“ | 必将百倍奉还! | ” |
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国士无双 Media:王者荣耀_人物播报_韩信.mp3
臣服与合谋仅是表象,韩信的本质是个不折不扣的战略家,其蓬勃的野心与君主刘邦不相上下。忍辱负重只为等待一个机会,以韩信之名掀起撼动大陆的风暴,将曾经承受的一切百倍奉还。 |
Never dream an impossible dream. | |
不做无法实现的梦。 |
There's no turning back until victory is secured. | |
到达胜利之前,无法回头。 |
I'll repay what you've done hundredfold! | |
必将百倍奉还! |
There can never be too many scapegoats. | |
垫背的,怎么都不嫌多。 |
Each one takes what he needs. | |
各取所需而已。 |
Well, everyone needs a purpose in life. | |
人,总得有个活着的理由。 |
Hahah, your brain seems to contain a lot of air. | |
哼哼哼,你的脑袋里好像少了些什么。 |
Victory, is but another word for justice. | |
正义,不过是胜利的又一个别称。 |
Enough, is enough. | |
忍无可忍,无须再忍。 |
Pah! Only the weak worry about humiliation! | |
哼!弱者才在乎耻辱! |
I shall remake this drab, boring world! | |
颠覆无趣的世道! |
I am unrivaled. | |
举世无双! |
There are only two possible outcomes, victory or death. | |
不当赢家,就只有死路一条! |
Hah, just an insignificant skill! | |
哼哼,雕虫小技而已! |
This is not the end... Urghhh... | |
还没有输……呃啊! |