Spend every moment growing into who you truly are. |
把生命的每一刻活成自己真正的模样。 |
Lifeweaver here! |
“生命之梭”在此! |
I love a fresh beginning. All that promise. |
我喜欢崭新的开始。一定会很美妙。 |
Ready? I am. |
准备好了吗?我好了。 |
Exciting times ahead. Everyone hydrated? |
接下来会很刺激。大家都做好补水保湿了吗? |
- 上一轮赢了
I hope they don't take this too personally. |
但愿他们别太往心里去。 |
One more and done, I think! |
再赢一局就差不多了! |
Let's not draw this out, no matter how amusing it'd be! |
虽然很有趣,但我们还是别拖太久了! |
- 上一轮输了
Don't suppose anyone has a secret plan? |
是不是有人藏了什么秘密方案? |
Being down just makes the comeback all the more exciting. |
跌到谷底再绝地反击,这不是更刺激嘛。 |
I hope we win. I didn't dress for defeat. |
希望我们能赢。我这身打扮可不是为了输。 |
- 平局后的最后一轮
No stress. We're a third round sort of team. |
别有压力,我们就擅长打第三局。 |
Last chance. Now or never. |
最后的机会了,好好把握。 |
Let's win this time, and be extremely gracious about it. |
我们要赢下这局,而且要赢得格外优雅。 |
I walked into that one. |
刚才是我疏忽了。 |
Ah, the familiar sting of failure. |
啊,失败的刺痛如此熟悉。 |
(Thai) A chance to do things differently. |
(泰语)把握机会,试试不一样的思路。 |
Hope blossoms anew. |
希望再度绽放。 |
Back again for another try. |
回来再试一次。 |
It's not embarrassing if you're shameless. |
只要脸皮厚就不尴尬。 |
Oh Niran, really. |
噢,涅兰,不是吧。 |
(Thai) They were clever! Or I was stupid. |
是他们太聪明了,还是我犯蠢了? |
We're outnumbered! |
他们人多! |
The numbers do not favor us. |
我们的人数占了下风。 |
Ah, lovely. |
啊,美妙的感觉。 |
Much better. |
好多了。 |
Outstanding. |
出色无比。 |
Quite nice. |
真不错。 |
Restored. |
恢复了。 |
Back in one piece. |
愈合如初了。 |
I couldn't have done better. |
我也做不到更好了。 |
Thank you so much! |
感激不尽! |
Ah, together then. |
啊,那就一起行动吧。 |
I was feeling lonely! |
我正好有点孤单! |
Collaboration? Lovely. |
携手合作?美妙。 |
Our strengths mingle. |
我们的力量联结在一起。 |
I missed being alive! |
怀念这种生命的感觉! |
Glad to be back. |
回来的感觉很不错。 |
- 发现敌人
Here they come. I'm with you! |
他们来了。我和大家一起! |
They're hungry for a fight. Let's give them one! |
既然敌人那么想打,那就好好跟他们打一场! |
Here they come, optimists all. |
敌人来了,还都挺乐观的。 |
- 敌人方位
They're on your right! |
敌人在你右边! |
They're on the left! |
敌人在左边! |
On your left! |
在左边! |
They're just ahead! |
敌人就在前面! |
Behind us! |
小心后面! |
On the right! |
在右边! |
They're coming right at us! |
敌人朝我们冲过来了! |
They're above us! |
他们在上面! |
There, overhead! |
看头顶! |
They're behind us! |
他们在我们后面! |
Down there! |
看下面! |
Below us! |
在我们下面! |
- 敌人在集合
They're grouping up here. |
他们在这里集合了。 |
- 敌人在队友身后
Behind you! |
小心背后! |
- 发现狙击手
Sniper ahead. Be careful. |
前面有狙击手,小心。 |
A sniper. Watch your head! |
是狙击手。当心脑袋! |
- 敌人被复活
Enemy revived! Oh dear. |
敌人复活了!天呐。 |
They resurrected one! |
他们复活了一个! |
They revived someone? Must admit I'm not thrilled. |
有敌人死而复生了?事先声明,我可不兴奋。 |
Find that teleporter! |
把传送面板找出来! |
- 寻找敌人 传送面板
They have a teleporter! |
他们有传送面板! |
I think they have a teleporter! |
他们可能布置了传送面板! |
- 发现敌人 传送面板
An enemy teleporter there! |
这里有敌人的传送面板! |
- 摧毁敌人 传送面板
Enemy teleporter destroyed. |
敌方传送面板已清除。 |
The enemy has a shield generator! |
敌人部署了护盾发生器! |
- 发现敌人护盾发生器
I found the enemy's shield generator! |
我找到敌人的护盾发生器了! |
- 摧毁敌人护盾发生器
Enemy shield generator destroyed. |
摧毁敌人的护盾发生器了。 |
- 发现 炮台
They have a turret! |
有敌方炮台! |
Don't get caught by that turret. |
别被炮台盯上了。 |
Turret ahead! Mind yourselves. |
前面有炮台!大家小心。 |
- 摧毁 炮台
Turret decimated. |
炮台已被拆解。 |
Turret destroyed. |
摧毁炮台了。 |
Life unbridled! |
生命在怒放! |
Now this is a development! |
这才叫真正的生长! |
Leaf this to me! |
我是不会“树”的! |
- 状态不好
How unpleasant. |
真是……不体面。 |
Can't say I like this. |
这感觉,我不喜欢。 |
- 受到 禅雅塔 乱 的效果
Damn. |
该死。 |
(Thai) Damn! |
(泰语)可恶! |
I'm on fire! |
我火力全开了! |
Brimming with biolight! |
生物光束充盈着我! |
Burn with me! |
与我一起燃烧! |
Ooh! A snack break. |
喔!吃点零食放松一下。 |
Do we have time for a nap, you think? |
是不是可以打个盹了? |
Ah! A little break. |
啊!休息一下。 |
- 队友倒下
We're running out of allies! |
我们少了一个队友! |
Not Satya! Dammit. |
是塞特娅!可恶。 |
One of our allies is down! |
一名盟友倒下了! |
- 队友击杀敌人
You make that look easier than breathing. |
你做这事,比呼吸还要轻松。 |
That'll leave a fetching scar. They should thank you! |
你留下了一道迷人的伤疤。对手应该感谢你! |
Such grace and precision! |
优美而精准! |
Elegant. Violent! You're the whole package. |
优雅、威猛!你就是完美的化身。 |
You've picked up a few things since school. |
你在学校里学到了点真本事。 |
Is that the mercenary experience or natural talent? |
那是你做雇佣兵的经验还是生来的天赋? |
- 给队友报位置
Join me here! |
到这里和我会合! |
I'm over here! |
我在这里! |
- 拯救队友
Happy to be of assistance. |
很乐意为你效劳。 |
I love how we help each other. |
我就爱这种互相帮助的感觉。 |
Lucky I was here, huh? |
还好有我在,对吧? |
You can't die, Satya. We have plans later! |
你不能死,塞特娅。咱们之后还有安排呢! |
- 复活队友
You're not done yet. |
你的生命还不该结束。 |
Come on, get up! |
醒醒,该起来了! |