“ | 谁说女子不如男? | ” |
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传说之刃 Media:王者荣耀_人物播报_花木兰.mp3
花木兰身为女性,却有着不输任何男性的热血豪情,她自愿请缨镇守长城,即便因歹人暗算而背负叛徒的污名,依旧徘徊在这片边疆为守护而战。她以超绝的领导力和毋庸置疑的实力召集各路强者,击退各路魔种和马贼。 |
I'm a living legend around here! | |
姐可是传说! |
You have no idea who you're dealing with! | |
谁说女子不如男? |
Let me show you just how it's done! | |
姐来展示下高端操作! |
Travel too far and you'll forget where you came from. Kill too much, and you'll forget yourself... | |
离家太远会忘记故乡,杀人太多会忘掉自己。 |
Running away won't end the war, but war will eventually end your life. | |
逃避解决不了战争,只会解决你自己。 |
Do you want to live? Then follow me! | |
想活命吗?紧跟着我! |
Sorry to say goodbye when we've just met! | |
抱歉,刚见面就得说再见! |
Never, ever, give up! | |
永不放弃! |
Ha! Watch and learn! | |
高手的示范! |
Still as a rock, fierce as a flame! | |
不动如山,迅烈如火! |
Quiet as a shadow, swift as the wind! | |
静如影,疾如风! |
Why do you have defeat written all over your face? | |
干嘛这么想不开,要在脸上贴个输字? |
An overwhelming victory! | |
压倒性胜利! |
I will not concede! | |
不会认输! |