(Chuckle). |
(轻笑) |
(Japanese) Cool. |
(日语)还不错。 |
(Japanese) Goodbye. |
(日语)拜拜。 |
(Japanese) My apologies. |
(日语)抱歉啦。 |
Cool. |
酷。 |
Sit down, please. |
你就老老实实坐着吧。 |
Nice. |
很好。 |
Ouch. |
很疼吧? |
Shouldn't have put your head there. |
你不该把脑袋露出来的。 |
Take some time off. |
到一边休息去。 |
That's the spot. |
直击要害。 |
Underestimated me, ne? |
小瞧我了吧? |
And what did we learn? |
这次学到了什么教训? |
Back off. |
闪开。 |
(Japanese) Bye! |
(日语)再见! |
Find peace. |
安息吧。 |
That had some style. |
帅气的一击。 |
(Japanese) Incredible! |
(日语)厉害! |
(Japanese) As expected! |
(日语)不愧是我! |
(Japanese) Well done! |
(日语)干得不错嘛! |
(Japanese) Ouch! |
(日语)很疼吧! |
I'll pretend I didn't see that. |
我就当没看见吧。 |
You were being rude. |
是你无礼在先。 |
How embarrassing. |
真尴尬。 |
That's youthful reflexes for you. |
年轻人的反应就是这么快。 |
(Japanese) Zoom! |
哈哈,嗖! |
(Scoff) Big deal. |
呵,真了不起。 |
This time, you might want to stay down. |
这下你就别再起来了。 |
- 灵利女巫
Don't freak out... 'Death' can be a good card! |
别怕……“死神”也可能是张好牌! |
That was inevitable. |
那是必然的结局。 |
Prophecy fulfilled. |
预言实现了。 |
How ominous. |
真是不祥之兆。 |
Can't fight fate. |
天命难违。 |
Death was in your cards. |
死亡是你的命运。 |
The Universe said, ?Bye bye.? |
宇宙对你说:“拜拜。” |
Struck by misfortune. |
飞来横祸。 |
Every beginning has an end. |
万物有始必有终。 |
Do you believe me now? |
现在相信我了吗? |
Your choice was made. |
你已经做出了选择。 |
You're not meant for this world. |
你的存在违逆了世界。 |
I predicted that. |
和我预言的一样。 |
- 天照大神
Silly human. |
(日语)愚蠢的人类。 |
My light too bright for you? |
是我的光芒太耀眼了吗? |
Lighten up. |
“光”顾着紧张了? |
Go hide in a cave. |
去山洞里躲着吧。 |
I burn the brightest, got that? |
再耀眼的光也敌不过我,懂吗? |
I thought you were the sniper? |
我还以为你才是狙击手。 |
You really need a scope to do that? |
这种事还需要瞄准镜吗? |
So long, bestie. |
再见,闺蜜。 |
Hey. A falling star. |
嘿,巨星陨落了。 |
Come on, Shimada. |
不是吧,岛田…… |
(Japanese) Come on, Shimada. |
(日语)这就不行了吗,岛田…… |
- 击杀使用
(Japanese) I won't allow that! |
(日语)我可不同意! |
Not crazy enough. |
还不够狂。 |
- 击杀使用
Found you. |
抓到你了。 |
Thought you were a professional? |
还以为你是专业的。 |
Did you build that ball yourself? |
那颗铁球是你自己造的吗? |
Diabolical plans... canceled. |
邪恶的阴谋……破产了。 |
I just wanted to hang out. |
要是能一起玩就好了…… |
- 击杀空中的法老之鹰
Did you think you were safe up there? |
你以为在天上就没事了? |
Welcome back to earth. |
欢迎回到地面。 |
- 击杀使用
I felt your presence. |
我感受到了你的存在。 |
- 击杀使用
It's like you wanted to die. |
你简直像是在找死。 |
- 击杀使用
Sorry, I'm not done yet. |
抱歉,我还没结束呢。 |
Yeah, no. |
呵,你没戏。 |
- 击杀使用
Not ?in charge? any more. |
这下没法再乱撞了吧。 |
See ya. |
走好不送。 |
Heh. Watch your step. |
呵,小心脚下。 |
(Japanese) Heh. |
(日语)呵呵。 |
(Japanese) See you! |
(日语)再见了! |
Where you belong. |
从哪来的就回哪去。 |
Enjoy the underworld. |
下面的风景不错吧? |
Had to pay you back. |
有仇必报。 |
There's that back. |
那一下还给你。 |
(Japanese) You get what you deserve. |
(日语)这是因果报应。 |
Petty? Try thorough. |
小气?这叫有仇必报。 |
Forgive and forget? Nah. |
恩怨已了?才怪。 |
- 超远距离击杀
How far was that? |
这得有多远啊? |
- 击杀被安娜
Apologize to Ana when you wake up. |
等你醒了,记得向安娜道歉。 |
The kitsune gains new champions. |
灵狐找到了新的勇者。 |
Sometimes, it takes two. |
有时候,需要两个人的力量。 |
That's fox power. |
那就是灵狐的力量。 |
We're pretty good together. |
我们合作无间。 |
Just needed a dash of mischief. |
加一点儿灵气就刚刚好。 |
(Japanese) Let's go! |
(日语)该上咯! |
How many was that? |
干掉了好几个呢! |
I thought this would be harder. |
没想到这么轻松…… |
Mom would be proud. |
妈妈会为我骄傲的。 |
Fox in a hen house. |
就像狐狸钻进了鸡窝。 |
Now I'm having fun. |
这才叫有意思。 |
- 灵利女巫
This tragedy was written in the stars. |
这场悲剧已写在群星之间。 |
A streak of bad luck. |
噩运接二连三。 |
- 天照大神
Can't eclipse me! |
我的光芒不会黯淡! |
Luminous and ruinous. |
灼光所及,灰飞烟灭。 |
Your hand-to-hand needs work. |
你的格斗技术还得再练练。 |
That lesson was free. |
那一课算我送你的。 |
Look, don't touch. |
只准看,不许碰。 |
(Japanese) Wow, smart of you to get so close. |
(日语)哎,敢离我这么近,你可真是个小机灵鬼。 |
It's called personal space. |
这叫私人空间,懂吗? |
Nope! |
休想! |
- 灵利女巫
Palm read this. |
来看手相吗? |
My divine gift. |
我赐福于你。 |
- 天照大神
Knocked your lights out. |
让你眼前一黑。 |
You forget what my mom taught you? |
忘记我妈妈是怎么教的了吗? |
(Japanese) You forget what my mom taught you? |
(日语)我妈妈教的东西,你都忘了吗? |