Hardly broke a sweat!存在于守望先锋1代 |
汗都没流一滴! |
I'm just getting started!存在于守望先锋1代 |
我才刚热完身! |
I feel great! |
我感觉好极了! |
Give me more! |
再多来几次! |
By all means, try again! |
一定得再来一次! |
No guts, no glory! |
荣耀归于勇敢者! |
Feel my power! |
感受我的力量! |
Down you go! |
躺下吧! |
(Laughs) And that is why I still fight! |
(大笑)我就说我还能再战吧! |
Glorious, if I do say so myself! |
要我说,这就叫“战绩彪炳”! |
You've been bested! |
你不是我的对手! |
(Laughs) That was a bold move! |
(大笑)你胆子还挺大的! |
That looked like it hurt! |
那一下是不是很疼! |
Any regrets? |
后悔了吗? |
One step closer to victory! |
离胜利又近了一步! |
Knocked you off your feet! |
一锤把你打趴! |
- 堕落骑士
(growl). |
呵哈…… |
Rage and death! |
怒焰与死亡! |
(grunt) Crushed! |
嗬,碾碎了! |
Honor won't save you. |
荣誉可救不了你。 |
You are no match! |
你还差得远呢。 |
You hold my leash no longer! |
你休想再束缚我! |
Now, this is bullfighting. |
这才叫斗牛嘛。 |
Were you lost? |
迷路了吗? |
- 哈迪斯法老之鹰
I have slain Hades, and will live forever! |
宰了哈迪斯,我就是不朽的! |
- 波塞冬拉玛刹
Now I will rule the seas! |
这下海洋就要归我了! |
You might be god of horses, but you're not the god of bulls! |
你也许是马匹之神,但绝不是公牛之神! |
- 美杜莎黑百合
Bulls love stepping on snakes! |
牛就喜欢踩蛇! |
- 米诺陶洛斯莱因哈特
I'm not sharing my labyrinth! |
一个迷宫不容两头牛! |
- 独眼巨人路霸
Rather have a bull's head than one eye! |
宁要一头牛,不要一只眼! |
You were by far the inferior monster. |
你不过是个低等的怪物。 |
- 赫尔墨斯卢西奥
You're an irritating little fly, Hermes! |
你就是只讨厌的苍蝇,赫尔墨斯! |
Zeus, sacrificed to a bull. Ha! |
宙斯给牛当了祭品。哈! |
- 冲锋击杀
Mess with the minotaur, get the horns... of the minotaur! |
敢惹我弥诺陶洛斯,我就……顶你一角! |
(Laughs) Gored. |
(大笑)撞死你。 |
Try firing more bullets next time! |
下次记得让火力再猛点儿! |
You can do better than that, Brigitte! |
你还能做得更好,布丽吉塔! |
That is today's lesson!存在于守望先锋1代 |
给你上一课! |
I slay dragons.存在于守望先锋1代 |
我可是屠龙勇士。 |
Your sun had barely risen... (Sigh). |
你的太阳才刚刚升起……(叹气) |
(Laughs) A smash hit! |
(大笑)这一锤劲爆吗! |
Mei-be you should sit this fight out! |
“美”准你就不该跟我打! |
Sorry, Angela! |
对不起,安吉拉! |
Still think I'm too old for this? |
还觉得我年纪太大,打不动了吗? |
For Balderich. |
为了鲍德里奇。 |
Now you were a worthy challenge! |
这下算你是个够格的对手! |
I honor my vow. Why don't you? |
我履行了誓言,可你呢? |
That's all your robot suit can do? |
你的机器战甲就这点本事? |
Traitor.存在于守望先锋1代 |
叛徒。 |
Bonk, bonk, bonk! |
锤吧,锤吧! |
Aren't you dizzy from all that spinning? |
你转那么快不会头晕吗? |
Retire that! |
让我退休,还早得很! |
Uh oh… that's going to get me a citation! |
啊哦……这下法院得给我发传票了! |
Not strong enough.存在于守望先锋1代 |
还不够强。 |
Black hole or no, I'm still swinging! |
管它什么黑不黑洞,我只管抡锤子就行! |
Whose armor needs fixing now? |
看看是谁的盔甲该修了? |
Oh, Torbjörn, I'll never let you live that down! |
哦,托比昂,这茬我会跟你念叨一辈子! |
(Laughs) Victory reigns from below! |
(大笑)地升铁壁! |
(Laughs) That was a bold move! |
(大笑)你胆子还挺大的! |
Not quite, Genji. Not quite! |
这可不行,源氏。差得远呢! |
Looks like you've been recalled--to orbit! (laugh). |
原来你也受到了召唤,要上天的那种!哈哈! |
(laughs)存在于守望先锋1代 |
(大笑) |
Ha! They went flying! |
哈!飞出去了! |
There they go! |
下去吧! |
Express delivery to certain doom! |
特快专列送你下地狱! |
Land on something soft! |
希望下面有垫子接着! |
An eye for an eye. |
以眼还眼。 |
This is payback! |
报仇了! |
Got you back, Junker! |
咱们两清了,渣客! |
- 超远距离击杀
- 近距离击杀(大嘘)
Maybe you should have stepped back. |
你应该往后退两步的。 |
That's what happens when you get too close! |
离我太近就是这个下场! |
- 击杀空中目标
Like swatting a fly with a hammer! |
就像用锤子拍扁苍蝇! |
Back down to Earth! |
回地上待着去! |
- 击杀使用终极技能的目标
I don't think so. |
我可不同意。 |
Not on my watch! |
有我在休想! |
- 击杀使用位移技能的目标
How's that for ?old man reflexes? |
“老当益壮”可不是说着玩的。 |
- 击杀使用垂直位移技能的目标
When they're jumping around a lot I find it best to just swing the hammer. |
蹦来蹦去可真烦,不过几锤子下去就老实了。 |
- 在节日期间
Stay awhile... and listen.存在于守望先锋1代 |
英雄请留步……且听我一言。 |
Happy holidays!存在于守望先锋1代 |
节日快乐! |
- 队友为托比昂时
Another one for me! Torbjorn, you're losing this bet. |
我又干掉一个!托比昂,你快输了。 |
- 队友为士兵:76时
See, Jack? A hammer is better than a gun! |
看见了吗,杰克?锤子可比枪好使! |
- 击杀被安娜纳米激素强化的目标
What a powerful brawl! |
真是场轰轰烈烈的较量! |
- 击杀被天使重生复活的目标
Keep popping back up! I don't mind! |
继续来啊!来一个我打一个! |
- 击杀被查莉娅投射屏障保护的目标
Even Zaryanova couldn't save you! |
就算是查莉娅诺娃也救不了你! |
- 被查莉娅投射屏障保护时
You spoil me with these shields, Zaryanova! |
查莉娅诺娃,你的护盾快把我宠坏了! |
- 远距离击杀
I am a Weltmeister of prediction! |
我的预判是世界级的! |
I am basically a sniper! |
四舍五入,我也是狙击手了! |
Choose Reinhardt for long-range destruction! |
想搞远距离毁灭打击,就找莱因哈特! |
Thought you were out of reach? Pah! |
以为我打不着你了?哈! |
Choose the minotaur for long-range destruction! |
想搞远距离毁灭打击,就找弥诺陶洛斯! |
- 近距离击杀
Even hotter up close. |
离得越近,烧得越猛。 |
Fresh from the oven! |
新鲜出炉! |
- 击杀空中目标
Burned out of the sky! |
烈焰直冲云霄! |
- 击杀使用死亡绽放的死神
You're fired, Reyes! Haha! |
烧到你了,莱耶斯!哈哈! |
- 击杀在生命之梭花瓣平台上的目标
No platform can save you--no matter how pretty! |
什么平台都救不了你——再好看也不行! |
- 打断终极技能
Interrupted! |
打断你了! |
Cancelled! |
别想了! |
Shut down! |
哈!消停点! |
Boom! (Laughs) You were saying? |
咚!哈哈!你刚才说什么? |
- 击杀使用集结号令的布丽吉塔
Rally's over! |
别集结了! |
- 击杀使用斩的源氏
What is that, a toothpick? |
你拿的是什么,牙签吗? |
Careful where you wave that sword! |
挥剑的时候看着点! |
- 击杀使用熔火核心的托比昂
Nobody likes your lava, Torbjörn! |
你的熔岩没人喜欢,托比昂! |
- 击杀使用原始暴怒的温斯顿
Deep breaths, Winston. |
深呼吸,温斯顿。 |
- 米诺陶洛斯
(Grunt) Trampled! |
(咕哝)踩扁你! |
I will take them all on!存在于守望先锋1代 |
我会把他们全干掉! |
(laughs) Unstoppable!存在于守望先锋1代 |
(大笑)势不可挡! |
The fight has just begun! |
战斗才刚刚开始! |
More glory to my name! |
还有更多的荣耀在等待着我! |
Anyone else? |
还有谁? |
I will never stop fighting! |
生命不息,战斗不止! |
They fall like dominos! |
一个接一个,就像多米诺骨牌一样! |
Hardly a fair fight! |
跟我打,你们还不够格! |
I'll take you all on! |
我一个人就能把你们全锤扁! |
(Laughs) Anyone else? |
(大笑)还有谁? |
Such speed! How glorious! (Wild laugh). |
这飘逸的感觉!真是痛快!(狂笑) |
The bonkening of the century! |
世纪大狂欢! |
The ultimate bonk! |
一锤给你们送终! |
- 被安娜纳米激素强化
Oh, Ana, it's like we never left! |
噢,安娜,这感觉就像我们从未分别! |
- 被黑影黑客入侵入侵
A mere hack will not stop me! |
黑客的小把戏拦不住我! |
Such chaos! These Junkers are rubbing off on me. (Chuckle). |
真够乱的!这些渣客都快把我带偏了。(笑) |
- 米诺陶洛斯
I'm trampling all over them! |
他们都被我踩爆了! |
All Olympus will be my labyrinth. |
整个奥林匹斯都将成为我的迷宫。 |
Grass-fed havoc! |
吃草的照样厉害! |
King Minos, eat your heart out! |
弥诺斯国王,你就嫉妒吧! |
- 堕落骑士
Not enough... never enough! |
砸个不停……杀个不停! |
Weak, all of you! |
太弱了,都太弱了! |
(roar). |
(咆哮) |