- 我方抢占机器人
The robot is coming with us. Let's go. |
机器人该跟我们走了。上路吧。 |
Took control of the robot. Move out. |
机器人归我们控制了。快走。 |
This robot's all mine. Let's move! |
这个机器人归我了。快动起来! |
- 敌方抢占机器人
They took the robot! |
他们抢走了机器人! |
We need to get that robot back! |
我们得把机器人抢回来! |
Oh come on, we let them take the robot! |
该死,怎么能让他们抢走机器人! |
- 我方机器人
The barricade's moving along. |
挡板正在推进。 |
The robot's pushing our barricade. |
机器人正在给我们推挡板。 |
The barricade's moving, keep up! |
挡板动起来了,跟紧点儿! |
- 敌方机器人
Their barricade is pushing up. Get in their way! |
敌人的挡板动起来了。拦住他们! |
Stop that barricade in its tracks! |
给我把那块挡板拦下来! |
The enemy's starting to move their barricade! |
敌人开始推他们的挡板了! |
- 我方机器人
We're in charge around here! |
现在我们说了算! |
*Laughs* We're in the lead! |
*大笑*我们领先了! |
That's all it takes. |
就是这么简单。 |
- 敌方机器人
The enemy took our lead! |
敌人领先我们了! |
They're further along than we are. Stop them! |
敌人超过我们了。阻止他们! |
We're falling behind! |
我们落后了! |
- 想要继续推进机器人
Push that robot! |
Push that robot! |
Shove that robot along! |
Shove that robot along! |
- 想要阻止敌方继续推进机器人
Stop that robot! |
Stop that robot! |
Stop the robot! Come on! |
Stop the robot! Come on! |
- 我方机动推进
We're right at their necks. Keep up the pressure! |
就快掐住敌人的脖子了。再加把劲! |
We're almost there! Get a move on! |
就快领先了!动作麻利点儿! |
We can take the lead from here. Keep pushing! |
马上就要领先了。给我继续推! |
- 敌方机动推进
They're gaining on us! |
敌人要追上我们了! |
Stop them in their tracks! |
别再让他们往前推了! |
Keep it moving, we can't let them catch up! |
给我上,不能让他们追上来! |
- 机动推进
Let's pick up the pace and end this! |
动作快,赶紧把这事儿结了! |
This is our last shot. Do whatever it takes! |
最后一战了。有什么本事都拿出来! |
Last chance! Everyone stay on the robot. |
最后的机会了!都给我盯好机器人。 |
- 机动推进
Get them off that robot and we'll end this! |
让他们离机器人远点儿,我们要拿下这盘! |
If we push them off the robot, it's over! |
把敌人从机器人旁边赶走,这票就结束了! |
Let's put an end to this! |
该结束了! |
- 想要占领目标点
Get on the objective!![]() |
到目标点去! |
We're taking that objective!![]() |
我们得占领目标点! |
- 我方正在占领目标点
C'mon down to objective town. |
快到目标点里来。 |
Taking the objective as my prize. |
目标点这块肥肉我要定了。 |
I'm on the objective. Come over if you want a cut. |
我在目标点这儿。想分点好处就过来。 |
I'm on the point. Stop slacking off. |
我在点里,别磨磨蹭蹭的。 |
- 敌方正在占领目标点
Stop playing around and get them off the point! |
别胡闹了,把敌人从点里赶出去! |
Get those swine off the objective! |
把那群蠢货从目标点赶走! |
Do not let them take the point! |
别把目标点送给敌人了! |
- 我方正在防守目标点
Defend the objective!![]() |
守住目标点! |
We need to defend the objective!![]() |
我们得守住目标点! |
Defend the objective!![]() |
守住目标! |
- 呼叫队友推进
Let's move the payload out!![]() |
把运载目标往前推! |
Let's get our payload moving!![]() |
让运载目标动起来! |
- 呼叫队友截停
Stop the payload!![]() |
阻止运载目标! |
Let's push the payload back!![]() |
把运载目标挡回去! |
- 护送运载目标
Payload's all mine. Let's move! |
运载目标归我了。上路吧! |
Payload's in my hands. |
运载目标在我手上。 |
I'm taking the payload. |
运载目标现在是我的。 |
- 我方运载目标
The payload's just sitting there! Get it moving! |
运载目标正在发呆呢!让它动起来! |
Better be a good excuse for this hold up. |
运载目标不走了,有什么理由吗? |
Does anyone care about moving the payload? |
还有人记得要护送运载目标吗? |
- 敌方运载目标
Someone stop that payload! |
谁去把运载目标拦下来! |
Drive those goons off the payload! |
别让那群蠢货赖在运载目标上! |
Don't let them move the payload! |
别再让他们推运载目标了! |
- 运载目标
Clock's ticking. Get the lead out! |
时间不等人。动作快点! |
I ain't a quitter. Get in there! |
我可不会认输。快上! |
Quit dawdling and get a move on! |
别磨蹭,赶紧动起来! |
- 运载目标
Stick it out and we take this home! |
撑住,马上就能把胜利带回家了! |
Hold out for a spell, and this fight's ours. |
最后再坚持一下,我们能赢。 |
Stand your ground. This one's ours. |
都给我撑住。胜利属于我们。 |
- 夺取敌方旗帜
Get in and snatch their flag!![]() |
冲进去,把他们的旗帜抢过来! |
Let's take that flag!![]() |
拿走他们的旗帜! |
- 拿到敌方旗帜
Score one for us.![]() |
我们得一分。 |
Just showing you how it's done.![]() |
给你们看看该怎么做。 |
- 保护我方旗帜
Defend our flag!![]() |
守住我们的旗帜! |
Need someone to babysit the flag. Any takers?![]() |
得有人照看我们的旗帜。谁愿意来? |
- 我方丢下旗帜
Dropped the flag!![]() |
旗帜掉了! |
Lost the flag. Dammit!![]() |
旗帜丢了,该死! |
- 敌人夺取我方旗帜
That's not how we drew it up.![]() |
这和我设想的不太一样。 |
That wasn't the plan.![]() |
和计划的不太一样。 |
- 敌人丢下我方旗帜
Our flag's out in the open!![]() |
我们的旗帜现在没人管了! |
They dropped our flag. Let's get it back!![]() |
他们把我们的旗帜丢下了,去抢回来! |
- 敌人拿到旗帜
Get our flag back!![]() |
把旗帜夺回来! |
They have our flag!![]() |
我们的旗帜在他们手里! |
- 抢回我方旗帜
Get our flag back!![]() |
把旗帜夺回来! |
Let's get that flag back.![]() |
去把旗帜夺回来! |
- 送回我方旗帜
Flag's heading back to base.![]() |
旗帜正在返回基地。 |
Safe and sound.![]() |
安全返回。 |
- 捡起敌方旗帜
Bringing the flag back to base.![]() |
正在把旗帜带回基地。 |
Flag's mine.![]() |
旗帜归我了。 |
- 想要摧毁目标
Destroy the objective!![]() |
摧毁目标! |
- 敌方目标受损
Enemy objective's taking fire.![]() |
我们正在攻击敌方目标。 |
- 敌方目标受损严重
We've almost got it!![]() |
我们快要成功了! |
- 清除目标
Objective eliminated.![]() |
目标已消灭。 |
- 拿下目标
Capture the objective!![]() |
占领那个目标! |
- 指示攻击目标
Kill the objective!![]() |
干掉目标! |