I'm the last one you'll ever cross. |
惹谁都别来惹我。 |
- 恶魔之心
My grimness, my runes. |
想玩狠的,就得看我的符文。 |
- 太空走私商
I'm the last space smuggler you'll ever cross. |
惹哪个太空走私商都别来惹我。 |
Ashe here.![]() |
艾什来了。 |
Giddyup! |
驾! |
Wanna make it out of this? Do what I say. |
你们想赢吗?那就听我的。 |
Time to get this rolling. |
该动手了。 |
Let's ride. |
上路了。 |
We're playing by my rules. |
都按我的规矩来。 |
We're doing this my way. |
这儿我说了算。 |
Let's get this show on the road. |
就让好戏开场吧。 |
I wouldn't recommend the coffee here.![]() |
这儿的咖啡可不那么好喝。 |
Not my idea of the good life.![]() |
这可不是我想要的美好生活。 |
Nice to spend some time in the clubhouse.![]() |
能在俱乐部里玩上一会也不错。 |
Better get paid after all this. I don't like having my time wasted. |
打完了最好有钱拿。我可不喜欢白忙活一场。 |
Saddle up. We got work to do. |
打起精神。我们有活儿要干。 |
I'm in charge. Don't forget that. |
我是老大。都别忘了。 |
- 队内多个好人
Look at all these good Samaritans. What are we doing here, Bob? |
看看队里这些大善人。我们是不是走错了,鲍勃? |
- 队内多个罪犯
This is a hardy bunch of outlaws. Just need something to steal. |
队伍里都是不法之徒嘛。就差去偷点什么了。 |
I'm dying to see how you botch this one, Cassidy. |
我等不及想看看你这次是怎么搞砸的了,卡西迪。 |
Aw, hell. The law's here. |
哦,该死。这不是法律本法嘛。 |
- 恶魔之心
My servant says it's time to go. |
我的仆从说现在该上路了。 |
Five riders ain't traditional, but it'll do. |
五个骑士不符合传统,但该来的一样逃不了。 |
Don't mind the smell. That's Beelzebob. Bob for short. |
别在意,那股味道是魔王鲍勃的。叫他鲍勃就好。 |
Hear that? A chill wind's blowing. |
听到了吗?寒风在呼啸哦。 |
Time to pay some debts the old-fashioned way. |
是时候用老派的方式来还债了。 |
- 太空走私商
B.O.B. better pull his weight this time, or I'm selling him for ship parts. |
鲍勃这次最好把自己的活干利索,不然就卖了他给飞船换零件。 |
If Dorioux sold me bunk ammo again, I'm gonna tan their hide. |
要是道睿尤再敢卖我哑弹,我非扒了那厮的皮。 |
- 上一轮赢了
I think this is going well.![]() |
看起来一切顺利。 |
We have a good thing going. Let's not mess it up.![]() |
看起来一切顺利,最好别搞砸了。 |
All according to plan. |
一切都在计划之中。 |
Not bad at all. Keep it up. |
还不赖嘛。继续保持。 |
- 上一轮输了
It's not time to throw in the towel yet.![]() |
还没到认输的时候呢。 |
Still too early to call it quits. |
现在认输还太早。 |
No hitting the sack. We ain't done here. |
没到休息的时候呢。我们还没完。 |
- 平局后的最后一轮
Stay focused and let's bring home the bacon.![]() |
集中注意力,把胜利带回家。 |
Keep your eyes on the prize.![]() |
我们赢定了,准备领奖金吧。 |
Time to put our heads down and end this properly. |
最后拼一把,别让胜利溜走了。 |
I think we're just about done here. |
看来胜负马上就要见分晓了。 |
This town just ain't big enough. |
一山不容二虎…… |
Now to show 'em that I mean business. |
该让他们瞧瞧我认真的样子了。 |
I ain't a quitter. |
我才不会认输呢。 |
I'm not ready to ride into the sunset. |
我还没打算消失在夕阳里呢。 |
I know one thing? someone's gonna pay. |
我只知道,这下有人要倒霉了。 |
I'm about to pitch a fit. |
我要生气了。 |
I don't take kindly to being knocked down. |
我可不喜欢被人打趴下。 |
Let's get back in the saddle. |
该重新上路了。 |
You won't get the best of me. |
想赢我,还早得很。 |
Don't worry Bob, no one saw that! |
没事的,鲍勃,他们都没看见! |
- 连续击杀后被杀
I hate to be interrupted.![]() |
我讨厌被打断。 |
- 恶魔之心
Back from the bone orchard. |
从坟堆里回来了。 |
Hell's got no claim on me. |
地狱带不走我。 |
- 太空走私商
I won't be returning to stardust just yet. |
现在还没到归于星尘的时候。 |
There's more than one way to hotwire a turbodrive. |
给涡轮发动机接线打火可不止一种办法。 |
Gotta keep my head outta orbit. |
常在太空飘,哪能不挨刀。 |
Still got a few blaster runs left in me. |
我的冲击枪还没到熄火的时候。 |
No more crashing and burning. |
下次不准再坠机了。 |
There are no graves in space. |
太空里没有葬身之地。 |
We're outnumbered! |
我们的人不够多! |
They've got us outnumbered! |
他们比我们人多! |
Patched up.![]() |
我恢复了。 |
That's better.![]() |
舒服多了。 |
(sighs) Much better.![]() |
呼,感觉好多了。 |
(sighs) Just what I needed.![]() |
呼,正合我意。 |
Thank you.![]() |
谢谢你。 |
I needed that.![]() |
真是及时。 |
Let me handle it.![]() |
交给我吧。 |
Just point me in the right direction.![]() |
告诉我要打谁就行了。 |
I get the idea.![]() |
我懂你的意思。 |
- 恶魔之心
Lend me your fire. |
你的烈火为我助燃。 |
I owe you one.![]() |
我欠你一个人情。 |
Hallelujah!![]() |
哈里路亚! |
- 发现敌人
Spotted them.![]() |
我看到他们了。 |
Eyes on the bad guys.![]() |
看到坏家伙了。 |
Let's get 'em! |
把他们端了! |
They want a fight, huh? Let's give it to 'em! |
他们想打架是吗?那就来吧! |
- 敌人方位
Coming from above us!![]() |
他们从上面来了! |
They're on the left!![]() |
他们在左边! |
Enemy's on the right!![]() |
敌人在右边! |
Coming from down below!![]() |
他们从下面来了! |
They got behind us!![]() |
他们在我们后面! |
They're right in front of us!![]() |
他们就在前面! |
They're coming from below!![]() |
他们从下面过来了! |
Watch the left!![]() |
小心左边! |
They're above us!![]() |
他们在上面! |
Watch our right!![]() |
小心右边! |
They're coming straight at us!![]() |
敌人朝我们冲过来了! |
Behind us!![]() |
小心后面! |
- 敌人在集合
They're all over here.![]() |
这儿全是敌人。 |
- 敌人在队友身后
Behind you!![]() |
注意后面! |
- 发现狙击手
Enemy sniper! Get your head down.![]() |
有狙击手!注意隐蔽。 |
Enemy sniper! Keep your eyes open!![]() |
有狙击手!都留点神。 |
- 敌人被复活
They just don't stay down. |
他们就是不愿意乖乖躺好。 |
Don't know when to quit, do they? |
敌人还真是不死心啊。 |
Find that teleporter!![]() |
快去找传送器! |
- 寻找敌人
I think they have a teleporter.![]() |
他们肯定有传送器。 |
- 发现敌人
Spotted their teleporter.![]() |
找到传送器了。 |
- 摧毁敌人
Enemy teleporter's destroyed.![]() |
摧毁传送器了。 |
They're using a shield generator!![]() |
他们正在使用护盾发生器! |
- 发现敌人护盾发生器
Spotted the shield generator.![]() |
看到护盾发生器了。 |
- 摧毁敌人护盾发生器
Knocked out their shield generator.![]() |
干掉他们的护盾发生器了。 |
- 发现
We need to take out that turret.![]() |
我们得干掉那炮台。 |
Enemy turret up ahead.![]() |
前面有敌人的炮台。 |
- 摧毁
Enemy turret's down.![]() |
敌人的炮台被摧毁了。 |
Line 'em up! |
排排站好! |
There is no stopping me. |
谁都别想阻挡我。 |
You should be quakin' in your boots! |
看我让你们瑟瑟发抖! |
- 恶魔之心
Apocalypse rides! |
末日降临! |
Cutting it close!![]() |
好险啊! |
Not quite.![]() |
还差一点。 |
- 状态不好
Not feeling so good.![]() |
这感觉不太好。 |
Something doesn't feel right.![]() |
感觉有些不对劲。 |
- 受到 禅雅塔
乱 的效果
Damn!![]() |
该死! |
Oh come on!![]() |
噢,得了! |
I'm on fire!![]() |
火力全开了! |
My coals are red hot! |
我的烈火,熊熊燃烧! |
Can't handle the heat? Stay out of my way! |
受不了这么旺的火力吗?那就闪一边去! |
My fuse is lit! |
我的引线在燃烧! |
- 恶魔之心
You've raised hellfire. Now burn! |
你们激起了地狱的烈焰,那就燃烧吧! |
Show's over. |
华丽落幕。 |
Blew them outta the water. |
哈哈,杀得他们片甲不留。 |
Not my first rodeo. Certainly not my last. |
这不是我的第一出好戏。也绝不是最后一出。 |
- 恶魔之心
Well, now it's TOO quiet. I'm... hearing things. |
这下可安静过头了。那些声音……又来了。 |
- 队友倒下
Someone's down. Get them back on their feet! |
有人倒下了。把那家伙拉起来! |
We lost one. Stop fooling around. |
有人倒了。别瞎胡闹了。 |
We're one short! Stay on your toes! |
我们少了个人!都长点心! |
We got one on the highway to Hades. |
看来有人急着去见哈迪斯了。 |
- 队友击杀敌人
You should join my crew.![]() |
要不要考虑跟着我干? |
Can't put a price on good help.![]() |
好的帮手是无价之宝。 |
Color me impressed. |
真让我刮目相看。 |
You're a real sharp shooter. |
你的枪法真不错。 |
Decided to make yourself useful? |
终于不当缩头乌龟了吗? |
Didn't think you had the stomach for it. |
没想到你还有这个胆子。 |
Nice one, Sunshine. |
干得好,小太阳。 |
- 给队友报位置
Over here!![]() |
我在这儿! |
I'm right here.![]() |
我就在这儿。 |
- 拯救队友
I know you'll pay me back.![]() |
你肯定会报答我的,对吧? |
You owe me one.![]() |
你欠我一条命。 |
I know you're good for it.![]() |
我知道你会有用的。 |
Best not leave this debt unpaid. |
欠了债最好记得还。 |
That was an accident. |
刚才是手滑了。 |
- 太空走私商
Hands off my merchandise. |
别碰我的东西。 |
- 复活队友
Get back in there!![]() |
快起来! |
You're not getting out of this that easily.![]() |
你觉得装死有用吗? |
You owe me for this. |
你欠我一条命。 |
You ain't dying until I kill you. |
你只能死在我手上。 |
Little unprepared for a fortune teller, huh? |
原来占卜师也有出意外的时候? |
Don't wanna die here. The ghosts never leave this place. |
要死也别死在这儿。鬼魂是逃不出去的。 |
Remember this when you try to pin a crime on me, gumshoe. |
下回给我强加罪名的时候别忘了我救过你,探子。 |
Up and at 'em, corpse carver. |
该起来收拾他们了,雕尸人。 |
- 投票史诗
Just getting started.![]() |
这才刚刚开始。 |
You haven't seen anything yet.![]() |
哼,我可是身怀宝藏。 |
- 投票传奇
Now you know what it's like to work with the best.![]() |
现在你们知道和高手合作有多愉快了吧? |
What'd you expect?![]() |
还会有别的结果吗? |