“ | 以绝望挥剑,着逝者为铠。 | ” |
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破灭刃锋 Media:王者荣耀_人物播报_铠.mp3
背负诅咒的子嗣最终将在厮杀下融为一体,认知到这一事实的青年被不甘与愤怒支配,于月夜下挥刀屠戮整个家族。利刃却在最后幸存的妹妹面前犹豫,他就此放弃,向东漂泊。 |
Desperation sharpens my blade, while the souls of the dead, fortify my armor. | |
以绝望挥剑,着逝者为铠。 |
The Great Wall... It makes you forget your loneliness. | |
长城,让你忘记自己孤身一人。 |
It's so vexing, to have no worthy opponents left! | |
比任何对手都强,乃人生最大的烦恼。 |
If I can't stay away from it, I'll follow the will of my sword. | |
多管闲事的命运,碎裂于剑士的意志。 |
You can destroy me, but never defeat me. | |
一个人可以被毁灭,但绝不会被打败。 |
The threat of death gives me purpose. | |
无限接近死亡,更能醒悟生存的真谛。 |
A sharp mind is better than a sharp blade. | |
磨砺的不止锋芒,还有灵魂。 |
My blade thirsts... | |
饮血的刃,越发空虚。 |
Gaze at the blade! | |
别被剑锋蒙蔽! |
Walk towards death! | |
人,总是向死而生! |
Confront your fate! | |
对峙命运! |
Now thank me for ending your pathetic existence! | |
被诅咒的可悲人生,终结于我的剑刃。 |
One can be invincible and still feel empty inside. | |
无敌也不能填补的空虚。 |
Fate... is unavoidable. | |
无法击破的……宿命。 |
There is a void in me that cannot be filled by the sword... | |
剑道无法弥补的空虚…… |
My curse... ends here... | |
诅咒,终结于此。 |
- 被花木兰击杀
The redemption I've longed for... | |
梦寐以求的救赎吗…… |
- 被露娜击杀
I remember now... The cursed name, Kain... | |
想起来了,被诅咒的名字……凯因。 |
黑暗屈服于光明~长夜终结于闹钟和小妹的早安。 |
又一个迷失者。 |