“ | 严师棒下出高徒! | ” |
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万古长明 Media:王者荣耀_人物播报_老夫子.mp3
为了传承知识,但又不至于引发灾难,夫子创办了稷下学院,与墨子、庄周并称稷下三贤者,广收大陆之才,有教无类,因材施教。夫子之名因此响彻王者大陆。 |
I'm just here to teach. And save the world while I'm at it. | |
教学生,顺便拯救世界。 |
What a delight it is, to have friends visiting from afar! | |
有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。 |
Without a great sage, this land would be doomed to darkness! Well, good thing I’m here then! Ha-ha-ha-ha! | |
天不生夫子,万古如长夜,说得正是老夫啦哈哈哈…… |
Everything seems easy after you've built an entire school of thought. | |
收集三千弟子,召唤多少神龙都小菜一碟! |
Ah, I was also young once, following the bidding of others to conquer in their name. | |
老夫年少时,也像他们一样,追随神的意志征战四方。 |
Peace will eventually spread to the entire world. | |
和平不再偏安稷下,它终将遍布整个大陆。 |
Life's already tough enough for most of you. I'm not one to rub in my victory. | |
人生如此艰难,对面会输这事儿就不忙拆穿。 |
Whatever place I am in, I'll make it nice and peaceful. | |
老夫所在的地方,就是和平的人间界。 |
It warms an old man's heart to see so many people working towards a common goal. | |
各自的征途,为着同样的守护,老夫甚慰。 |
Let me show you just why you should always respect your teacher! | |
好好教导你什么是尊师重道! |
It's not miracles that give us hope, but the countless small moments in between. | |
希望的钥匙,就在奇迹之间。 |
Let me show you the power of ideas! | |
孔派气功! |
Behind every outstanding student is a strict teacher! | |
严师棒下出高徒! |
Oops, I missed. | |
手滑了一下下~ |
Study harder! | |
好好学习! |
Let me enlighten you. | |
帮你开开窍。 |
Age means wisdom... but well, I'm still kinda young! | |
嘿嘿,姜还是老的辣吧。啊,额,虽说老夫还很年轻~ |
This is what happens when you're talentless and lazy. | |
没天赋又不努力的结果。 |
I'm just an old man who happened to pass by... | |
我只是个路过的老年人…… |
- 助攻姬小满
哦吼吼,太阳打西边出来了,你也开始努力了? |
啊哈哈,打得不错,就比老夫差一点点。 |
- 姬小满助攻
学着点,有些事要动手才能解决的,别总心不在焉。 |
Owww, my poor back! I'm out of here! | |
嘿呀,啊,闪到腰!先撤了! |