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Chaojiu讨论 | 贡献2023年3月15日 (三) 04:59的版本



Soviet technology at its finest. Terror Drones can enter and destroy enemy vehicles from the inside.
The V3 Launcher has extreme range capabilities coupled with devastating damage potential. Destruction guaranteed. Just don't leave it undefended.
The appropriately named Apocalypse Tank is war in a can. It can attack any ground or air targets and be expected to be the last unit standing.
They may be slow, but the Kirov Airships can take great punishment and deliver even more.
The Sea Scorpion is a fast-attack sea raider. It can't win the war for you but you can't win the war without it. It is your only anti-air defense on the water.
I don't agree with this kind of experimentation, but you cannot deny the results. A Giant Squid can immobilize and eventually destroy any sea vessel.
The Typhoon Attack Sub is undetectable by normal Allied units, but look out for Allied Dolphins and Destroyers.
The Tesla Troopers have powerful weapons, but they are useless against buildings. They also make excellent base defense as they can over-power Tesla Coils with their weapons.
The Soviet Engineer can repair buildings or capture enemy buildings, if you can get them past defenses.
Crazy Ivan can plant bombs on enemy buildings or perhaps a Conscript would agree to carry them for you.
The Allies cannot match our nuclear power. Deploy the Desolator to sterilize an area.
Our most top-secret weapon, the PsiCorps is useful for quickly turning Allied units to our side.
Commander, this Allied GI is a well trained soldier capable of quickly deploying a heavy machine gun when stationed within buildings or deployed with his sandbag nest.
These arrogant Allied Spies believe their disguises will allow them to infiltrate our buildings. They will soon find that the only thing they can infiltrate is our faithful dogs' stomachs.
The Allied Rocketeers are men who hurl themselves through the air thanks to some jet-pack strapped to them in the hopes of wounding one of our tanks or buildings. Fools.
Commander, beware these Chrono Legionnaires. They use some unknown technology to teleport themselves anywhere and then simply erase our forces.
Comrade, this Prism Tank of the Allies is a dangerous threat to our massed forces. Its directed energy weapon has no trouble harming many of our forces in a single shot.
Another annoying trick of the Allies, their Mirage Tank can mask itself as almost any object nearby it and then remain concealed and fire upon us.
The Allied Intruder is an airborne threat to any of our forces who do not have adequate anti-air support. It does not stand up well to flak, Commander.


Commander, this is the first step in our glorious conquest. Victory here is crucial! Remember, we must crush the Pentagon - above all else, the Pentagon must be destroyed!
We can't let a mere bridge delay our conquest, commander! Order your Engineers to enter the bridge's control station!
Commander, pay no heed to casualties. For every Conscript who dies in the crusade, there are a thousand more who stand eager to replace him!
Commander, you can order your Conscripts into nearby buildings to fortify them against the enemy.
At last, the Pentagon is within our grasp! Destroy it, immediately.
Ah... Our Comrades have decided to lend us support. These reinforcement Commander, are some of our most useful vehicles - Flak Tracks! Their speed, armor, and ability to carry infantry are the perfect support for our legion of Conscripts.
Superb, Commander! The Pentagon has been destroyed!
Our base is out of power! We must build more generators to bring our radar and defenses back online!
Be wary of those barrels of petrol! If damaged, they will surely explode violently. Perhaps we can use them to our advantage...
Capture the airport commander in order to allow paratroopers to land in the area.
Excellent, Comrade Commander! As soon as the Paratroopers are completely prepared, we will be able to strike anywhere you desire!
The building that you've just discovered is one of America's special civilian buildings. Use an Engineer to convert the building and gain its powers.


By your command, Comrade.
Death to the capitalists!
Glory to Mother Russia!
I will obey the Soviet...Ooh, where am I?
Yes master.
Welcome to New York, Commander. Capture the Allied Battle Lab at the World Trade Center and use their technology to build the PSYCHIC BEACON.
The beacon is placed, Commander, but it needs time to charge. Keep the Allies from destroying the beacon.
Beacon deployed and online.
Excellent, Commander. Now use our new conscripts to deal with the remaining Allied Forces.


Allied fleet has arrived.
I have displayed the estimated time remaining until the Allied fleet arrives, Commander.
The Allied air forces are threatening our position. Deploy our flak cannons and they will turn the enemy's air units into scrap metal.


Get me close to the tower and I'll take care of the rest, Commander.


Sources have reported that Allied troops are amassing outside their Chronosphere. A squad has just been teleported.
Another enemy platoon has been teleported by the Chronosphere.
One last Allied platoon has been teleported by the Chronosphere.


Now that the beacon is destroyed, the Americans are free from Vladimir's mind control!
Destroy monuments to receive a cash bonus from Moscow.


Get me outta here!
You Soviet scum, you'll never take me!
They're breaking in! Do something!
You don't want the Vice President running the country, do you?
Get the President out of here! Go go go!
Intelligence reports that there is another bridge south of your position.
Yuri is in route to your position. Clear out the enemy defenses for his arrival.
Careful not to destroy the bunker, Commander. We want the President alive for interrogation.
The President is on the rescue ship. Sink the ship and we'll fish him from the water.
Perhaps he needs some gentle persuasion.


Greetings, Commander. Your forces need to invade the Allied base and take over their Battle Lab. Get an Engineer in there so we can pin-point the location of their Super Weapon.
When your men are ready, I suggest you begin your assault here, Commander.
This beach is well defended, but it is also the only place to land troops effectively. Good luck, Sir.
Ah-ha, there it is! A Weather Control Device. Luckily Intel says that it couldn't possibly be operational yet. Take it out, Commander.
Apparently our intelligence was wrong. Apologies, Commander. I'm now downloading schematics for a Nuclear Missile Silo so you can deal with this new threat.
Perhaps I could be of assistance.


Yuri will destroy us all. He must be stopped, no matter what the cost.
Commander, Yuri must be using an Iron Curtain device to make his troops invulnerable to attack! Intel indicates that the Iron Curtain effect can't possibly be maintained for long.
Commander, looks like our Nuclear Silo has been noticed... Yuri's sending a fleet of Kirovs our way!
We'd better get some Flak Cannons in place.
You don't really think that War Factory will help you defeat me, do you?
So you're building a Kirov. I'm impressed.
I wouldn't build that Psychic Sensor if I were you.
You're not really planning to nuke mother Russia, are you?
Terror Drones are such mindless beasts. Why don't you train an Engineer instead?


Now move up the coast. There is a small airfield there where we can build a base and reclaim our captured Kirov airships.
They are using the Chronosphere to transport troops into our base! We cannot stop this assault. Attack soon, Commander, or we will be overrun!



Yuri’s boomer submarine combines the cell of the sub with the ballistic capabilities of our own dreadnoughts. Our squids are the only unit that can effectively counter them.
Commander, this unit is the strongest Yuri has. He is the brute, and he can smash things with minimal effort.
Unfortunately, the chaos drone was a promising soviet design that Yuri stole. It produces a cloud of hallucinogenic gas that causes all those effected to go berserk for a limited time period.
Yuri is running his war mostly on stolen soviet technology maintained by soviet defectors. His engineers may have worked for us once, but they have joined Yuri now. Shoot them on sight.
Beware of these floating discs comrade general. Yuri has designed them to be able to drain power from our tesla and nuclear reactors, as well as our own defensive buildings. And if they get near refinery, they are even better thieves than the accursed allied spies.
The gattling tank is an impressive machine. Its guns can effectively target both air and land targets. The fire rate increases over time, as the main guns get up to speed. So it is best dealt with by quick precision strikes.
This is Yuri’s hover transport, commander.
Yuri calls his foot soldiers initiates. They attack with a powerful psychic blast. Effective against infantry, but not much else.
We suspect Yuri stole the plans for the lasher tank from our research department. But don’t worry, commander. We abandoned the project because the tank was too weak.
Sir, Yuri is deploying a new unit called the magnetron. It can generate a powerful electromagnetic field that can drag our tanks towards it.
This … thing is Yuri’s master mind. It can take control of our units just as Yuri himself can. We have discovered its weakness though. It can only control so many of our units before it overloads itself and is destroyed.
Yuri’s construction vehicle is a slightly modified version of our own. It of course deploys into a construction yard on command.
Yuri liberated a soviet prison early in the war. But the prisoners soon discovered that they were better off in their cells. Now they are forced to gather ore for Yuri until they drop from exhaustion or worse.
Yuri has none need for a refinery because the slave miner is manned by a group of slaves who refined the ores inside the vehicle. Without these vehicles, Yuri’s productions will slow to a crawl.
The virus is a lethal group of female snipers. We tried to recruit them once, but they refused. Apparently, Yuri made then an offer they could not refuse.
Without his clones, Yuri would not have made it this far. Wipe out these abominations for the good of mother Russia.
I doubt we’ll see the coward Yuri on the battlefield. But if he spotted he must be removed for the good of everyone.
This is Yuri’s barracks.
This is Yuri’s battle lab.
The hideous design of the bio reactor requires that people be placed inside in suspended animation for it to achieve maximum power. Destroy them whenever possible.
Yuri believes that the stronger citadel walls will stop the hand of vengeance. Show him that they will not.
Yuri’s cloning vats create a duplicate unit for everyone that comes out of his barracks. Given enough time he can produce an overwhelming horde and overrun our position. Stop his efforts quickly, comrade.
Yuri’s gattling cannon can stop large assaults of air or land units. Destroy them from beyond their firing range if possible.
Yuri does not take prisoners. He feeds them into his grinder to produce additional resources. Do not let our men be captured, comrade general.
Yuri took his psychic sensor from us when he betrayed the Soviet Union. He has modified it to reveal any location on the battlefield he chooses.
Comrade general, this is a psychic tower. When units get within its firing range, they become mindless slaves to Yuri. Once units are taken, the only way to get them back is to destroy the tower or cut the power.
This is Yuri’s submarine pen. Without it, Yuri cannot produce boomer subs or hover transports.
Yuri’s weak lasher tanks need additional defenses to be effective. The tank bunker allows the tank’s turrets to fire while the tank itself remains inside a protective structure. Crack the bunker from long range if possible and then deal with the tank inside.
This is Yuri’s war factory, sir.
The force shield defense system was originally designed by the allies to stop our nuclear attacks. But Yuri stole their technology, and then we stole it from one of Yuri’s clumsy initiates. The arms race continues.
Yuri’s genetic mutator can transform our loyal soviet troops into freakish brutes that serve only Yuri. The transformation is permanent. Death is the only release from this horror.
The psychic dominator is the ultimate extension of Yuri’s psychic power. They are not currently at full power so they can only dominate the minds of a relatively small groups of our soldiers. But if we don’t stop him, Yuri will use the dominator to control the world.
Commander, this new allied toy is called a battle fortress. This rolling monstrosity will crush even our tanks while the men inside rain fire out its many gun ports.
You may remember the Korean black eagle fighters from our last encounter. They are effective at destroying our key production facilities. So be sure to have plenty of flak waiting for them when they arrive.
The allies developed the force shield defense system to stop our nukes. It would be wise to destroy it before a nuclear assault.
The allied grand cannon is an effective defense turret, but it has one weakness. It has a minimum range umbrella. If you can get troops next to the cannon and inside its umbrella, they can destroy the turret without fear of returned fire.
The allies have been equipping some of their GIs with anti-tank weapons. These new Guardian GIs are the first real threats to our tanks the allies have produced. Maybe our dogs would like to meet them.
Allied paratroopers have a nasty habit of dropping into the back of our bases while the defenses are weak. Be sure to keep some dogs under ready to deal with them.
If you destroyed the robot control center, all of the enemy’s robot tanks will be rendered useless.
The allies are developing more robotic technology to deal with Yuri’s mind control. The robot tank can be dealt with by direct fire or by destroying robot control center.
The allied sniper is lethal against our infantry. Locate snipers quickly and send an armor to deal with them.
The allied tank destroyer is one of the only threats to our apocalypse tanks. Deal with the tank destroyers quickly, or expect heavy losses in our armored divisions.
The battle bunker can protect our conscripts while they fight. Enemy tanks can not stand against our defenses.
This is Boris, comrade general. He is equipped with superior weapons and has full authority to call in an air strike. He’s one of our finest soldiers and a hero to the soviet people.
This is the demo truck. It’s a truck loaded with explosives. Get the truck into an enemy base and when they destroy it, it will explode causing major damage to their base.
Our borrow to force shield defense system will help defend against the allied weather storm attack. Hopefully it will also protect us against Yuri’s mass destruction weapons.
Sir, if you build and deploy our new industrial plant, you’ll be able to produce our units much more quickly and efficiently.
Yuri had their research team developing a cosmonaut version of the allied rocketeer, so we finished the design. I only wish I knew what Yuri’s plans for space were.
The siege chopper can target enemies from the air. But its main weapon can only be deployed from a ground position. A mobile turret has many tactical advantages. Won’t you agree, comrade general?
It is obvious now that we relied too heavily on Yuri’s technologies. The spy plane will help combat the loss of Yuri’s information network.
The Cuban terrorist is ready to die for our cause. Use his bomb against enemy buildings. Don’t let his sacrifice be in vain.
Our experimental tesla tank is finally ready for field use. It is a natural extension of our tesla technology.
Capture civilian hospitals whenever they are found in the field. They will provide medical supplies to keep our troops fit to fight longer.
Machine shops can maintain our vehicles in the field, and repair any damage over time.
Yuri apparently had a network of secret labs all over the grow. Developing technologies for his private war. Capture these labs whenever you find them. Who knows what’s secrets lay with them.



Boris reporting.
Have I been gone somewhere, Comrade Sofia?
I am not swimming out there, get me an armored transport from shipyard!
Excellent, commander. Now take your troops and capture the time machine here.
Once we capture it, we can travel back in time, and destory the Phychic Dominator.
Good luck, sir.
Commander, don't try to attack the Phychic Dominator now, it's too well defended in this time period. First capture the time machine so we can attack the Dominator in the past, before the defences were placed.
Stop, sir! we may need those powerplants to bring the time machine online.
This is Alcatraz Island, Commander. This will be our target when we arrive in the past. But first we must capture the allied Time Machine.
That's it! We have enough power. We are beginning the time shift.
Sir, Yuri almost has enough power to use the Phychic Dominator. Stop him, and get to the time machine.
Sir, too many of the powerplants have been destroyed. We must abort the mission.
Sir, we have lost Boris. We cannot complete the mission without him.
The time machine has recharged. Hold on, commander, the time shift is beginning.
Commander, if my records are correct, there should been established a soviet base in the area during this time period. Find it, and assume command.
Good, we have assume command of this base. Now build up a strike force and destroy the Phychic Dominator.
Sir, you must destroy the allied navy and grand cannons before our transports can approch.
The time machine has been destroyed, we have failed our mission.
No! I can't believe we've lost Boris again. It is a dark day of mother Russia.
Comrade General, Boris has fallen. We must not let his sacrisfice be in vain.
Stop, comrade General. Do not destroy the time machine, we need it to continue our mission.
Look out, General. Those defences are threatening our position.
Commander, destroy all of the defences around the time machine, so we can capture it.
This is Alcatraz Island, commander. This will be our target when we arrive in the past. But first we must capture the Allied Time Machine.
Comrade Boris, it is good to see you again.
No, no, of course not. It is just good to see that you are well.
We should find Boris when we arriving the past, so we can avoid his dark future.
Sir, Yuri's engineers are trying to capture the powerplants in the city. If he captures enough of them, he will bring the Phychic Dominator online, and all will be lost.


Commander, your first task is to eliminate the German border stations that guard the enter ways into Germany.
These forces should be more than sufficient for the task given your exceptional command abilities.
Einstein's laboratory is here. Your objective is to destroy the lab and this prototype Chronosphere to ensure the allies cannot rally to victory, this time around.
The allied general and his base is your only true opponent, commander. Ignore him, or crush him, at your leisure.
Sir, the allied commander has deployed teams of mirage tanks to try to stop us. Be aware of the trees, commander general. They may be the cowardly mirage tanks.
Comrade general, Einstein's Chronosphere is now functional. He has turned it over to his allied defenders. It now threatens our base.
Our tanks can be protected from the allies attacks by placing them within our new tank bunkers, commander. From inside they can shoot passing enemy units just as our conscripts garrison a building.


This looks like an ambush. Make sure the men are ready.
Operatives have located the Psychic Beacon here. They also reported the sniper in the area. Be careful, sir.
Entrench defenses ahead, general. Alert the troops.
Yuri is using innocent civilians to power his base. Destory the grinder building to limit his resources.
The Psychic Dominator is armed, commander. Destory it quickly before Yuri can use it against us.
The enemy is prepared for your assult, sir.
Watch out, commander. There is a sniper in the area.
Special agent Tanya C4 charges will be quite useful, even if she's not as skilled as Boris.
Oh, sorry sir. I thought this channel was secure.
Sir, the war factory is now equipped to produce tesla tanks. Their ability to shoot over walls should help overcome Yuri's defences.
Warning, enemy forces in your area.
What? (laugh) Yeah, right, Boris is skilled. Ooh, look at me, I can call in an airstrike! Please...
Game's over, Yuri. You're about to lose.
So, you have freed the allied forces. No matter, their weak minds will not help you to defeat me.
My Psychic Dominator is almost armed. Give up, commander. Soon all your bases will belong to me.
No! You have sealed your fate. Everyone attack.
Last chance, comrade. Leave the Dominator alone, or you will beg for your death.
Your mind is weak, comrade. You should leave, before I grow angry.
Welcome to the game, agent Tanya.
It appears all game was to much for agent Tanya.


Err...Yuri is calling me.
These are plans for Iron Curtain. Use on our Demolition Truck to make ultimate weapon of destruction.
I am in Yuri's base. Help me, comrade general.
Ah...I am myself once again.
Get me to airport.
We have located Premier Romanov.
Sir, if the enemy base near the airport is still in tact, Premier Romanov's life is in danger. You must not take him any closer.
We must get Premier Romanov to the safety of the airport.
We believe that Premier Romanov is hiding out in the eastern part of the city. We must locate him before Yuri does.
Excellent, comrade general. The airport's air defences have been neutralized. We can now safely evacuate Premier Romanov.
Sir, the premier has been captured by one of Yuri's clones. We must rescue him immediately.


