Humanity is shackled. I will find the key. |
人类被枷锁禁锢。而我会找出解禁的钥匙。 |
- 莉莉丝
Humanity is shackled. I hold the key. |
人类被枷锁禁锢。而我掌握着钥匙。 |
- 古神之唤
Our minds are shackled. Submission is the key. |
我们的心智被枷锁禁锢。屈服才是解禁的钥匙。 |
Moira, by your side.![]() |
莫伊拉与你并肩战斗。 |
If it must be done, let it be done quickly. |
如果必须要战,那就速战速决。 |
Let us keep our questionable choices to a minimum. |
尽量别做会被人质疑的选择。 |
On with it. |
继续行动。 |
The struggle for martial superiority is so tedious. The superiority of ideas? that is the coin of my realm.![]() |
为了物质的优越性而争斗真是让人厌烦。精神上的优越性,那才是我最感兴趣的东西。 |
It is not my preference to see to matters personally. But I will see them done.![]() |
亲自动手处理问题不符合我的习惯。 |
Knowledge is its own reward.![]() |
知识本身就是奖励。 |
If only the world could see the wonders that science has built.![]() |
真希望这个世界能够看到科学创造的奇迹。 |
The true struggle is for the superiority of ideas.![]() |
精神上的优越性才是真正值得争夺的。 |
Push your limits. Nothing breaks that I cannot mend. |
放心突破极限吧。没有我治不好的伤。 |
More field research. Grand. |
又要做实地调查了。真好…… |
I'll see this matter resolved. |
我会亲自解决这个课题。 |
Much lies in store. Let us see to it. |
还有很多工作等着我们完成呢。 |
Your worth is a hypothesis. Prove it. |
你的价值只是一个猜想。证明它。 |
- 莉莉丝
Now our true work begins. |
现在,计划正式开始。 |
I have not come to save, but to empower. |
我来不是为了拯救,而是给予。 |
- 古神之唤
My soul hungers. |
我的灵魂饥饿难耐。 |
Do not fight your true nature. |
不要抑制你的本性。 |
- 上一轮赢了
Victory is within our grasp.![]() |
胜利就在眼前。 |
Let us go on to the end.![]() |
继续坚持,直到胜利。 |
We hold the advantage. Shall we keep it? |
优势在我们手中。能保持下去吗? |
Victory grows more certain by the minute. |
随着时间流逝,胜利愈发确凿。 |
- 上一轮输了
We must reverse the course that we are on.![]() |
我们必须修正方案。 |
Another setback and all will be lost.![]() |
再不抓住机会,我们就输了。 |
One more mistake, and we fail. |
再犯错就满盘皆输了。 |
We cannot tolerate any more missteps. |
我们不能再踏错任何一步了。 |
- 平局后的最后一轮
It all comes down to this.![]() |
终于要到结局了。 |
Prepare yourselves for the decisive battle.![]() |
准备好最后的战斗吧。 |
If we're hoping to win, now's the time. |
想赢就好好把握现在。 |
This fight is all that remains. |
只剩下这最后一战了。 |
An unwelcome interruption.![]() |
竟敢打断我。 |
The process begins again.![]() |
进程重新开始。 |
I've dealt with cynics before. |
打压我的人我不是没对付过。 |
No opposition is insurmountable. |
没有不可战胜的对手。 |
Time again to try again. |
是时候再试一次了。 |
Evolution is a painful path to walk. |
进化之路痛苦漫长。 |
Bothersome. |
我讨厌这样。 |
Great minds are always persecuted. |
这就是天妒英才吧。 |
Now, to start anew. |
那就重新开始吧。 |
Progress is seldom won with ease. |
成果往往诞生于苦难。 |
- 莉莉丝
My essence has reformed. |
我的精华已然重聚。 |
They will learn pain only glimpsed in myth. |
他们将会理解,什么是极致的痛苦。 |
- 古神之唤
Another turn of fate's wheel. |
命运之轮再次转动。 |
Resurrection? How vile. |
起死回生?如此邪恶的能力。 |
Reborn from the darkness. |
我自黑暗重生。 |
Chaos returns. |
混沌再临。 |
Careful, we're outnumbered! |
当心,我们的人数处于劣势! |
My condition is improved.![]() |
我的情况已经好转。 |
That's much better.![]() |
好多了。 |
I am restored.![]() |
我恢复了。 |
Thank you.![]() |
谢谢你。 |
Your assistance is appreciated.![]() |
感谢你的帮助。 |
Effective.![]() |
非常及时。 |
(Irish) Many thanks.![]() |
多谢了。 |
(Irish) Well done.![]() |
干得不错。 |
(Irish) Thank you.![]() |
谢谢。 |
My power grows!![]() |
我的体内充满了力量! |
I am optimized!![]() |
我的潜能被激发了! |
A welcome improvement.![]() |
可观的改进。 |
Giorraíonn beirt bóthar.![]() |
结伴而行,道路就不那么漫长。 |
Curious.![]() |
有意思。 |
- 发现敌人
The fray is upon us! |
一场恶战在等着我们! |
Let us end this. |
做个了结吧。 |
- 敌人方位
They are above us!![]() |
他们在我们上方! |
They're attacking from behind!![]() |
他们从我们背后来了! |
The enemy is below us.![]() |
敌人在我们下面。 |
They are coming directly at us.![]() |
他们朝我们过来了! |
Enemy on our left.![]() |
敌人从左边来了。 |
The enemy is on our right.![]() |
敌人从右边来了。 |
The enemy approaches on the right.![]() |
敌人正从右边接近我们。 |
Watch our left side.![]() |
注意左边。 |
They advance straight at us.![]() |
他们冲我们来了。 |
Watch for enemies below us.![]() |
小心后面的敌人。 |
Enemies to our rear.![]() |
敌人在我们身后。 |
Our enemies are above us.![]() |
敌人在我们的上方。 |
- 敌人在集合
The enemy gathers here.![]() |
敌人都到这边了。 |
- 敌人在队友身后
Behind you!![]() |
注意身后! |
- 发现狙击手
Sniper! We must be cautious.![]() |
有狙击手!我们要小心点。 |
- 敌人被复活
It seems our tests were inconclusive. |
看来我们的实验还不能盖棺定论。 |
The dead ought to remain so. |
亡者应该躺在墓地里。 |
Find their teleporter!![]() |
快去找他们的传送器! |
- 寻找敌人
It seems likely the enemy is using a teleporter.![]() |
敌人在使用传送面板。 |
- 发现敌人
I have located the teleporter.![]() |
找到敌人的传送面板了。 |
- 摧毁敌人
I have destroyed the enemy's teleporter.![]() |
摧毁敌人的传送面板了。 |
I believe the enemy has a shield generator.![]() |
敌人在使用护盾发生器。 |
- 发现敌人护盾发生器
I have found the enemy's shield generator.![]() |
我找到敌人的护盾发生器了。 |
- 摧毁敌人护盾发生器
The enemy's shield generator has been destroyed.![]() |
敌人的护盾发生器被摧毁了。 |
- 发现
Enemy turret within my sight.![]() |
看到敌人的炮台了。 |
The enemy has placed a turret here.![]() |
敌人在这里放置了炮台。 |
- 摧毁
Enemy turret is no more.![]() |
敌人的炮台已被摧毁。 |
(Irish) Witness my power! |
(爱尔兰语)见证我的力量! |
Sublime lethality! |
致命效能已达巅峰! |
- 莉莉丝
Witness a mother's fury! |
见证圣母的怒火吧! |
- 古神之唤
Sublime calamity! |
灾厄已达巅峰! |
Too close for comfort.![]() |
别靠的太近了。 |
- 状态不好
I feel unwell.![]() |
这感觉真糟糕。 |
Something is amiss.![]() |
我感觉身体不适。 |
- 受到 禅雅塔
乱 的效果
Damn!![]() |
该死 |
My just rewards.![]() |
我应得的奖励。 |
I will not be denied!![]() |
我的意志不可违背! |
Unassailable prowess! |
超凡之力无懈可击! |
(Irish) I cannot be matched! |
(爱尔兰语)我无人能及! |
(laughs) My power emanates! |
(大笑)我的力量倾泻而出! |
- 莉莉丝
I know the fabric of the cosmos! |
我知道宇宙的构造! |
Grant me an ember from your hearts! |
把你们心中的余烬交给我吧! |
Break the chains! |
打碎枷锁! |
- 古神之唤
I am unbound! |
我,突破了束缚! |
Unfathomable prowess! |
超凡之力诡秘莫测! |
Rise, ancient flame! |
远古烈焰,燃烧吧! |
I burn eternal! |
我即是不灭之火! |
We've driven them to extinction. |
成功让他们灭绝了。 |
The enemy team has been vanquished. |
敌人已被彻底征服。 |
- 古神之唤
Called by the calamity. |
这是灾厄的呼唤。 |
A grand sacrifice! |
一次伟大的献祭! |
- 队友倒下
One of our allies has fallen. |
有一名盟友倒下了。 |
Perhaps I should've watered him more frequently. |
哼,也许我该多给他浇点水。 |
Graceful. |
真优雅。 |
Cowboy's down.![]() |
牛仔倒下了。 |
Genji's down!![]() |
源氏倒下了! |
Reaper has fallen. |
“死神”倒下了。 |
Widowmaker is down. |
“黑百合”倒下了。 |
Sombra has fallen. |
“黑影”倒下了。 |
A disappointment to your family and now, to me. |
你让家人失望,现在也让我失望。 |
- 队友击杀敌人
I admire your efficacy.![]() |
令人惊叹的效率。 |
Your actions are… satisfactory. |
你的行为……令人满意。 |
Your assistance is appreciated. |
感谢你的协助。 |
I see why biolight is so desirable. |
我知道生物光束为什么这么诱人了。 |
A stinging nettle. |
呵,蜇人的荨麻。 |
You're rather heartless for a man with two of them. |
你的两颗心脏恐怕都是杀心吧。 |
- 未知英雄
I respect those who hold to their values. |
我敬重那些坚守价值观念的人。 |
About time you were of use. |
也该你派上用场了。 |
Truly inspiring work, Doctor. |
了不起的成果,博士。 |
(laughs) Mind your hypocrisy, Doctor. |
(笑)你也挺伪善的嘛,博士。 |
- 给队友报位置
I'm over here.![]() |
我在这里。 |
I'm right here.![]() |
我就在这儿。 |
- 拯救队友
Do not rely on my generosity. It is fleeting. |
别指望我会一直这么慷慨相助。 |
You could still be of use to me. |
你对我还有用。 |
It seems I've made a habit of saving your life, Gabriel. |
看来救你的命已经成我的习惯了,加布里尔。 |
- 复活队友
I am not finished with you yet.![]() |
你对我还有用处。 |
Your contributions are still required.![]() |
我仍然需要你贡献力量。 |
I will put you back together. |
我会重组你的。 |
On your feet, doctor. Your research demands you. |
振作起来,博士。你的研究还需要你。 |
The irony is palpable. |
多么讽刺,不觉得吗? |
Giving up? That's unlike you. |
想放弃吗?这可不像你。 |
Are your thorns just for show? |
你的刺只是虚有其表吗? |
Must you be coddled, Pruksamanee? |
你只能活在温室里吗,普克夏曼尼? |
- 古神之唤
Thank the shadows that hide you. |
感谢遮蔽你的暗影吧。 |
Spared, but for what greater purpose? |
一次赦免,想必有更好的安排。 |
- 看见队友使用终极技能
Always with a touch of the dramatic.![]() |
总是这么有戏剧性。 |
Our guardian angel.![]() |
我们的守护天使来了。 |
You wield great power. |
你的力量如此强大。 |
The dark ones are pleased. |
黑暗古神满意了。 |
- 升级
My knowledge grows.![]() |
我的知识在增长。 |
- 投票史诗
Pure class.![]() |
出类拔萃。 |
To be expected.![]() |
不出所料。 |
Impeccable.![]() |
完美的发挥。 |
- 投票传奇
Do not underestimate me.![]() |
这就是科学家的实力。 |
This was the only plausible outcome.![]() |
这结果非常合理。 |