{{OW2Audio|File=000000036C6D.0B2|E|en=Time to pay off the queen... (sighs) This is not a good plan.|zh=该把债还清了……这计划烂透了。}}
== 在漓江塔 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=000000036C6C.0B2|E|en=Only other place I can get some decent Chinese food.|zh=这里的中餐还不错。}}
== 在努巴尼 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=0000000216A4.0B2|E|en=Pretty sure they're still mad about those jewels we stole. I miss that crown.|zh=我很确定他们还记着我们偷走那些珠宝的事儿。我真想念那顶王冠。}}
== 在66号公路 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=000000063DEA.0B2|en=My west is wilder.|zh=没我们那儿的西部狂野。}}
{{OW2Audio|File=000000063DED.0B2|en=Eh, it's a dry heat.|zh=呃,真够燥热的。}}
{{OW2Audio|File=000000063DEA.0B2|en=My west is wilder.|zh=没我们那儿的西部狂野。}}
== 未知地图 ==
{{OW2Audio|File=00000002EFA9.0B2|E|en=If I wanted to go to the wop-wops, I could have stayed at home.|zh=早知道会来这种荒山野岭,我还不如在家里待着。}}
{{OW2Audio|File=00000000B6CE.0B2|E|en=Pretty place... be a shame to have to kill somebody.|zh=这地方真漂亮……可惜我得杀几个人。}}
{{OW2Audio|File=000000063DC7.0B2|en=I hate it here.|zh=我讨厌这里。}}