A closed mind is already defeated.![]() |
思想封闭,注定失败。 |
You must learn from your mistakes.![]() |
失败才能获胜。 |
Reflect upon your actions.![]() |
好好反省。 |
Your setback is only temporary.![]() |
只是一时的挫折。 |
We all represent unfulfilled potential.![]() |
万物潜能皆无穷。 |
A resolution swiftly delivered. |
纷乱迅速化解。 |
And now, you have found peace. |
现在,你找到了平静。 |
Defeat is the better teacher. |
失败是更好的老师。 |
A cruel fate. |
命运真是残酷。 |
Rest your soul. |
愿你安息。 |
An easy target is not always what it appears to be. |
看似脆弱的敌人往往并不脆弱。 |
A chance for us all to learn. |
我们都会有所受益。 |
- 高速直球
You're out!![]() |
你已出局! |
That's the ballgame.![]() |
球赛开始了。 |
He goes down swinging.![]() |
送他出局。 |
She goes down swinging.![]() |
送她出局。 |
It goes down swinging.![]() |
送它出局。 |
There is no crying in baseball.![]() |
棒球不相信眼泪。 |
- Z-3N
An inevitable conclusion. |
这是必然的结局。 |
The weak do not have the benefit of choice. |
弱者不配从选择中受益。 |
Every decision has a consequence. |
每个决定自有其后果。 |
A fatal mistake. |
致命的错误。 |
We cannot choose our demise. |
如何陨灭,不由我们选择。 |
- 打断
Invisibility is not invincibility. |
不可望并非不可及。 |
- 打断
One often meets their destiny on the road they take to avoid it. |
越想逃避宿命,越会在半道上跟宿命撞个正着。 |
A beautiful swansong. |
美丽的绝唱。 |
All ice melts. |
冰雪终会消融。 |
Good judgment comes from bad experiences. |
吃一堑,方能长一智。 |
I didn't go easy on you this time. |
这次我并未对你手下留情。 |
One day, you will see that coming. |
总有一天,你能接下为师这招。 |
Your focus lacks focus. |
你患得患失,方寸大乱。 |
- 打断
Remember, Genji: at your most powerful, you are most vulnerable. |
记住,源氏:最强大的时候,也是最脆弱的时候。 |
In chaos, more chaos. |
混乱会孕育更多混乱。 |
Let the sun set on your pride. |
你的骄傲随夕阳一同沉落。 |
No fist has ever won against an open hand. |
握紧的拳头无法对抗张开的手掌。 |
Not everything should be taken seriously. |
并非所有事物都应该一味较真。 |
Learn from the past, and better yourself. |
以史为鉴,可以成材。 |
What legacy is worth your life? |
什么样的遗产值得你付出生命? |
Pride cannot protect you. |
骄兵必败。 |
- 打断
Those who rush headlong into battle would do well to protect their heads. |
一头冲进战场的人最好保护好自己的脑袋。 |
Regret is all-consuming. |
悔恨吞噬一切。 |
Silence answers all questions. |
寂静可以回答所有问题。 |
- 打断
Foresight is as valuable as speed. |
远见与速度同样宝贵。 |
- 打断
Ask for death, and you will receive it. |
寻求死亡,便会收获死亡。 |
You manifested your own fate. |
你亲手塑造了自己的命运。 |
Greed has spent you. |
贪婪让你一无所得。 |
Science cannot answer all questions. |
科学无法回答所有问题。 |
What goes around, comes around. |
种下恶因,必得恶果。 |
Your answer lies in stillness. |
你的答案在于宁静之中。 |
Move too quickly and you overlook much.![]() |
走的太快,就会忽视沿途的风景。 |
Hmm. Interesting. |
嗯。很有意思。 |
And so the mask falls. |
面具就这样掉了下来。 |
You may be missed… but not by me. |
有人可能会想你……但我不会。 |
How far the mighty fall. |
就这样跌入深渊。 |
They have fallen. How unfortunate. |
敌人落入了深渊。真是不幸。 |
Know when to hold on and when to let go. |
懂得坚持,也要学会放手。 |
Observe your environment carefully. |
仔细观察周围的环境。 |
A stumble is still a step towards a direction. |
前行路上,失足也是进步。 |
What is descent, but a lesson in humility? |
跌倒,是在学习如何谦逊。 |
A fall is merely a chance to rise again... later. |
坠落不过是再度崛起的契机。 |
I am grateful for what we have taught each other. |
我很感激我们教会彼此的一切。 |
Now we have both learned something. |
如此一来,我们都有所领悟。 |
I do not punish when one seeks forgiveness. |
我不会惩罚寻求宽恕之人。 |
- 超远距离击杀
A great distance for one is but a step for another. |
彼之千里,吾之跬步。 |
- 空中目标
When you soar, you risk the fall. |
翱翔于天,就要冒坠落之险。 |
Think first, then leap. |
跳跃之前,要先思考。 |
A meaningful union. |
一次寓意深远的联合。 |
One intention, many hands. |
同心协力,众志成城。 |
It takes two hands to clap. |
齐心协力方能成事。 |
Our minds, aligned. |
我们心有灵犀。 |
What joy, to share the path with another. |
吾道不孤,不亦乐乎。 |
A promising disciple. |
一位前途无量的弟子。 |
You've learned well, Genji. |
你学得不错,源氏。 |
A herald of victory. |
胜利的预兆。 |
Mercy, swiftly delivered. |
刹那间化为乌有便是仁慈。 |
The more one takes, the less one has. |
索取越多,拥有越少。 |
Tragedy unites many. |
众生皆苦。 |
Accomplishment always follows effort. |
锲而不舍,金石可镂。 |
My generosity extends to many. |
我就是这样乐善好施。 |
Mastery cannot be concealed. |
锋芒自会显露。 |
Virtuosity is an admirable virtue. |
技艺精湛是一种令人钦佩的美德。 |
Remember me, for I will remember you. |
请记住我,因为我会记住你。 |
My heavy burden to bear. |
这份重责由我来承担。 |
I believe I've won this round. |
这一轮恐怕是我赢了。 |
What profound impact. |
沉重的一击。 |
Energy transfers between us. |
能量在我们之间传递。 |
A telling blow. |
势大力沉。 |
A touch of wisdom. |
一“点”智慧。 |
Skadoosh. |
走你。 |
- Z-3N
Fate deals a heavy hand. |
此乃命运的鞭笞。 |
An impactful end. |
沉重的结局。 |