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OrangePig讨论 | 贡献2024年1月21日 (日) 17:10的版本


Traitor Joel's is now closed.
Just to let you folks know, the Traitor Joel's closing soon.
Traitor Joel's is now open.



Trader Jen's is now closed. Goodnight, wasteland!
Trader Jen here. We're now closed. Have a good night and don't let the zombies bite!
Trader Jen says goodnight and stay safe. If not, we'll patch you up in the morning.


We'll be closing soon, so make your final purchases and stay safe out there.
Trader Jen's will be closing in a few minutes, but come back soon. We restock often.
Thank you for shopping at Trader Jen's. We'll be closing soon, so make your final purchases.


Good morning, Navezgane! We're open!
Greetings Wasteland, Trader Jen's is open for business.
Trader Jen's is now open.


We are running a 10% sale on all items right now. Stop in, check us out!
All medical items are 15% off today. Stock up or bleed out.
All firearms and ammo are 15% off today. Stock up! The bloodmoon is coming!


Wow! You don't see many of those.
Where did you get that? I can sell this for a nice profit.
Who did you kill to get this? You know what? Never mind. I don't want to know.
Well, you are quite the treasure hunter. This is a very rare piece.


Welcome to Trader Jen's. We carry a little bit of everything, but specialize in medical supplies.
Hi, I'm Jenny, but you can call me Dr. Jen. It's always good to see a new face. Do you need any medical attention or supplies?
Greetings, Traveler. I'm Trader Jen. We sell a bit of everything, but mostly medicine.


Good afternoon.
Good afternoon. It's good to see you're still breathing.
Konnichiwa. That's good afternoon in Japanese.
Sure is a wonderful afternoon. How can I help you today?
It's good you beat the ... evening rush. Take your time and stay awhile.


You'd have to be a little crazy to be out before a blood moon like this.
Oh, you should seriously stock up on medical supplies because blood moons are dangerous.
I get so scared on blood moons. I wish someone could stay the night.
I hate the blood moons, but I love the business. Everyone needs patched up the next day.
Supplies are always low around blood moons. You should stock up for the night.


Good evening.
Hope it's just a pretty sunset and not a blood moon.
Welcome to my store this fine evening. Now, how can the best doctor in the wasteland assist you?
It's a wonderful evening to sell medical supplies.
For you good-looking, I would stay open all night.


Another stranger in need? I've got what you're looking for.
Hello, traveler. What's Aylenia?
If you got the dukes, I'll make the time.
Well, look what the cat dragged in.
If you're, uh, feeling under the weather, I've got just what the doctor ordered.
We've got the best prices in the wasteland.
The name's Jenny, but you can call me Dr. Jen.
So, what are you buying today?
You don't look so good. You might want to get some antibiotics for that.
If you are here to buy, I've got the best selection of medicine in the Wasteland.
meds, drugs, booze. I've got it all.
You again. I'm starting to think you like Dr. Jin.
I am so glad to see your face. I get lonely sitting by myself all day.
Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes? What can I get you?
You're looking kinda rough. You didn't get bit, did you?


Good morning, survivor.
Sorry for my foul mood. My coffee maker's on the fritz again.
Well, you're here early. What can I do for you?
Another wonderful morning in the apocalypse. How can I help you?
Good morning to my favorite customer!


You're cutting it close, aren't ya?
Hey, I'm closing up soon.
I was about to close up for the night, but I guess I'll make time for one more customer.
It's closing time soon. You got here just in time.


I can fix you up. What do you say?
I'll heal you. For some dukes.
I'm a doctor, but I'm still running a business.
Pay my price and I'll heal you.
Ooh, you look banged up. Let me help you.


At least the weather's been nice lately.
Oh yeah, I'm good. Just take your time.
I swear it seems like someone's been sneaking around here stealing things again.
Would you like to see my secret stash?
We have the best selection of medicine in Navezgane.
Why are beakers so hard to find?
We sell guns and ammo too, because bullet holes are good for business.
If you can't decide, I would go with the big one.
If you find any moldy bread, don't throw it away. It's good for antibiotics.
Make sure to check my secret stash. I'm sure there's something good in there.
Did you know Higashi Labs was working on some crazy technology before the bombs dropped?
I heard grandpa bathed in the same tub he mixed his famous elixirs in.
Did you know Tray Direct is always grumpy because he's hungover? Yeah, he's the nicest guy, if you give him a beer.
Trader Bob likes to tinker with all kinds of stuff. I heard he built a gyrocopter out of junk.
I heard that Trader Hugh is a little crazy and shot a customer for not buying anything.
Trader Joel used to run a sporting goods store before the bombs dropped. No wonder he has the best outfits.
Ahem, ahem!
Ahem, ahem, ahem!
(cough) Buy something!
(cough) Oh. Sorry! I might have caught a bug.
(yawn) I need some more coffee.


Fantastic! Hope to see you soon!
Hurry back soon, and I'll have a nice reward for you!
If you finish two more jobs this week, I will give you Employee of the Month.
I had a good feeling about you. Good luck!
Oh thank goodness. I couldn't find anyone to do that job.
Okay, be careful and try not to get yourself killed.
Do hurry. I have a protection payment coming up soon.
Thanks, son. I knew you wouldn't let me down.
This is dangerous work, but I believe you can handle it.
Oh, I would kiss you, but, um, you know, apocalypse hygiene and all.
Oh, this is a dangerous one. Try not to, um, get radiated.


You are quite the daring adventurer. Good job.
Congratulations! I can make my payment to the Duke now.
Good job. I knew you could do it.
Amazing! I hope you like your reward.
Don't spend it all in one place, but if you do, make sure it's here.
I knew you had it in you. Good work.
Well, that didn't take long. Nice work.
Here's your pay for a job well done.
Wow, I didn't think you had it in you. Good job!
Now that you have some money to spend, we're running a 10% off sale for the rest of the day.


I'm just a broker for these jobs, so it's not my fault if you don't like the work.
Money doesn't grow on trees. You really should take some work.
Yeah, if you could just go ahead and take a job, that would be great.
I'm so disappointed in you. Well, maybe next time.
Oh, come on. The Duke's gonna slap me around if I don't make my quota this week.
The Duke is blocking all shipments until that job is done. I really wish you could help me.
Ah, you scared of a little work? And I thought you were a tough wastelander.
If you take a job, I'd be glad to take my commission.
Take some nerve to ask for work and then turn down a job.
Oh well, check back soon. Maybe we'll have something for you.
Did you know that I heard you can harvest landmines with a wrench?


Didn't I just give you a job? Yeah, let's finish that up first.
Take care of that job I already gave you. Then we can find you more work.
Don't you already have a job to do?
If you finish that other job, I'll have something for you.
Finish the work you have, then we'll talk.


I've got just the job for someone with your talents.
You need some work? I need some commissions.
You looking to earn some dukes? I got jobs for someone like you.
You look like you could handle yourself. Wanna earn some coin?
We're always looking for some adventurous souls. Have a look.
You know, I always admired a hard worker.
I would love to give you a job.
I need someone who's willing to get their hands dirty.
I've got a bit of a problem. Can you help me out?
I think I've got a job or two.
If you do this for me, I will never forget you.
We always need someone to handle the tough jobs.
Oh, this is the best way to get Dukes. And rewards.


I heard a rumor that the hamburgers from Berserker Bills give you special powers if you eat them.
Rumor has it something evil lurks in an old cabin in the woods. We've sent several runners there and no one heard from them again.
I heard the Fates Hotel is haunted. I'd stay away from there if I were you.
I heard the Ford Theater had Wilkes' revolver on display when the apocalypse started. I wonder if it's still there?
You know, people have been talking about moving to Johnny Town, but nobody knows where it is exactly. One of my couriers found this note, though.
I heard some weirdo has been giving motivational speeches at his house. But everyone who goes there ends up missing.


Alrighty then. Stay safe out there.
I just knew you'd find something you'd like.
I hope you get feeling better.
Remember me if you need medical supplies.
Now that was a good deal. Trust me, I'm a doctor.
Thanks for the business. Stay safe out there.
I hope you come back and see me sometime.
Well, you just brightened my day. I'm glad I could help you.
Thanks for letting me take care of you. And tell your friends.
Thank you so much. Hey, come again.
Thanks for the business. We're open from dawn to dusk since, you know, we don't have clocks.


And you came all this way. What a waste.
Really? Well, okay then.
Don't let a zombie dog bite you in the ass on your way out. And if he does, hey, we'll take care of it for you.
You know, a few things turned up missing the other day. You don't know anything about that, do you?
Poppin' pills might have what you were looking for.
You should stock up on medical supplies. There's a zombie apocalypse out there.
If I had a Duke for every time someone was just looking, I'd be as rich as Trader Joel.
Maybe next time I'll have what you need.
Oh, are you leaving so soon? I was hoping we could hang out a while.
It's too bad I couldn't help you. Well, maybe next time.
Sorry, but I've never heard of a stim pack.
Aw, nothing this time?
Not one thing? Well, there's always next time.
If you find any extra medicine out there, I'll buy it off you for a discount.


Hey asshole, you better not bring any diseases into my store.
Damn, you smell like the dead. You better have money.
at least wipe that shit off your boots before you come into my shop.
I'll sell you goods, but if you cross me, you'll meet the wrong end of my 44.
Okay, fucker. You respect the shop rules, and we'll get along just fine.
Everything's for sale, even to an idiot like you.
If you break it, you bite.
Time is money, and I'll wager you don't have any.
Yeah, what do you want?
Hey Jackass, can I lighten that backpack up for ya?
Make it snappy, I gotta take a crap!
Put away your weapon unless you'd like to die in my store.
Oh, let me guess, you need to buy something.
Well, if you got money, I guess I can stand your smell.
How about I empty your pockets?
You're not bringing counterfeit money in here, are you?
Welcome to Trader Joe's. Everything in here has a full no money back guarantee.
Welcome to Trader Joe's. I don't guarantee a thing, except that I don't like you.
State your business, fool.
What do you want?
Is there something you need?
Smells like... Dissentery.
Stop staring, asshole.
Watch, you're back.
What are you looking at?
What's your problem?
Holy shit, I thought you were a zombie.
Get lost, bum.
He'd best keep clear of me.
Come near me again, and I'll cut you.
Good luck. You better not make me regret this.
You better not fuck this up or I'll cut you goddamn throat.
I'd say it's been an honor to work with you, but it would be a lie.
Well good luck. By the looks of it, you're gonna need it.
What are you standing there for? Don't you have work to do?
Don't just stand there with your thumb up your ass. Get that job done.
Word of advice. Next time, bathe before you come to a job interview.
Can't say I'm not surprised. Good luck, kid.
It's a deal. Disappoint me and you'll find yourself on the wrong end of a rope.
Let's get one thing straight. You're not working with me. You're working for me.
Well, you've proved me wrong. Now take your reward and get the hell out of here.
I'd shake your hand, but I bet you got dysentery the way you smell.
Now that you did the job, I guess you ain't hold that damn bad after all.
Congratulations. Here's your reward, sucker.
Wipe that smirk off your face. Doing one job doesn't make us pals. Got it?
Great, here you go. Don't spend it all in one place.
You think you're pretty smart now, don't you? Here's your pay, Einstein.
Well, lookie here boys. We got ourselves a real life hero, and now he wants to be paid.
I guess I'm gonna have to pay you now that you did it.
Hmm, didn't we agree your first job was for free? Damn, this is all I can spare.
I knew you were a coward the moment I laid eyes on you.
You're turning me down. I oughta bought a bullet in that thick skull of yours.
I've had enough of your bullshit. Get out of my sight.
Well, you're either brave or stupid. Nobody turns me down around here.
I thought you might be yellow.
He must be a half a zombie already, or got shit for brains to cross me.
Are you out of your goddamn mind?
Unbelievable, you drifters coming here looking for handouts, but turned down real work.
Nobody tells me no who's still living. Get this son of a bitch out of my sight.
You got some brass balls coming in here and turning me down.
Whatever, motherfucker.
Name's not important. What is important is if you have the balls to help me with a problem.
I've got work if you don't mind getting your hands dirty.
Let's make a pact. You do something for me. And maybe I won't kill you.
I don't like you, but maybe I'll change my mind if you do something for me.
If you won't work for me, you'll do what you're told, asshole.
Listen up, jackass. You won't work, then show some respect.
I've got just the job for a simpleton like you.
Well, come to think of it, I do have a test for a lowlife like you.
Hey jerk, you need some work or what?
Look, Blockhead, I'll give you work, but you better not disappoint.
I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse.
No refunds, deal's done. Now beat it, fucker.
Alright, now that we're done doing business, get outta my store!
Oh, that damn gawkin' it goods and that's all you buy!
Now let the door hit you on your way out.
Shit man, I treat you that good and you don't even fucking tip me.
Oh, you want a guarantee, huh? Well, maybe you should try a shamway. Ha ha ha!
Chaching! Thanks, buddy.
Be careful out there, you wouldn't want to get hurt.
A sale is a sale, even if it's to a scumbag like you.
Get the hell out of my store? It's for real customers.
You cheap son of a bitch!
Well how about you browse your ass right out of my store?
You don't buy something next time. I'll see you, too.
Just get the fuck outta here!
Well you best do some book learning at Born and Noble, cause you're dumber than dirt.
Watch yourself, stranger. I know some fellas who break legs for coin.
You're getting on my nerves, friend.
Oh, some days I don't even know why I open the doors.
I'd go broke with more customers like you.


Welcome, survivor. Feel free to look around.
Greetings, stranger. I've got the best deals in Navezgane.
Howdy, survivor. Make yourself at home.
I got just the thing for what's ailing ya.
Thank God, a customer. I thought you might be one of the dead.
Your money is welcome here.
We sell only the best merchandise.
Take your time!
We have great prices.
Something you like?
What do you seek, friend?
Anything you like?
All prices are fair here.
What can I get you today?
Yeah, need assistance?
How goes it?
What a wonderful day.
The apocalypse isn't so bad.
Great weather we've been having.
Well you're a sat for sore eyes.
Hello, stranger.
do-do-do do-do do-do-do do-do.
Hum, hum, hum, hum, hum, hum, hum, hum.
Each day is a blessing.
Come speak with me, friend.
Hello, traveler.
Let us speak, survivor.
How are you?
Well, how'd it do, friend?
Let us visit for a while.
Oh, thank you very much. I will make it worth your while.
God bless you and good luck.
I can't thank you enough, friend.
You the man.
It's rare to find honor in these dark times.
No matter what, I'm grateful for everything you've done.
Great, I look forward to seeing you again.
Well, alrighty then. Let's get the ball rolling.
Brilliant. I guess this kind of makes us friends now.
Thank you. I bet you wouldn't do this for just anyone in the wasteland, would you?
Thank you, survivor. My family and I are in your debt. Here is your reward.
Here you go friend, whatever you need, just say the word.
Here is your reward. I owe you one.
Gratitude, friend.
Many thanks. You've proved to be very resourceful. Here's your pay.
It must be my lucky day. Thank you, and here you go.
You did it. Great job, traveler.
Well earned, traveler. Well earned.
Now we're cooking with gas.
You've made my day, and here is your payment.
Come back if you change your mind.
Well, I'll hold this job for you as long as I can.
Okay, maybe next time. Safe travels, friend.
Well, that's a shame. Have a safe journey.
No need to apologize. I'll check my other sources.
Oh, the pleasure was all mine. You take care now.
Okay, I'll find somebody else.
Come on, you can do it. Please.
Hmm, well, I can't say I'm not disappointed, but I still like you.
Well, there's always tomorrow.
Do you think you can help me with a problem?
I could really use some help, friend.
I'm in a bit of a quandary. Can you help me?
I have a dilemma and could use some assistance.
Can you help me with my problem?
Friend, I'm in trouble. Would you consider helping me?
I've got a job for someone of your talents.
I'm in a little predicament. Could you help, traveler?
I like you friend. I've got work for you.
Can you do me a favor?
I really admire you friend, and that's why I'm asking you for a helping hand.
I have a task for you friend, if you're interested.
I've got just the task for you.
Would you kindly help me with a little problem?
Great doing business with you. Come back and tell your friends.
Thank you, survivor. Check back soon. I get new merchandise daily.
Pleasure doing business with you.
It's been a real pleasure. You ought yourself out there.
Gratitude and safe travels friend.
Peace be with you, my friend.
Safe travels!
Much obliged, stranger.
You come back sometime.
I think you kind, sir.
Thanks for shopping here. Come again.
Y'all come back now.
Sorry I didn't have what you needed. Come back soon. We restock often.
Oh, my apologies. Check back again and I may have what you're looking for.
Thanks anyways, you be careful out there.
Maybe next time, happy travel survivor.
If we ain't got what you're looking for, we can get it.
They're saying you.
You have a great day now.
Come back tomorrow, we get new goods daily.
Well there's always sham way up the road, you can try looting.


Cough, cough, cough.
Hey buddy, I hope you didn't let the dead bother you here.
Well, well, another survivor. I hope you got money.
Well, look what the cat dragged in. You better have coin.
I'll do business with you long as you're not a thief.
Could you be any louder? You trying to wake the dead?
Everything is for sale.
something you want to buy or trade.
Hey, be quick about your business.
No loitering.
No public bathrooms here, and don't be peeing on my floor!
Does this look like a lounge to you?
What do you need?
Are you gonna purchase something?
Mmm, are you a customer?
Looking for something special?
A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore.
Hey, don't come in here, unzipped!
Drop your weapons or drop your drawers.
Are you friendly?
You smell of the dead.
There's a blood moon coming.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Wanna pee now, Martha?alnum. Ah.
Speak quickly.
And you are...
Beware the dead.
I'm kinda busy.
This better be good.
I'm listening.
What's your story?
Something bothering you?
You still hanging around?
Are you okay there?
Keep your distance.
Great. If you're lucky and pull this off, I'll take care of you.
Okay, we have a deal. Come back when it's done.
Fantastic. I hope you can pull it off.
Well, I'm waiting.
That's just dandy. We've got a deal.
Good luck. I think you're gonna need it.
Well, get busy. We're burning daylight.
Great. Let's get down to work then.
Good deal. I hope you have a game plan.
Glad you came to your senses.
Well, how he got damned. I didn't think you had the guts to do it.
Well, I guess you ain't so bad. Here's a little something for your trouble.
I don't care what folks say about you in the wasteland. You're almost okay in my book.
Ah, sure doubted it, but you pulled it off.
I never would have guessed you'd pull through, but you did. So here you go.
Surprise, surprise. I suppose you want something in return now. Here you go.
Well, I lost the bet on this one. Here's some money.
Incredible. I didn't think you'd pull it off. Here's your bounty.
You must think you're pretty hot shit now. Well, you did it, so I'll honor our agreement.
Well, you did... Okay, so I suppose you want to be paid.
Not bad. But not great. Just don't let this go to your head.
Come on back when you grow some balls.
Ah, god. Dammit, who am I gonna get to do this for me now?
I guess you're a quitter, not a doer.
Scaredy cat.
What's a matter? He... chicken? Buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh! Ahhhhhhh!
So, you're not interested? We'll see you valver again.
Alright, suit yourself.
Are you out of your mind?
You've gotta be a little insane to cross me.
Yeah, yeah, whatever. Get out of here now.
You need work.
There's this complicated situation I'd like you to resolve. Interested?
I've got a job for you, if you like cleaning up messes.
interested in a gig.
Can you do something for me?
I have a job for you, if we can come to an understanding.
I have a little assignment for you. Interested?
You got time to do some chores.
I've got a task for you, if you think you can handle it.
I got a job for you.
If you agree to help me, I'll pay for your services.
Take a number and I'll get you a job.
I don't trust you, but I'll give you a chance to prove yourself.
Thank God you're done browsing. Next time I'll charge you for that.
Well, it's about time you bought something.
If there's nothing else, you best be on your way.
I guess you're not so bad after all.
Well that's all you're gonna buy. I'll let you show yourself out.
That's right, do the math.
Well, good luck with that.
Time to move on.
Are we done here?
Was there something else?
Those damn things are selling like hotcakes!
Quit wasting my time!
I got better things to do than stare at the likes of you.
I knew you didn't have money the moment I laid eyes on you.
Well, what kind of lousy customer are you anyways?
I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.
Alrighty then, on your way!
Oh, was there something else?
Daylight's burning!
That's enough chit-chat for me today!
I only do business with real customers.