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Nice move! | |
干得漂亮! |
Good choice! | |
选得好! |
Time for trouble. | |
该搞点事情了 |
Watch out, here I come! | |
瞧好,我要来了! |
Selfie time. | |
自拍时间到 |
Too pretty for pain. | |
太帅也是一种烦恼 |
The good, the bad, and the handsome! | |
善,恶,美! |
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Time for trouble. | |
该搞点事情了 |
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El Primo, is here. | |
艾尔·普里莫就在这! |
¡Vámonos!西班牙语 | |
冲啊! |
El Primo! | |
艾尔·普里莫! |
For pain and for glory! | |
为了痛苦和荣耀! |
Showtime. | |
表演时间 |
Wrecking and flexing! | |
爆裂秀翻天! |
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El Primo! | |
艾尔·普里莫! |
Primo! | |
普里莫! |
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Who wants some TNT? | |
谁想来点TNT尝尝? |
I've got a short fuse. | |
我脾气不好 |
Birds are singing. | |
小鸟在歌唱 |
Here, birdie birdie birdie! | |
小鸟小鸟小鸟,到这来! |
Let's go boom! | |
我们去炸个痛快! |
Ka-boom! | |
炸上天! |
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I've got a short fuse. | |
我脾气不好 |
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Ahhh! | |
啊! |
I am guided by the spirits. | |
我受神灵指引 |
Patience is the key. | |
耐心是关键 |
My mind is clear. | |
我头脑很清醒 |
My aim is true. | |
我的射术精湛 |
Elder's call! | |
长者呼唤 |
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I am guided by the spirits. | |
我受神灵指引 |
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¡Así me gusta!西班牙语 | |
我太喜欢这招了! |
Let's go! | |
我们走! |
Let's do this! | |
大干一场吧! |
Wait for my BOOM! | |
等我轰翻全场! |
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Let's go get it! | |
我们去干掉它! |
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Mwahaha! | |
呣哇哈哈! |
Nita! | |
妮塔! |
Yeah! | |
耶! |
My bear friend! | |
我的熊熊朋友! |
No time to sleep! | |
没时间睡觉了! |
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Nita! | |
妮塔! |
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Sting like a bee. | |
像蜜蜂蜇一下这么疼 |
Let's go explore! | |
我们去探险! |
Be cool. | |
保持冷静 |
So many specimens to discover! | |
这么多样本等待我们发现! |
Bea's ready to dance! | |
贝亚准备跳舞啦! |
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Let's see what's buzzing! | |
我们看看是什么在嗡嗡叫! |
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Go go go go! | |
冲冲冲冲! |
No time, gotta move. | |
没时间了,赶快行动 |
Turbo time. | |
冲刺时刻 |
Let's go, come on, zip zip! | |
快来一起出发,搞快点! |
Faster than lightning. | |
比闪电还快 |
Unstoppable! | |
停不下来! |
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Let's go, come on, zip zip! | |
快来一起出发,搞快点! |
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Wham bam, here comes the Pam! | |
嘿哈,帕姆驾到! |
My tools, ain't for fools! | |
傻瓜可用不来我的工具! |
Let's get scrappy! | |
我们下手狠点! |
Who's your mama? | |
看看谁才是你妈? |
Here, help and heal! | |
在这,帮忙治疗! |
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I am a creature of the night! | |
我是暗夜造物! |
The undead awaits! | |
不死之灵随时待命! |
I bring you the gift of darkness. | |
我给你带来了黑暗的礼物 |
Death is not the end! | |
死亡不是终结! |
Ready to strike! | |
准备出击! |
From the shadows! | |
自暗影而来! |
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Yeah! | |
耶! |
Chests and gold, here I come! | |
宝箱和金币,我来啦! |
Ha ha! | |
哈哈! |
Dibs on the Coins! | |
金币归我喽! |
Follow the coins, jingling~ | |
跟随金币,叮叮响~ |
The chest hunting is on! | |
宝箱狩猎已打响! |
Get Ruff! | |
旺起来! |
Let's go go go! | |
一起冲冲冲! |
Watch the flanks! | |
注意两侧! |
Battle stations! | |
进入作战状态! |
Here we go! | |
我们走! |
Enemy's ahead! | |
前方有敌人! |
Jess will fix it! | |
杰西会把它修好的! |
We can do this! | |
我们一定会做到的! |
Let's go, scrappy! | |
我们走,小狗狗! |
Let's build this squad! | |
齐心协力,共建小队! |
Ready, set and zap! | |
准备出发电击! |
Ready to sharp squad! | |
小队准备锐利出击! |
Time to squad! | |
爆裂时间到! |
We can do this! | |
我们做的到! |
Yeah! | |
耶! |
Hey Nita, check me out! | |
嘿妮塔,看我这儿! |
Feel the power of music! | |
感受音乐的力量吧! |
Let's get this party started! | |
派对狂欢开始吧! |
Give me a beat! | |
给我一个节拍! |
Let's rock! | |
一起摇滚吧! |
Musical mayhem! | |
音乐狂欢! |