“ | 给你的麻烦开个价吧! | ” |
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野蛮之锤 Media:王者荣耀_人物播报_钟无艳.mp3
自幼为孤女的魔种混血钟无艳强悍地活了下来,并去到稷下习武,但时不时往玄雍充军获得军佣。曾一锤砸碎了铁链,参军魔种不再由铁链捆绑。这一举动并未受到惩罚,相反受到嬴政与诸大将的赏识。 |
I'm as fickle as a coin flip. | |
女人心,海底针! |
My two favorite things are coins and combat! | |
金钱和混战我都爱! |
Name a price for your troubles! | |
给你的麻烦开个价吧! |
You can talk the talk and walk the walk, but you need coins to make things happen! | |
俗话说得好,有钱男子汉,没钱汉子难。 |
Someone paid good money to have you taken out. | |
有人为你的退场出了个好价钱。 |
You know what they say, gold makes the world go around. | |
光有想法和行动是不够的!还得有钱! |
My guiding principle is to always stand on the winning side. | |
我做人的原则,永远站在赢家那边。 |
Who's in the mood for some looting? | |
再来一次给力的掠夺! |
Poor guy! | |
弱爆了! |
Let me have some fun! | |
让姐找点乐子吧! |
Try me! You won't know what hit you. | |
姐的威力,试一次让你记一辈子! |
I'm just getting warmed up! | |
热身开始~ |
Money or life? Tough choice... | |
要钱还是要命?真难选…… |