“ | 武道没有定式,人生亦是如此。 | ” |
武道奇才 Media:王者荣耀_人物播报_姬小满.mp3
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姬小满是稷下武道学院最令人头疼的学生,她天赋异禀,聪慧过人,歪点子却层出不穷。 |
My martial arts were born out of vicissitudes. | |
化万物变法,我自成武道。 |
Strong is weak and weak is strong. | |
强弱柔刚,变化无常。 |
Be yourself and do what you like. | |
秉性而行,所欲随心。 |
Awesome, master's not here. Time to have some fun! | |
很好,夫子不在,可以为所欲为了? |
What a beautiful day! I'm going to visit Master afterwards. | |
日朗风清,正好结束后去庄周老师家摸鱼吧。 |
A slight drizzle... I'm going to go take it easy at Master's place afterwards. | |
和风细雨,正适合结束后去庄周老师家摸鱼。 |
Martial arts are never the same, and neither is life. | |
武道没有定式,人生亦是如此。 |
There are plenty of hero wannabes who try to save the world every day. | |
天塌了,总有想当英雄的家伙顶着。 |
To adapt is the key to excellence, and the same goes for martial arts. So says I. | |
变则万物恒通,通则武道长存,小满独家。 |
Don't get jealous. I loaf cause I can. | |
别羡慕,我可是凭本事摸鱼的。 |
Born in May, born Mayene. | |
生于小满,小满即安。 |
People who are hard on themselves aren't gonna go easy on others. | |
对自己严苛的人,怎么可能对他人宽容。 |
Hmm hmm hmm, hmm hmm hmm hmm... | |
哼哼哼,哼哼哼,哼…… |
I'm not slacking off. I'm working smart. | |
不是偷懒,这叫做……灵活变通地努力。 |
Life is way too long to worry about every little thing. | |
人生很长,遇事莫慌。 |
I'd rather be a master of myself than a hero who saves the day. | |
做自己内心的君主,胜过众望所归的英雄。 |
Navenia is indeed busy, but Jixia Academy is home. And people always go home. | |
嗯……海都确实热闹,但稷下学院是家——人总是要回家的。 |
Don't look to me to save the world. I can only care for so many. | |
拯救天下别找我啊,我的心太小,只够照见身边的人。 |
- 一技能
Get ready! | |
起势! |
Let's test this! | |
小试一记! |
- 一技能后一技能
Weakness must be exploited! | |
遇弱则进! |
Here's my chance. | |
有机会! |
An opening! | |
露破绽了! |
- 二技能后一技能
Ebb and flow! | |
武无常势! |
Water has no fixed form! | |
水无常形! |
What do you think? | |
你以为呢? |
It's not over yet. | |
还没结束。 |
- 三技能后一技能
Surprised? | |
意外吗? |
- 二技能
Go! | |
走! |
Into the sky! | |
临空! |
- 一技能后二技能
Strike while it's hot! | |
借势而为! |
Maximum gain! | |
以小博大! |
Don't lose focus. | |
别走神。 |
- 二技能后二技能
Offense is the best! | |
进退有度! |
Rain check! | |
风紧扯呼。 |
Didn't see that coming? | |
没想到吧? |
- 三技能
All is one, and one is all. | |
千变万化,归于一心。 |
Try to be serious. | |
稍微认真一点。 |
Preventing misfortune is not the only way. | |
一味趋吉避凶,心又何处安放? |
- 坐下
Quiet! It's my precious snack time now!... Forget it. | |
(小烦哔哔哔)安静,这可是人生最重要的零食时间! (小烦哔哔哔)……算了。 |
Everyone has their own way of living. | |
人生又不是独木桥,每个人有自己的步调。 |
- 吃到小鱼干
Nothing brings me as much joy as dried fish. | |
没有什么比小鱼干更令人心情愉悦了。 |
A big nice meal, and a beautiful day! | |
喝足吃饱,阳光正好。 |
- 起身
Let's go, Beep. | |
我们走,皮皮烦。(小烦哔哔哔) |
Another problem solved. | |
又解决一个麻烦。 |
Well fought. | |
承让了。 |
I won't get into trouble for taking a short break, right? | |
休息一会,应该不会被发现吧。 |
嗯……以退,为进。 |
I'll have to play dead better next time... | |
嗯,下次争取演得更像一点…… |
Acting weak is the best way to get out of a fight. | |
演技,是摆脱比武的最佳手段。 |
劫后余生,必有好运。哇! |
I can't give it my all against someone like you. | |
你的存在,甚至无法让我认真起来呀。 |
I'll give you two free hits. | |
让你两只手,行了吧。 |
Argh, what a pain. | |
额,真麻烦。 |
Let's make this quick. | |
速战速决。 |
Ah... Is this the end...? | |
啊……到此为止了吗……嘎! |
Ah, good one! | |
不愧是你……啊! |
如果你们一定要逞这英雄,好吧,我是最后一个笨蛋! |
- 被狂铁助攻
I wasn't very keen, to be honest. | |
姬小满勉为其难帮你解决这个麻烦。 |
狂铁帅啊,我热血沸腾了!接下来用哪一招? |
How about we use the move called "calling it a day." | |
姬小满当然是,收工,风紧扯呼。 |
狂铁怎么样?以后换我来保护你! |
Oh? Then you've got your work cut out for you. | |
姬小满哦?那你可得更努力一点。 |
- 被老夫子助攻
老夫子打得不错,就比老夫差一点点。 |
老夫子哦吼吼,太阳打西边出来了,你也开始努力了? |
Just a little bit. | |
姬小满啊,稍微认真了一点。 |
老夫子学着点,有些事要动手才能解决的,别总心不在焉。 |
Yeah, yeah... Of course, o invincible one. | |
姬小满啊是是是,不愧是您,天下无敌。 |
- 购买初始装备
Any dried fish in stock? | |
有椒盐味的小鱼干卖吗? |
- 购买暗影战斧
So heavy... Do I really need to get this one? | |
……好重,非得拿这个吗? |
- 相遇友方狂铁
狂铁让我带你游览整个海都,想先去哪里? |
The patio across the street. I just want to lie down on a chair and relax. | |
姬小满对面餐吧的躺椅配上太阳就很不错。 |
狂铁送你一个好东西!好运螺,在海都意味着好运。 |
Eh. There's no meat in it... | |
姬小满诶?这海螺里没有肉啊…… |
Look at you, Biron, tough like iron! Hey, by the way, can you scrub the deck too? | |
姬小满不愧是你铁子,扬帆的姿势充满了力量,顺便把甲板刷了再把食材搬到厨房吧。 |
狂铁力量感吗?哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,包在我身上。 |
Good, then I'll research the important topic of fishing. | |
姬小满那我就研究一下重要的钓鱼工作吧。 |
狂铁那天,为什么回来救我? |
Courage and kindness are rare in this world. They deserve to exist. | |
姬小满这个世界稀少而珍贵的勇气与善良,值得一个嘉奖。 |
- 相遇敌方狂铁
So clumsy... | |
姬小满唉,笨手笨脚。 |
狂铁什么人!……先吃我一锤! |
狂铁你们东方来的真奇怪,哼哼哈嘿把人揍了之后还要说什么“承让”。 |
- 相遇友方莱西奥
Dried fish? Mm, this tastes better than the ones in Jixia! | |
姬小满小鱼干?嗯,比稷下的味道好~ |
Weird... Where's the dried fish I got for Bailey? Did Biron steal some? | |
莱西奥奇怪,我给大白准备的小鱼干呢?是不是被查尔偷吃了? |
Navenia is so far away. If only I could sleep all the way home. | |
姬小满海都可太远了,真希望回去的时候能一路睡到家…… |
Oh? If you have enough coin, I'll give you a ride! | |
莱西奥哦?路费充足的话,本船长倒是可以考虑送你一程! |
- 相遇敌方
米莱狄你果然很像你的母亲,总喜欢跟外城区的平民混在一起。 |
Seeing you now, I get why my mother left. | |
姬小满你的存在让我理解母亲为何逃离。 |
- 相遇友方老夫子
Fuzi, Fuzi, who won in the end? You, or Jiang Ziya? | |
姬小满夫子,您和姜子牙最后谁赢了? |
老夫子傻!这种事怎么可能有赢家。 |
So you won! The one who survives in the end is the winner. | |
姬小满那就是您赢了嘛,活到最后的就是赢家。 |
老夫子老夫要送给最心爱的学生一个礼物——哼哼,“夫子之爱”! |
Ah... You mean your constant nagging. | |
姬小满唉……是夫子的麻烦吧。 |
老夫子去海都。 |
It's so troublesome. No. | |
姬小满麻烦,不去。 |
老夫子登记稷下的留校名额也很麻烦…… |
I just remembered. Mother asked me to look for Captain Red Hawk in Navenia. Time to go! | |
姬小满那……去海都找火鹰大伯是母亲的遗愿,谁都不能阻止我。 |
How's this, Fuzi? | |
姬小满夫子,这招如何? |
老夫子哼,想战胜老夫,你还太年轻!知道吗? |
- 相遇敌方老夫子
老夫子给老夫站住!老夫让你报名归虚梦演,谁让你填你爹的名字! |
You didn't say who has to be registered. | |
姬小满您也没说报谁的名字嘛。 |
老夫子没上没下,敢踢老夫。 |
Just trying out the kick you taught me! | |
姬小满我是没下,夫子您不也没上嘛。 |
- 相遇友方庄周
Hi, Bubbly! I love petting you. | |
姬小满嗨~阿鲲,还是这么好摸。 |
I heard that my mother asked you to seal my sorcery ability. Why? | |
姬小满听说母亲请您封印了我的魔道能力,为什么? |
庄周海都,有你想知道的一切。 |
It's so far away... I don't really want to know anymore. | |
姬小满好远,忽然不太想知道了。 |
- 相遇敌方墨子
Calm down, Master Mozi. Inhale, exhale, inner peace, remember? | |
姬小满墨子老师消消气,以和为贵以和为贵。 |
- 相遇友方曜
曜看见本天才在归虚梦演的表现了吗?是不是闪耀得所有人都睁不开眼! |
姬小满不愧是你!很能干嘛,那我的作业就交给你了!大天才~ |
- 相遇敌方曜
曜听夫子说你很厉害,是真的吗?上次考试不是刚及格吗?来战来战来战!看看谁更厉害! |
姬小满哦,你更厉害。 |
曜本天才还没出剑…… |
- 相遇友方西施
姬小满来,这是上次作业的酬劳。 |
西施多谢惠顾。 |
西施嘿~《大英雄姬云初的第五次求婚》市场反馈火热,未来合作愉快。 |
姬小满好麻烦,不如愉快地停更吧。 |
- 相遇友方孙膑
孙膑唉……下周考试的内容还没有复习,今天晚上好好学习。 |
Just wing it. | |
姬小满考试啊,随意发挥一下就好啦。 |
孙膑我有一个愿望,将时空之门背后珍贵的东西带回来。你呢? |
Teach at Jixia, then immediately retire. Collect pension and live an ordinary life. | |
姬小满任教稷下,当场退休,二十岁过上拿退休金的平凡生活。 |
- 相遇友方蒙犽
蒙犽姬小满!自己的作业自己做! |
姬小满不试试蒙叔没有尝试过的新解法吗?这可是证明自己的好机会。 |
姬小满蒙小犽,创造出让蒙叔大吃一惊的东西吧。 |
蒙犽那必须的! |
- 相遇友方蒙恬
蒙恬天资卓绝,以后定会成为超越你父亲的大英雄。 |
姬小满别提我爹,蒙叔。 |
姬小满蒙叔,今年生日,我爹又食言了…… |
蒙恬没有人知道他在哪里,他选择了一条注定孤独的道路。 |
- 相遇友方鲁班大师
姬小满听说小烦是大师的杰作,功能不错,就是有点……聒噪,帮我改改嘛。 |
鲁班大师更正一下,是夫子老师委托我制作的,程序修订比较麻烦,需要…… |
姬小满那算了。 |
- 相遇友方钟无艳
钟无艳嘿,你这包扎的方式姐喜欢。 |
It looks horrible, but hey, it works. | |
姬小满丑是丑点,管用就行。 |
- 相遇友方云缨
云缨我云缨,一定会成为故事里的大英雄! |
But stories often leave out the fact that though the hero saved everyone, he never got to see his wife for the last time. | |
姬小满故事不会说,英雄拯救了家乡,却没见到妻子最后一面。 |
- 相遇敌方云缨
Chang'an's great hero? | |
姬小满长安城的大英雄? |
- 相遇友方姜子牙
Hey, tell me the story about you and Fuzi. | |
姬小满说说您和夫子之间相爱相杀的故事呗。 |
姜子牙前行者从不沉缅过去! |
姜子牙你可想成为“次神职者”? |
Nope. | |
姬小满不想。 |
- 相遇敌方姜子牙
Ah, are you that friend in the legend who's absurdly stronger than Fuzi? | |
姬小满啊,莫非您就是传说中比夫子还要变态的那个朋友? |