←上一编辑下一编辑→ 沃利贝尔(英雄联盟) (查看源代码) 2021年6月15日 (二) 01:53的版本 添加342字节 、 2021年6月15日 (二) 01:53 →首次遇见敌方英雄第81行: 第81行: {{LOL|File =volibear.sp18|Script =Tell me, Rengar. Do your trophies make you stronger or do they weigh you down?|Translation=中文翻译(雷恩加尔)}} {{LOL|File =volibear.sp18|Script =Tell me, Rengar. Do your trophies make you stronger or do they weigh you down?|Translation=中文翻译(雷恩加尔)}} {{LOL|File =volibear.sp19|Script =Bristle! Why do you bow to this weak-willed warm-blood?|Translation=中文翻译(瑟庄妮)}} {{LOL|File =volibear.sp19|Script =Bristle! Why do you bow to this weak-willed warm-blood?|Translation=中文翻译(瑟庄妮)}} +{{LOL|File =volibear.sp20|Script =Hmm. You think you can be savage Tryndamere?|Translation=中文翻译(泰达米尔)}} +{{LOL|File =volibear.sp21|Script =What a-what is that? A cub?|Translation=中文翻译(悠米)}} +{{LOL|File =volibear.sp22|Script =Do you have something against bears old man|Translation=中文翻译(基兰)}} == 互动 == == 互动 == Sonako优质编辑4,938个编辑