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Today, we reclaim it with tooth and claw.|Translation=今天,我们以尖牙,以利爪,重新夺回这片本就属于蛮荒的土地}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move6|Script =Gods do not beg. We take what is ours!|Translation=神从不祈求,我们看上什么就拿走什么}} === 移动 === {{LOL|File =volibear.move7|Script =I will unleash the Freljord.|Translation=我将解开弗雷尔卓德的束缚}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move8|Script =We are all blood of the wild.|Translation=我们都是蛮荒的血脉}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move9|Script =Hirnvel are sacred. Tree, soil, beast, blood!|Translation=原初万物是神圣不可侵犯的,树木,泥土,野兽,鲜血}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move10|Script =I split mountains with my roar!|Translation=我纵声咆哮开山裂地}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move11|Script =The creations of mortals fail. The wild remains.|Translation=凡人的造物必将磨灭,蛮荒永存}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move12|Script =My thunder shakes the foundations of the world!|Translation=惊雷,撼动着世界的根基}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move13|Script =Many have tried to end me. A god.|Translation=许多人都想终结我,可我是神}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move14|Script =With each step I take, the wind gathers, and the Vrestrom grows!|Translation=我迈出的每一步,狂风聚集雷暴酝酿}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move15|Script =The ursine speak for man and the wild responds.|Translation=熊人替人类开口,蛮荒才会给出回答}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move16|Script =When the night is cruel and dark...|Translation=曾经。黑夜残酷又漫长}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move17|Script =Men speak in small words. I speak in thunder!|Translation=人类的声音细如蚊蝇,我的声音轰如雷霆}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move18|Script =Once, history was writ by tooth and claw.|Translation=曾经,历史是用尖牙和利爪书写的}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move19|Script =I will roar the world into stillness... so must it be.|Translation=我将用咆哮令世界安静,必将如此}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move20|Script =They have lost their wild. I will guide them.|Translation=他们已经失去了野性,我来带领他们}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move21|Script =The soil hungers for blood.|Translation=泥土渴望着鲜血}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move22|Script =To destroy is to free.|Translation=被破坏的,才是解脱}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move23|Script =Warm-bloods rose on two legs... and forgot how to run.|Translation=温血人用两条腿站起来,却忘记了如何奔跑}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move24|Script =Let the land thunder with my storm.|Translation=以我的风暴撼动大地}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move25|Script =Battle boils the blood.|Translation=战斗让血液沸腾}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move26|Script =What happens when old wounds heal?|Translation=旧伤愈合以后,该干什么?}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move27|Script =Hmm. I taste iron on the wind... blood.|Translation=风里有铁的味道,是血}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move28|Script =This place has been tamed. I will untame it!|Translation=这里被驯化了,我要野化它}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move29|Script =Let the storm follow in my wake.|Translation=让风暴追随我的脚步}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move30|Script =Ice hides the fury within.|Translation=寒冰之下,藏着怒火}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move31|Script =I carve my path with blood, and bone.|Translation=我用鲜血与骸骨铺就我的道路}} === 长距离移动 === {{LOL|File =volibear.move32|Script =Bones crunch. Blood drips. This is the way of old Vorrijaard.|Translation=皮开肉绽,头破血流,啊,这才是沃尔利加德应有的样子}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move33|Script =My land was named by a god. It cannot be renamed by a coward.|Translation=我的土地由神赐名,懦夫不配妄自称呼}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move34|Script =They call me Valhir. The Volibear. Greatstorm. My true name is mine alone.|Translation=他们叫我瓦尔哈尔,沃利贝尔,滚雷风暴,而我的真名,只有我自己知道}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move35|Script =Clouds are the storm-cloak I wrap around my fur.|Translation=乌云,是我身上一袭狂风鼓荡的斗篷}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move36|Script =Even in a cowardly man the heart is wild. That is why it must be eaten last.|Translation=即使是人类的懦夫,心中也有蛮荒的豪勇,所以理应被弱肉强食}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move37|Script =Thunder roars. Wind howls. Only fools ignore the call to battle.|Translation=雷霆咆哮,狂风呼号,只有蠢货才听不见战斗的召唤}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move38|Script =I am Valhir of the first thunder, destroyer of the white mountain, carver of the five Fjords!|Translation=我是初开之雷霆,瓦尔哈尔,白山的毁灭者,五大弗卓德的镌刻者}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move39|Script =They have forgotten the old ways. The old ways have not forgotten them.|Translation=他们已经忘记了古道,古道没有忘记他们}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move40|Script =The land slumbers, but it is not dead. With my roar, I wake it. With my thunder, I call it.|Translation=大地在沉睡,但它并未死去,我行之以咆哮,唤之以雷霆}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move41|Script =Raise your idols. Huddle beneath your stone trees! Today, I tear them all down.|Translation=立起你们的神像,藏进你们的石窝吧,今天我要把它们全部推倒}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move42|Script =Many have called to me. Avarosans. Frostguard. Winter's claw. They call no longer...|Translation=许多人都曾召唤过我,阿瓦罗萨,冰霜守卫,凛冬之爪,他们已经不再召唤我啦}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move43|Script =In my dreams, I see bones frozen in ice. I wonder... if they are my own.|Translation=在我的梦里,我看到骸骨封藏于寒冰,我想知道,那是不是我自己}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move44|Script =My blood is of the Vorrijaard, the land before the Freljord.|Translation=我的血属于弗雷尔卓德的前身,沃尔利加德}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move45|Script =When my brother gave them fire, they forgot the fire of their own blood.|Translation=当我的兄长赐予他们火焰,他们就忘记了自己血液中原本的依火}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move46|Script =Darkening clouds. An omen to those who stand against the wild!|Translation=乌云密布,你蛮荒之人的恶兆}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move47|Script =My sisters are gods of ice and salt and ever-winter. And Ornn? A liar.|Translation=我的姐妹们是神,执掌着冰与盐,还有永恒的寒冬,奥恩?他是个骗子}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move48|Script =I am a god. I cannot die. But do I live if I am not in the hearts of warriors?|Translation=我是神,我不会死,但如果战士的心中没有我,我又何必生存}} {{LOL|File =volibear.move49|Script =I still taste their ancestors... stuck between my teeth.|Translation=我依然尝得到他们先祖的味道,还在我的牙缝里}} == 互动 == === 嘲讽 === {{LOL|File =volibear.taunt1|Script = Weakling!|Translation=弱者}} {{LOL|File =volibear.taunt2|Script = Coward!|Translation=懦夫}} === 玩笑 === {{LOL|File =volibear.joke1|Script = Live for a few centuries and you will try everything at least once.|Translation=哈哈哈哈,再活个几百年你也就见怪不怪了}} {{LOL|File =volibear.joke2|Script = It is better than staring at dirt.|Translation=总比大眼瞪小眼有意思}} {{LOL|File =volibear.joke3|Script = The first river was a river of blood! What has my brother been telling you?|Translation=第一条河是鲜血之河,我的兄长都给你讲了什么?}} === 大笑 === {{LOL|File =volibear.laugh1|Script = Ha ha ha...|Translation=哈哈哈... }} {{LOL|File =volibear.laugh2|Script = Ha ha ha...|Translation=哈哈哈... }} {{LOL|File =volibear.laugh3|Script = Ha ha ha...|Translation=哈哈哈... }} === 跳舞 === {{LOL|File =volibear.dance1|Script = Volibear hums.|Translation=(哼唱) }} == 普通攻击 == {{LOL|File =volibear.attack20|Script = Volibear grunts.|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.attack21|Script = Volibear grunts.|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.attack22|Script = Volibear grunts.|Translation=中文翻译}} === 攻击英雄时 === {{LOL|File =volibear.attack1|Script = Your shrines will fall!|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.attack2|Script = I will not be forgotten!|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.attack3|Script = Weakling!|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.attack4|Script = Vol dusk skaar!|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.attack5|Script = Vol kau fera!|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.attack6|Script = I roar, you bow.|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.attack7|Script = Storm devour you!|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.attack8|Script = Torn to bone!|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.attack9|Script = Bleed, offering!|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.attack10|Script = I run. I tear!|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.attack11|Script = You cannot kill a storm.|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.attack12|Script = Rolling thunder.|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.attack13|Script = Nothing but meat.|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.attack14|Script = You mean to kill me?|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.attack15|Script = You cannot tame lightning.|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.attack16|Script = I am Valhir.|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.attack17|Script = Blood, hahahaha, always tastes the same.|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.attack18|Script = Ever-winter take you.|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.attack19|Script = Tremble at my roar!|Translation=中文翻译}} === 攻击人类英雄时 === {{LOL|File =volibear.attack23|Script = Tremble at my roar!|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.attack24|Script = Tremble at my roar!|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.attack25|Script = Tremble at my roar!|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.attack26|Script = Tremble at my roar!|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.attack27|Script = Tremble at my roar!|Translation=中文翻译}} == 技能 == === 使用Q技能{{LOLAI|Thundering Smash|擂首一击}} === {{LOL|File =volibear.q1|Script = A thousand scars. What is one more?|Translation=中文翻译}} === 使用W技能{{LOLAI|Force of Will|Frenzied Maul}} === {{LOL|File =volibear.w1|Script = The ground is sown in blood.|Translation=大地需要用鲜血浇灌}} {{LOL|File =volibear.w2|Script = Volibear grunts.|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.w3|Script = Volibear grunts.|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.w4|Script = Volibear grunts.|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.w5|Script = Volibear grunts.|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.w6|Script = Tearing flesh!|Translation=血肉模糊}} === 使用E技能{{LOLAI|Sky Splitter|霹天雳地}} === {{LOL|File =volibear.e1|Script = All will crumble!|Translation=一切都将崩塌}} {{LOL|File =volibear.e2|Script = Storm unleashed!|Translation=风暴肆虐吧}} {{LOL|File =volibear.e3|Script = Volibear grunts.|Translation=中文翻译}} === 使用R技能{{LOLAI|Stormbringer|天声震落}} === {{LOL|File =volibear.ult1|Script = Vrestrom consume you!|Translation=雷暴将吞噬你}} {{LOL|File =volibear.ult2|Script = I am the storm!|Translation=我就是风暴}} == 击杀英雄 == {{LOL|File =volibear.kill1|Script = So must it be.|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.kill2|Script = I feast on your heart.|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.kill3|Script = Blood. The way of the land.|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.kill4|Script = Such a death. Far greater than your life.|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.kill5|Script = A feast for the Earth.|Translation=中文翻译}} === 击杀人类英雄 === {{LOL|File =volibear.kill6|Script = Your lies feed the soil.|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.kill7|Script = Another coward dies.|Translation=中文翻译}} === 击杀艾尼维亚 === {{LOL|File =volibear.kill8|Script = My sister. May you return on swift wings.|Translation=中文翻译}} === 击杀奥恩 === {{LOL|File =volibear.kill9|Script = Oh, brother. Your forge is empty and cold.|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.kill10|Script = Ornn's blood on my claws. Surely, there was a reason. Surely, this is just...|Translation=中文翻译}} == 摧毁敌方防御塔 == {{LOL|File =volibear.sp1|Script = I unmake your shrines!|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.sp2|Script = Down with false idols!|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.sp3|Script = Nothing but rubble!|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.sp4|Script = Beneath this stone I sense no wild.|Translation=中文翻译}} == 回城 == {{LOL|File =volibear.b1|Script = I hear them calling Valhir. The Vrestrom answers!|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.b2|Script = Sky calls to me!|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.b3|Script = The storm gathers, and I enter sky!|Translation=中文翻译}} {{LOL|File =volibear.b4|Script = Storms dance upon the soil.|Translation=中文翻译}} == 死亡 == {{LOL|File =volibear.death1|Script =Born in war I fall... in war. |Translation=啊!}} {{LOL|File =volibear.death2|Script =I... do... not... die! |Translation=啊!}} {{LOL|File =volibear.death3|Script =Volibear groans. |Translation=啊!}} {{LOL|File =volibear.death4|Script =Volibear groans. |Translation=啊!}} == 复活 == {{LOL|File =volibear.respawn1|Script =Whose heart calls the storm? |Translation=啊!}} {{LOL|File =volibear.respawn2|Script =A god cannot die. |Translation=啊!}} {{LOL|File =volibear.respawn3|Script =I rise wreathed in lightning! |Translation=啊!}} {{LOL Navigation}} <comments /> 该页面使用的模板: 模板:LOL(查看源代码)模板:LOL Navigation(查看源代码)模板:LOLAI(查看源代码)模板:LOLHero(查看源代码)模板:Navbox(查看源代码)(受保护)模板:Navbox subgroup(查看源代码)模板:W(查看源代码)(受保护)返回至沃利贝尔(英雄联盟)。