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| == 在月球基地观望地球 == | | == 在月球基地观望地球 == |
| {{OW2Audio|File=000000038A2B.0B2|E|en=Earth. I've gone through a lot for you. Hope you appreciate it.|zh=地球,我为了你经历了太多,希望你别辜负我。}} | | {{OW2Audio|File=000000038A2B.0B2|E|en=Earth. I've gone through a lot for you. Hope you appreciate it.|zh=地球,我为了你经历了太多,希望你别辜负我。}} |
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| + | == 在多拉多 == |
| + | {{OW2Audio|File=000000020063.0B2|E|en=Los Muertos is a cancer on this city.|zh=骷髅帮就是这座城市的癌症。}} |
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| + | == 在66号公路 == |
| + | {{OW2Audio|File=000000020064.0B2|E|en=Reyes should have cleaned up the Deadlock Gang a long time ago.|zh=莱耶斯早就该清理死局帮了。}} |
| + | {{OW2Audio|File=000000063F66.0B2|en=This part of the country is so beautiful. Reminds me of road trips when I was a kid. (Sigh) Different world. And.|zh=西部的风景真美。让我想起小时候的公路旅行了。(叹气)世界已经变了,我们再也回不去了。}} |
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| + | == 在监测站:直布罗陀 == |
| + | {{OW2Audio|File=00000000B2E5.0B2|E|en=Lot of memories of this place. They weren't all bad.|zh=我记得这里发生的很多事情。有好也有坏。}} |
| + | {{OW2Audio|File=00000000B2E6.0B2|E|en=Bring back Overwatch? What's the point?|zh=重振守望先锋?有什么意义?}} |
| + | {{OW2Audio|File=00000000B2E7.0B2|E|en=Would have been better to let this all go.|zh=过去的最好就让它过去吧。}} |
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| + | == 在皇家赛道 == |
| + | *进攻方{{OWIcon|运载目标}} |
| + | {{OW2Audio|File=000000063F62.0B2|en=I remember we had Burnes here under deep cover for about six years. (chuckling) She got so good at cards, she qui.|zh=还记得当年我们派伯恩斯来这里做了六年卧底。(轻笑)结果后来她牌玩得太好,直接退出“守望先锋”去当职业牌手了。}} |
| + | *防守方{{OWIcon|运载目标}} |
| + | {{OW2Audio|File=000000063F61.0B2|en=I remember we were looking into Corsini S.p.C.... let's just say they're involved with more than Alisei and fancy.|zh=我想起当初我们调查柯西尼独资公司的事……他们的业务可不止阿里塞空轨和那些花哨的飞车。}} |
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| + | == 在斗兽场 == |
| + | {{OW2Audio|File=000000063F61.0B2|en=I remember we were looking into Corsini S.p.C.... let's just say they're involved with more than Alisei and fancy.|zh=我想起当初我们调查柯西尼独资公司的事……他们的业务可不止阿里塞空轨和那些花哨的飞车。}} |
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| + | == 在好莱坞 == |
| + | {{OW2Audio|File=000000063F64.0B2|en=You know, they tried to make a movie about the founding of Overwatch. Total flop. The guy who played me--what an.|zh=他们之前拍了部电影,讲“守望先锋”是怎么建立的。拍得一塌糊涂。片子里演我的那个家伙太业余了!}} |
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| + | == 在暴雪乐园 == |
| + | {{OW2Audio|File=000000063F65.0B2|en=I'm definitely too old for a trip to the amusement park.|zh=我这把年纪已经不适合再去游乐园了。}} |
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| + | == 在中城 == |
| + | {{OW2Audio|File=000000063F67.0B2|en=These New Yorkers could stand to learn some manners.|zh=这些纽约人真该好好学学什么叫礼貌。}} |
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| + | == 在新皇后街 == |
| + | {{OW2Audio|File=000000063F68.0B2|en=Is Treadweather ever gonna patch the control override on these damn things?|zh=特莱德怀瑟能修修这些破机器人吗?控制权总是改来改去的。}} |
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| + | == 在国王大道 == |
| + | {{OW2Audio|File=000000063F5E.0B2|en=I wouldn't change a thing we did here.|zh=我不会改变当年在这里的决定。}} |