“ | 潜龙腾渊凌霄上,尘世无名誓不休。 | ” |
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凌霄真龙 Media:王者荣耀_人物播报_敖隐.mp3
他来自早已消隐于世的古老龙族。经历倾覆命运的巨变之后,这个尤带稚气的少年人怀百倍迎战风雨的斗志,重出于世,誓要在这方天地之上,重扬消隐一族的真名。 |
The dragon soars above the abyss, and will not stop until his name is known! | |
潜龙腾渊凌霄上,尘世无名誓不休! |
There is only heaven and hell... And for me... there is only life and death. | |
一翻一覆兮天地,一生一灭兮吾心。 |
My stealthy sword will shatter the old-fashioned status quo! | |
向世间,破尽尘骸一剑中。 |
My name is known to all! | |
悬名天下,我昭四方。 |
I laid low because of my past, now I rise because of my ambition. How can I face my predecessors if I don't even dare to use this sword? | |
迹为前尘隐,名因立身传;未敢试此剑,何面叩先贤? |
With my sword, I will drive all suffering from this world. | |
欲破举世沉疴——于我一剑下。 |
Who has taken the legends of my clan to be stories of gods and men? | |
谁将我族传说,解作神人之篇? |
Legends speak of the great tree as the dragon's roost... That's where my ambitions lie. | |
昔年传说,道是群龙飞呜,一木归焉……大泽为梦,心为四野。 |
I was young and didn't understand the need for safety. I was too stubborn and hungry for glory. | |
敖隐年少,不识时务,不知何为退避求全——一身顽骨,锋芒必争。 |
Why would I fear the wind and rain? Storms make everything more exciting! | |
我身何畏风雨来?风雨渡江,岂不快哉! |
Dragons like us are born with strong bones. But even if they break, we do not bend. | |
像我们这样的龙,许是天生刚骨,便是寸寸折断,也不俯就屈弯。 |
I come from a grassy knoll, and I'm headed for the high skies. As to who's traveling with me? An old immortal with hoary hair. | |
问我来处,青野之埂;问我去处,冥冥天穹;谁与我同游……白首一仙翁。 |
We rose, we fell, and from the gravest of wounds I will rebuild what once was. | |
所谓兴灭继绝,就是从一族最险最痛的伤口上,将往事,一一重建。 |
I made a promise: no matter how long you're gone, everything will be the same when you return. | |
我答应过你,无论年月多少……去时如此,归亦如此。 |
Mortality is finite, yet for us, life is recurrent. | |
处身浮世,谁又不是命在倏忽?但叶落归根,生生无穷,此我族之道。 |
They're looking at me, all waiting for the opportunity to taste my flesh. | |
他们在看着我。都在等一个,能够啖我血肉的机会。 |
WIth the humming of my scales I soar into the legendary beyond. | |
振银鳞,赴虞渊,再历星天万千年。 |
How to forget? Think of it as a dream. How to survive? Grow with time. | |
何消天涯风共雪?前尘为梦;何陟人间雨翻云?来日方长。 |
- 路过小龙
Don't be afraid, I used to be just like you... The storms always come before we are ready. | |
别怕,我也曾经像这样……风雨骤来,不等我们变得更强大。 |
- 路过大龙
Don't worry Our day will come. | |
强悍无匹么,会有这一天。 |
- 抢龙
Go, you're free now. | |
去吧,你自由了。 |
As it is, you've done a great job. | |
你已经做得很好了。 |
- 路过河道
The water here is cold and clear, perfect for washing my scales! | |
此处潭寒且清,正宜洗濯鳞角! |
- 学习一技能
With this sword I shall command fire. | |
剑成如炼,驱驭神火。 |
- 一技能(火状态)
Divine fire! | |
神火俱焚! |
Subdue evil! | |
诸恶自伏。 |
- 一技能强化普攻(火状态)
Starfire! | |
苍星列炬! |
Your armor's no match for my fire! | |
谁销,万甲为薪! |
- 学习二技能
With this sword I shall command water. | |
剑成如雨,博施甘泽。 |
- 二技能(水状态)
Oh how sweet the flow! | |
甘泽流惠! |
River, heed my call! | |
河渎听命。 |
- 二技能强化普攻(水状态)
Wash away the evil! | |
澄湖濯魄! |
Waves from near and far! | |
来决,四海之波! |
- 学习三技能
With this sword I shall command wind. | |
剑成如飚,意裁风刀。 |
- 三技能(风状态)
Wind like blades. | |
风刀解身! |
Squall, heed my command! | |
箕星应召。 |
- 三技能强化普攻(风状态)
The divine wind in my hands! | |
天风在袖! |
Soar! | |
当策,九霄云气! |
- 学习四技能
Take flight and soar to the sky! | |
生当奋飞,腾必九霄。 |
- 四技能起飞(真龙形态)
Soar, the divine dragon! | |
神龙显昭——直取太霄! |
Dragon in flight! | |
飞龙在天——威临四野! |
- 四技能下落变身(真龙形态)
The great sword sweeps clean! | |
万古尘氛一剑扫! |
The true dragon is here. | |
真龙,在此。 |
- 结束变身
I've no need for this power anymore. | |
不必挟山超海之功。 |
There are many roads in life, and not all well-trod. I wish to walk mine myself. | |
大道并非一条,哪有那么多过来人能一一指路——我要自己走。 |
You treat me like a child, but I've fought more of your kind than I can count. | |
不必将我视作需要相让的稚子,像你这样的敌人,我不止有一个。 |
This is a battle to the death. | |
此战,只有彼我存亡,绝无两败俱伤。 |
Go home, for the world is too lonely. | |
天地太寂寥,回家吧。 |
- 真龙形态
Come ride the greatest wave with me. | |
谁共我,万丈颠波! |
- 一血
I may be young, but no one crosses a dragon and lives. | |
我虽年弱,但龙有逆鳞,犯之者死。 |
- 三杀
Where predators lie in wait, the evil spirits will not go. | |
虎狼伏藏,恶煞毋降。 |
- 五杀
Be awestruck, mortals! | |
惊诸凡夫。 |
You haven't seen the last of me... | |
你的刀太钝。但我一息尚在,必为汝之大患。 |
I can die a thousand deaths and have no regrets. | |
敖隐,九死不悔。 |
- 雪状态
The snow shall remind you of the past... and me... | |
拂却他年成雪色,如见白雪如见我…… |
I'll stake my life on a chance to turn things around! | |
怀必死之志,搏转圜之机! |
- 购买无尽战刃
I've been stung by countless blades, but I do not regret coming here. I'm doing fine. | |
所历如蝇逐血,所过遍插锥刀——但若阿爷梦中来问,便说……此去,甚好。 |
- 购买影刃
A thousand years, gone in the blink of an eye. The legends of mortals still tell of our highs and lows. | |
千年,疾光迅影,我们在世人的传说中载沉载浮。 |
- 购买急速战靴
If you can't find me, it's because I already flew up to the heavens. | |
若你在世间不曾见我,想必那时,我已飞度天外。 |
- 购买宗师之力
Always be willing to risk your life for what matters. That's the only creed I can teach. | |
除了以命相搏,我可没什么人生至理可以教给谁。 |
- 购买逐日之弓
Sometimes I too act like a child and look at the sun. | |
顽心一起,试与日月争先! |
- 相遇友方女娲
女娲龙啊……也许未来,你们的孩子还有和人再同行的那天。 |
敖隐……有谁把这些话,穿过滚流一样的岁月,送到了我面前。 |
- 相遇友方姜子牙
姜子牙熟悉的……龙啊。从遥远传说归来之人,要用什么震慑今日世界呢。 |
敖隐无可失去,无所畏惧。 |
敖隐自古至今,永无止息。 |
- 相遇敌方姜子牙
姜子牙去吧,就去隐世的大泽,做你无争的过客。 |
敖隐你知道,孤注一掷的人不会遗忘——但我活着,不只为雪恨。 |
- 相遇友方哪吒
敖隐你还记得自己原本的样子吗? |
哪吒顽劣无边,为世不容?然后嘛……就和某个没趣的家伙一样,在一瞬间忽然长大。 |
哪吒哈哈哈……真有趣!交过手后,我和你,竟然在这里比谁飞得更快! |
敖隐也许,你和我,本就是同类! |
- 相遇友方梦奇
梦奇我见过你,我见过你!在祂梦里,在祂梦里! |
敖隐我知道了,我知道了……那不是我,那不是我。 |
- 相遇友方庄周
敖隐听说当世最博识的贤者之一,正乘着大鱼四方游历…… |
庄周是龙啊,原来那个时候我看见的未来,已经来了~ |
- 相遇友方老夫子
老夫子是谁把老夫刚刚做好的板书全擦了? |
敖隐不是我。不好意思,是我……不听话的尾巴。 |
老夫子哈哈,老夫年轻时也曾见过龙。没看错的话,这么稚嫩的角还是个小家伙啊。 |
敖隐……你看错了。 |
- 相遇友方金蝉
敖隐你的眼睛在说,你见过我。 |
金蝉今日你问道于我,昔年我问道于龙……世中一切,因果相循。 |
- 相遇友方张良
张良厚土之下,有搏动的脉息,但已无可被解读的话语。 |
敖隐我来告诉你——她说,我的孩子正向我而来。 |
- 相遇友方鬼谷子
敖隐迷路的老人家,有一个很大的大泽,去那里要怎么走? |
鬼谷子啊,年轻人,你既然有洞察一切的眼睛,应该也能自己找到真途。 |
鬼谷子只鳞片爪么?远不止于此。他们留下的一切,只是无人可见罢了。 |
敖隐天地川泽,草木万类……他们来过,而我看见。 |
- 相遇友方云中君
云中君在天之外,你来的那个世界是什么样? |
敖隐天地高远,万物渺渺。让你几乎忘记自己是谁……让你,不敢忘记自己是谁。 |
云中君在找什么?在东神城,不是所有地方都隐藏你以为的真相。 |
敖隐我在找没人打扰的地方,洗……我的鳞。 |
- 相遇友方瑶
瑶我的角是昨天刚装上去的,让我看看你的。 |
敖隐你再敢碰我的角,明天你的角就装不上去了。 |
瑶我不会生你的气,云中君说,“他~也还是个小孩子呀”。 |
敖隐当然。我也不会生你的气,东神说,“不要理她,那是个怪孩子”。 |
- 相遇友方东皇太一
东皇太一你在紧张什么呢?到了这里,你就什么都不用怕。 |
敖隐鳞片在颤栗。因为我们如此相似……可我们,为什么会如此地、相似呢? |
东皇太一这里是东神之城。我说了,你可以住在任何你想要住的地方。 |
敖隐包括东神——你自己的宫殿么? |
- 相遇友方大司命
敖隐忘忧沼泽么,看起来只是很平静的大湖……真的不可以吗? |
大司命洗鳞、潜泳、找东西……不管什么,全都不可以。 |
敖隐逝去的人,真的都会在这忘忧沼泽重逢吗? |
大司命如果你说的是龙,那我只见过你一个。 |
- 相遇友方少司缘
少司缘想进忘忧沼泽吗~说句好听的,姐姐教你绕开那个家伙~ |
敖隐早知道,刚刚就不用打一场了。 |
少司缘今日拌嘴大赛,小鹿两分,小龙一分~ |
敖隐什么时候开始的比赛?我要退赛。 |
- 获得胜方MVP
Yes... I can get used to this. | |
嗯……习惯就好。 |
- 获得败方MVP
Sometimes, things just don't work out. There's no need to blame anyone. | |
谁能无憾,不必相责。 |
- 对局进入优势
Just a little bit better. | |
胜他天命一筹。 |
- 对局进入劣势
I'm not afraid of death, let alone a few broken bones! | |
敖隐死且不惧,何况断骨? |