Are you finished?![]() |
你说完了吗? |
What are you on about?![]() |
你刚才说什么? |
The state of you.![]() |
你完了。 |
Grand.![]() |
很好。 |
Brilliant.![]() |
天才。 |
You're a chancer.![]() |
喜欢投机取巧的家伙。 |
I'm working.![]() |
我正在工作。 |
One hand gives, the other takes away.![]() |
左手天堂,右手地狱。 |
What an interesting hypothesis.![]() |
真是有趣的假设。 |
Stupidity is not a right.![]() |
愚蠢并不是一种权利。 |
Idle hands are the devil's workshop.![]() |
无所事事的人是魔鬼的最爱。 |
Biology's habits are hard to break.![]() |
生物的习性很难改变。 |
- 可在第7赛季解锁
Something wicked this way comes. |
拇指怦怦动,必有恶人来。 |
(Irish) Superb!![]() |
好极了!![]() |
Unsavory.![]() |
真是倒胃口。![]() |
You've made a dog's breakfast of it.![]() |
真是鸡飞狗跳。![]() |
A tiger by the tail is still a tiger.![]() |
别去摸老虎的尾巴。![]() |
(Irish) Sláinte!![]() |
(爱尔兰语)祝你健康!![]() |
Get off the stage.![]() |
你该下场了。![]() |
You're mistaken.![]() |
你错了。![]() |
This is to my liking.![]() |
正合我意。![]() |
I put my faith in science.![]() |
科学是我的信仰。![]() |
This was a triumph.![]() |
伟大的胜利。![]() |
Good news, everyone!![]() |
各位,特大喜讯。![]() |
Clearly evolution does not distribute its gifts equally.![]() |
进化并非对每个人都是公平的。![]() |
Unbelievable.![]() |
难以置信。![]() |
Better living through science.![]() |
科学让生活更美好。![]() |
Performance enhanced.![]() |
表现提升了。![]() |
(Irish) Happy Halloween.![]() |
万圣节快乐。![]() |
Your ignorance frightens me.![]() |
你的无知让我万分惶恐。![]() |
Despair has its own calms.![]() |
绝望是另一种冷静。![]() |
- 完成万圣夜惊魂活动的“困难庇护之地战士”挑战后解锁
I will stay in the shadows. |
我会留在阴影里。 |
- 完成万圣夜惊魂活动的“专家庇护之地战士”挑战后解锁
Be beautiful in sin. |
绽放罪恶的美丽。 |
(Irish) Happy Christmas.![]() |
圣诞快乐。![]() |
Absolute zero.![]() |
绝对零度。![]() |
The gift of knowledge.![]() |
知识就是最好的礼物。![]() |
Nothing but coal for you.![]() |
你只配收到煤球。![]() |
You can be improved. |
你还有改造的空间。![]() |
I lay claim to divine fire. |
圣火应当归我所有。![]() |
What reason have you to fear me? |
你那么怕我是为什么?![]() |
You know yourself. |
你心里清楚。![]() |
- 完成终极情人节活动的“爱能征服一切”挑战后解锁
Aren't you just pathetic? |
我看你很可怜嘛? |