第137行: |
第137行: |
| {{LOL|File =pantheon.attack34|Script = Fight, because you must!|Translation=战斗,是因为你不可替代}} | | {{LOL|File =pantheon.attack34|Script = Fight, because you must!|Translation=战斗,是因为你不可替代}} |
| | | |
| + | == 击杀敌方英雄时 == |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.kill1|Script = Stand up. Face me again|Translation=站起来,再和我打一场}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.kill2|Script = Keep fighting.|Translation=战斗下去}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.kill3|Script = How you die is who you are.|Translation=盖棺才能论定}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.kill4|Script = I will remember your name, and shout it to the heavens.|Translation=我会记住你,还会向天界高呼你的名字}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.kill5|Script = Glory fades into bloodstains.|Translation=荣耀褪色,化作血痕}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.kill6|Script = How many hosts must I kill, Darkin?|Translation=暗裔,我还要杀死你们多少宿主?(暗裔)}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.kill7|Script = The Darkin's final words are not their own, but the cries of humanity.|Translation=暗裔没有遗言,所发出的是人的呐喊(暗裔)}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.kill8|Script = All things end!|Translation=万物皆有终结(星灵)}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.kill9|Script = Mortality can only be severed by the spear's edge.|Translation=能够斩断凡性的,只有长枪的尖锋(星灵)}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.kill10|Script = The stars lie!|Translation=星辰在说谎(星灵)}} |
| + | {{LOL|File =pantheon.kill11|Script = Return home on your shield.|Translation=于盾上安眠,魂归故里吧(带盾英雄)}} |
| == 技能 == | | == 技能 == |
| === 释放任意技能时 === | | === 释放任意技能时 === |
第160行: |
第172行: |
| {{LOL|File =pantheon.ult2|Script = I will not be restrained.|Translation=我不会受到制约的}} | | {{LOL|File =pantheon.ult2|Script = I will not be restrained.|Translation=我不会受到制约的}} |
| {{LOL|File =pantheon.ult3|Script = Ha ha ha...|Translation=哈哈哈...}} | | {{LOL|File =pantheon.ult3|Script = Ha ha ha...|Translation=哈哈哈...}} |
| + | |
| == 死亡 == | | == 死亡 == |
| {{LOL|File =pantheon.death1|Script =Ah! |Translation=啊!}} | | {{LOL|File =pantheon.death1|Script =Ah! |Translation=啊!}} |