot! |
阻止那个机器人! |
Stop the robot! |
拦住机器人! |
We can stop them from pushing! |
我们得阻止敌人推进! |
- 我方机动推进
A little further, and the lead is ours! |
再前进一点,我们就能领先了! |
We've almost taken the lead! |
我们就要取得优势了! |
We can catch up. I know we can! |
我们能扳回来,一定可以! |
- 敌方机动推进
Stop them before they take the lead! |
阻止敌人,不能让他们领先! |
They're catching up. Push them back! |
敌人要扳回来了。把他们赶回去! |
They're about to take the lead. I'd rather they didn't. |
敌人就要领先了,我可不希望这样。 |
- 机动推进
We can win if stay on the robot! |
只要跟紧机器人,我们就能赢! |
Stay with the robot, no matter what! |
不管发生什么事,都要跟紧机器人! |
The robot is ours! Stick together! |
机器人在我们这边!一起行动! |
- 机动推进
If they lose the robot, they lose everything! |
如果敌人失去了机器人,他们就彻底失败了! |
Take the robot from them, and we win! |
夺走他们的机器人,我们就赢了! |
If we take the robot, they lose! |
只要我们拿到机器人,他们就输了! |
- 想要占领目标点
Let's attack the objective! |
一起攻击目标! |
Attack the objective! |
攻击目标点! |
Is it time to attack the objective now? |
现在是不是该攻击目标点了? |
- 我方正在占领目标点
Why not join me on the objective? |
不妨与我在目标点相见? |
The objective should be ours shortly. |
目标点应该很快就属于我们了。 |
I'm on the objective! |
我正在目标点位置! |
- 敌方正在占领目标点
I'm afraid they're taking our point. |
恐怕他们要抢我们的目标点。 |
Let's push them off the point, yes? |
把他们赶出目标点如何? |
I don't think they belong on the point. |
他们好像不该站在点里。 |
- 我方正在防守目标点
We don't want them taking the objective, do we? |
谁也不想看到敌人占领目标点,对吧? |
We can protect this objective! |
我们应该保护目标点! |
Defend the objective with me! |
和我一起防守目标点! |
- 呼叫队友推进
Push the payload! |
推进运载目标! |
- 呼叫队友截停
Stop that payload! |
阻止那台运载目标! |
- 护送运载目标
Pushing the payload! |
推进运载目标! |
The payload advances! |
运载目标在向前推进! |
I'm moving the payload! Feel free to join me. |
我正在转移运载目标!有谁来加入我吗? |
- 我方运载目标
If we put our minds to it, I'm sure we can move that payload. |
只要专心致志,我们一定能让运载目标动起来。 |
The payload is stopped. |
运载目标不动了。 |
Let's get this payload moving, shall we? |
我们一起让运载目标动起来吧? |
Anyone interested in moving the payload? |
谁有兴趣来转移运载目标? |
There's nothing sadder than a stalled payload. |
停滞的运载目标真让人难过。 |
- 敌方运载目标
The payload is advancing. Hardly ideal. |
运载目标在前进,情况不妙。 |
I preferred the payload when it wasn't moving. |
我觉得运载目标停下来的样子更可爱。 |
Let's put a stop to that payload. |
一起拦住运载目标吧。 |
- 运载目标
We are almost out of time! |
我们快没时间了! |
Hurry or we lose! |
快行动,不然就输了! |
Time is short! Let's hurry. |
时间紧迫,加快节奏! |
- 运载目标
Losing now would be such a shame. |
如果现在失败就太可惜了。 |
Pull together, everyone! |
大家齐心协力! |
Hold out. We can do this! |
坚持住。我们能行的! |
- 夺取敌方旗帜
Capture their flag! |
夺取他们的旗帜! |
We should take their flag! |
我们应该拿走敌人的旗帜! |
- 拿到敌方旗帜
A perfect capture. |
完美夺取。 |
One for me, happy to say. |
我拿到一分,很开心。 |
I'm captain of the capture team. |
我是扛旗队伍的领军者。 |
- 保护我方旗帜
Defend our flag. |
守住我们的旗帜。 |
I like our flag. Don't let them take it. |
我喜欢那面旗帜,不能让敌人抢走。 |
Protect our flag. |
保护我们的旗帜。 |
- 我方丢下旗帜
Leaving the flag! |
放下旗帜了! |
Someone, take the flag! |
谁来把旗帜拿走! |
- 敌人夺取我方旗帜
We shouldn't let them do that again. |
我们不能再让敌人得逞了。 |
Good for them! Bad for us. |
恭喜他们!我们还得努力。 |
- 敌人丢下我方旗帜
They dropped our flag! |
敌人丢下了我们的旗帜! |
Recover our flag! |
夺回我们的旗帜! |
- 敌人拿到旗帜
They took our flag! |
他们抢走了我们的旗帜! |
They have our flag! |
我们的旗帜在他们手里! |
- 抢回我方旗帜
Can we get our flag back? |
能把我们的旗帜夺回来吗? |
They have our flag. Temporarily, I hope. |
敌人抢走了旗帜。希望还能拿回来。 |
We need that flag back! |
我们得把旗帜夺回来! |
- 送回我方旗帜
This flag isn't yours, I'm afraid. |
这面旗帜恐怕不属于你们。 |
Flag returned to base. |
旗帜回到基地了。 |
- 捡起敌方旗帜
The flag is coming with me. |
旗帜我带走啦。 |
My compliments on your flag. |
你们的旗帜真不错。 |