Amid discord, we will find tranquility. |
在纷乱之中,我们会找到宁静。 |
- Z-3N
Amid discord, we will find triumph. |
在纷乱之中,我们会找到胜利。 |
Zenyatta is here.![]() |
禅雅塔在此。 |
- 邪神信徒 & 狂热信徒
Zenyatta is everywhere.![]() |
禅雅塔无处不在。 |
Zenyatta is here.![]() |
禅雅塔在此。 |
- 高速直球
Zenyatta on the mound.![]() |
禅雅塔登上投手丘。 |
We must work and breathe as one. |
我们必须同呼吸,共命运。 |
Shall we journey together? |
我们不妨一同踏上旅程。 |
We are all pilgrims on this mission. |
在这段使命中,你我都是朝圣之人。 |
Let us pave our path together. |
让我们一起开辟道路。 |
A disciplined mind is your most dependable ally.![]() |
自律是你最强大的伙伴。 |
A warrior's greatest weapon... is patience.![]() |
战士最强大的武器,就是耐心。 |
Consider only victory. Make defeat an impossibility in your mind.![]() |
胜利就在眼前,将失败抛在脑后吧。 |
A chance to focus.![]() |
请容我冥思。 |
Our mission awaits us. |
使命在等待着我们。 |
Fruition comes from within... as does failure. |
成果源自内心……失败亦然。 |
To find success, we must search in harmony. |
成功之道需在和谐中求索。 |
Shed the weight of your doubts, and your mind will become clear. |
卸下疑虑重负,你的心神就会清晰。 |
- Z-3N
The world is ours for the taking! |
世界将由我们掌控! |
Let us show them how the strong fight. |
让他们看看强者如何战斗。 |
- 上一轮赢了
Our collective effort is leading us to victory. |
通力合作引领着我们走向胜利。 |
Fortune smiles on us. |
命运青睐于我们。 |
A blessing to be among such capable hands. |
与各位能人并肩,实乃一桩幸事。 |
Let us be grateful for our advantages. |
请对我们的优势心怀感激。 |
March ahead with the conviction of victory! |
怀着必胜的决心踏上战场! |
- 上一轮输了
We must persevere through the difficult times. |
尽管逆境重重,我们仍须坚持到底。 |
I pray that we can reverse this outcome. |
但愿我们能力挽狂澜。 |
This obstacle can still be overcome. |
前路虽然坎坷,但希望仍存。 |
We are not defeated yet. |
我们尚未落败。 |
Do not falter and we shall rise! |
坚定不移,我们必将绝地反击! |
- 平局后的最后一轮
Be present in the moment.![]() |
专注当下。 |
Victory or defeat, our destiny is not preordained.![]() |
无论胜利还是失败,我们的命运都在自己手中。 |
Pain is an excellent teacher.![]() |
磨难是最好的老师。 |
Repetition is the path to mastery.![]() |
唯有不断磨练方能成就大师。 |
Adversity is an opportunity for change.![]() |
逆境带来改变。 |
The outcome is not preordained.![]() |
人定胜天。 |
Overconfidence is a flimsy shield.![]() |
过度自信,必然失败。 |
A temporary setback.![]() |
一时受挫而已。 |
The cycle begins anew.![]() |
新的轮回开始了。 |
Our fates are written in the stars.![]() |
我们的命运已写在群星之间。 |
The cycle is broken.![]() |
循环被打破了。 |
A reminder that life is never easy. |
人生并不总是一帆风顺。 |
It takes a hundred times to learn, a thousand times to understand. |
要一百次才得熟悉,一千次方能理解。 |
One who fears loss has already lost. |
惧怕失败,便是彻底失败。 |
Defeat cannot break one who perseveres. |
坚韧不拔者,无惧失败。 |
True strength does not always lie in victory. |
真正的力量有时蕴藏于胜利之外。 |
A challenge presents itself. |
挑战就在眼前。 |
Failure is acceptable. Giving up is not. |
可以失败,不能放弃。 |
- 连续击杀后被杀
Remember past successes, but always strive for more.![]() |
牢记过去,但切勿自满。 |
- 被源氏击杀
Even the teacher can learn from his student.![]() |
我的学生也可能成为我的老师。 |
- Z-3N
The right path is marked with tribulations. |
正确的道路由苦难铺就。 |
For once, a worthy challenge. |
终于,值得一战的对手。 |
Their resistance will not change their fate. |
抵抗,改变不了他们注定的命运。 |
We are outnumbered. Be cautious. |
彼众我寡,谨慎行事。 |
The enemy outnumbers us. |
敌众我寡。 |
I am made whole.![]() |
我完好如初。 |
I am healed.![]() |
我恢复了。 |
My systems are restored.![]() |
系统重新上线。 |
My systems are repaired.![]() |
我的系统恢复了。 |
I am restored.![]() |
我恢复了。 |
You have my thanks.![]() |
谢谢你。 |
One day, I will repay your kindness.![]() |
我会报答你的仁慈。 |
Energy flows through me.![]() |
能量流经吾身。 |
My spirit is strong.![]() |
我的意志极其强大。 |
Now to strike.![]() |
该进攻了。 |
I return.![]() |
我回来了。 |
- 发现敌人
The enemy is here.![]() |
敌人来了。 |
The enemy desires a battle. |
敌人渴望一战。 |
- 敌人方位
The enemy is on the right.![]() |
敌人在右边, |
The attack comes from the right.![]() |
敌人从右边打过来了。 |
The enemy is on the left.![]() |
敌人在左边。 |
The attack comes from the left.![]() |
小心左边的敌人。 |
Our enemies attack directly.![]() |
敌人径直冲过来了。 |
The enemy lies before us.![]() |
敌人就在前面。 |
They attack from below.![]() |
敌人从下面打过来了。 |
The enemy is below us.![]() |
敌人在我们下面。 |
Our enemies attack from the rear!![]() |
敌人从后面打过来了。 |
Our enemies are behind us.![]() |
敌人在后面。 |
The attack comes from above.![]() |
攻击来自上方。 |
The enemy is above us.![]() |
敌人在上面。 |
- 敌人在集合
Our enemy gathers here.![]() |
敌人在此集结。 |
- 敌人在队友身后
Behind you.![]() |
小心身后。 |
- 发现狙击手
I see a sniper.![]() |
发现了狙击手。 |
Sniper!![]() |
狙击手! |
- 敌人被复活
Our enemies return with a vengeance. |
我们的敌人卷土重来。 |
Beware, they have returned. |
当心,他们回来了。 |
We must locate their teleporter.![]() |
我们必须找到传送器。 |
- 寻找敌人
The enemy possesses a teleporter.![]() |
敌人部署了传送器。 |
- 发现敌人
The enemy's teleporter is here. Destroy it!![]() |
敌人的传送器在这里。摧毁它! |
- 摧毁敌人
The enemy's teleporter is no more.![]() |
敌人的传送器已归于虚无。 |
The enemy is utilizing a shield generator.![]() |
敌人部署了护盾发生器。 |
- 发现敌人护盾发生器
I have found the enemy's shield generator.![]() |
我找到敌人的护盾发生器了。 |
- 摧毁敌人护盾发生器
Enemy shield generator destroyed.![]() |
敌方护盾发生器已清除。 |
- 发现
A turret lies in our way.![]() |
一座炮台挡住了我们。 |
A turret lies before us. It is quite real.![]() |
一座炮台就在前方。威胁不小。 |
- 摧毁
The turret is no more.![]() |
炮台已被摧毁。 |
The turret no longer exists.![]() |
炮台已不复存在。 |
I am empowered!![]() |
我获得了力量! |
My senses are heightened! |
我的感官得以增强! |
Strength flows through me! |
力量在我体内流淌! |
I am vitalized! |
我精神焕发! |
- Z-3N
Power courses through me! |
力量在我的体内涌动! |
- 状态不好
I am feeling unwell.![]() |
我感觉不好。 |
My systems are compromised.![]() |
我的系统出错了。 |
Disabling security protocols.![]() |
正在关闭安全程序。 |
- 受到 禅雅塔
乱 的效果
A momentary setback.![]() |
暂时受挫而已。 |
I welcome adversity.![]() |
逆境使我成长。 |
I humbly accept.![]() |
我就收下了。 |
The universe shares its bounty.![]() |
大千世界慷慨无比。 |
The experience is its own reward. But surprises are nice.![]() |
经历即是成就,当然我不会拒绝惊喜。 |
I will become one with this reward.![]() |
我和这份奖励合二为一了。 |
I foresee great riches in my future.![]() |
我预见到了极大的财富。 |
My spirit burns! |
我的精神熊熊燃烧! |
I am effervescent! |
我心潮澎湃! |
My soul ignited! |
我的灵魂炽热无比! |
- 邪神信徒 & 狂热信徒
I feel the darkness flowing through me.![]() |
我感到黑暗在我体内流动。 |
- Z-3N
My darkness burns bright! |
我的黑暗熊熊燃烧! |
We are alone… for now. |
暂时……只有我们了。 |
Ah... serenity at last. |
啊……终于获得了宁静。 |
They have all perished. |
他们都已消亡。 |
- Z-3N
One's tragedy is another's triumph. |
彼之悲剧,我之胜利。 |
Satisfaction is the privilege of the strong. |
心满意足是强者的特权。 |
- 队友倒下
Our teammate has fallen. |
队友已然陨落。 |
We have lost a teammate. |
我们失去了一位队友。 |
We have suffered a casualty. |
一位盟友不幸殒命。 |
- 队友击杀敌人
You are adept at endings. |
你很擅长了结纠纷。 |
Well done, Genji!![]() |
干得好,源氏。 |
00000004425F.0B2.![]() |
做得好,我的学生。 |
I did not teach you that one. |
那一招我可不曾传授于你。 |
Your dance grows more elegant, Satya. |
塞特娅,你的舞姿更优雅了。 |
There is beauty in your actions. |
你的行动充满美感。 |
邪神信徒 & 狂热信徒
You have ushered them to oblivion.![]() |
你令他们归于湮灭。 |
Eventually all fade into oblivion.![]() |
世间万物终将湮灭。 |
- 给队友报位置
I am here.![]() |
我在这里。 |
I'm over here.![]() |
我在此处。 |
- 拯救队友
Those who seek help will find it. |
求助者自会得到帮助。 |
There is no weakness in asking for help. |
寻求帮助并不是软弱无能。 |
It is my pleasure to serve. |
乐意为你效劳。 |
The world is a dangerous place. |
世界并不安全。 |
The help is its own reward. |
帮助本身即是嘉奖。 |
Consider the alternative. |
或许我不该出手。 |
- 复活队友
We are still in need of you.![]() |
我们还需要你。 |
This life is not finished with you yet.![]() |
你的生命尚未结束。 |
Like old times, brother. |
就像过去一样,兄弟。 |
- 升级
My mind is open.![]() |
豁然开朗。 |
I have learned from my experiences.![]() |
收获良多。 |
- 投票史诗
Wonderful!![]() |
出色! |
Excellence is its own reward.![]() |
完美即是收获。 |
- 投票传奇
The cards have selected me.![]() |
我被选中了。 |
Your recognition honors me.![]() |
你的认同使我感到荣幸。 |
I am happy to serve. |
我乐意效劳。 |
Every challenge is an opportunity to rise. |
每一场危机都是前进的契机。 |